can i use honey ?


Well-Known Member
MORE info on using HONEY PLZZZ...we (NOOBS) need more answers PLZ...i used molasses in my hydroponic sys, and it made a big mess..lots of algea and bad i was wondering the same is HONEY a good idea for hydroponics??and would it do the same mess like molasses in my tank?

Use carbs that are specifically for hydro and avoid the mess.



Well-Known Member
dont you need those little things moving to help improve nutrient intake through the roots... im no expert but i think you want your soil to be active.
Yes, you want your soil to be active as it promotes root growth which in turn promotes better growth of your plant all over. Bacterial as well as fungal soil (in a balanced respect) is what Cannabis can use best

well if her friend sampled it, ill take his word for it, id just worry about my colony
There, I fixed it for ya :mrgreen: