Can Capitalism survive?


Well-Known Member
The definition of capitalism is "An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industries are controlled by private owners for profit". This concept has proven itself by driving economic growth in the US for over the last century, envied by the rest of the world. But now we are living in a new century, one where it appears that the rest of those countries have now embraced it also. Even China, one of the last bastions of Communism, has jumped on the bandwagon, with incredible success. But I think the dark side of capitalism is beginning to show up, and it doesn't look good for the planet as a whole. I can think of no better place to see that dark side than here in the US. What we are beginning to witness here is a huge gap between the winners and losers, so to speak, and it's cost to the health of society at large. In the US it has become even a political issue, with the Republicans embracing capitalism wholeheartedly, and the Democrats saying that some adjustment has to be for the economic security of the entire country. This is the main issue we are facing today. Is capitalism sustainable, or over time will it prove to be detrimental to society as a whole? Can having few amass most of the available resources, and leaving a marginal amount for the rest work? This is what made communism such a attractive option for many, but it lost to the economic might of the West. We simply out spent them, and they couldn't keep up except for China. Socialism is supposed to be a compromise between the two, but seems to be losing the war. Do you think that Capitalism is the answer to the economic well being of the world, or will it prove in the long run to be it's downfall? I don't know, but I do know it gives me a bad feeling about the future. There have been revolutions started for less.
Oh Jim, if you would only go back and wade though all my posts you would be a lot more bored than this. :)

There is no such -ism. It is not a constructed social theory. It is the rock of reality that the -isms are constructed to oppose. There is your confusion.

Marx defined amassing capital standing with coin as a marker of profit, as an -ism. It is NOT.

Now if you thought for one second about Marx and what he was, you can see his motive. He made up fake class distinctions and a fake -ism to oppose and write books.

He and you pretend that C-ism is the opposite but equal of M-ism. Is is not. There is no C-ism that is equal to the other -isms.

None of these theories are real but you will lose your shirt to me with this thinking. That is Capital.

BTW, you know Marx was born into a class of wealth. Dynastic Wealth of Capital building. Social standing is Capital.

Money is marker. All the rest is stupid theory to sell books and mind fuck you.
Oh Jim, if you would only go back and wade though all my posts you would be a lot more bored than this. :)

There is no such -ism. It is not a constructed social theory. It is the rock of reality that the -isms are constructed to oppose. There is your confusion.

Marx defined amassing capital standing with coin as a marker of profit, as an -ism. It is NOT.

Now if you thought for one second about Marx and what he was, you can see his motive. He made up fake class distinctions and a fake -ism to oppose and write books.

He and you pretend that C-ism is the opposite but equal of M-ism. Is is not. There is no C-ism that is equal to the other -isms.

None of these theories are real but you will lose your shirt to me with this thinking. That is Capital.

BTW, you know Marx was born into a class of wealth. Dynastic Wealth of Capital building. Social standing is Capital.

Money is marker. All the rest is stupid theory to sell books and mind fuck you.

Marx is dead, and so are his economic policies, with that I agree. That only 2 countries embrace it, shows it's apparent failure, sort of. China really is the last communist country left standing besides Cuba, but you can hardly call it is Marxist. Which is interesting considering it's economic stature in the world. With money comes power, but is that power in the hands of a relatively few a good thing? You say that is unavoidable , but is the effect on the world good or bad? See, I believe that in today's world with the globalization of free markets, that when there's a loser the consequences can be dire for a nation. For those countries to play with the big boy's, they need the cash, so when they borrow and lose, you have a Greece What is happening between the US and China is a good example. If one is defeated by the other, and there has to be a winner and a loser, what are the global consequences. You see workers in the US being discarded left and right,and we don't have enough money left over to do anything after paying off China. We are falling apart, literally, and we are losing the economic war with China, just like the Soviet Union lost to the US. What does that mean, it means were fucked. I believe that a free market system doesn't work well on a global scale. It can work on a national stage, sort of, but without some sort of balance, I think that the consequences of Wall Street unchained is that there are going to be more countries like more Greece and Spain where unemployment and debt are rampant, because the jobs all went to the cheapest bidder, like China. Ayn Rand must be smiling.
The US was fine and thriving before it became the world police and also sending billions out in foreign aid.
Well, godless materialism...some would say.

Where you and I differ, I gather from your, most interesting, reply; is I that have abandoned, Good vs Bad.

Also, I jettisoned Indifference, at about the same time.

To me,....the meaning of is is, it is what it is. :)

It is not good, bad or indifferent, it simply and majestically IS. Very awesome this reality from our point of view.

Most of this stuff we would have had no way to know, in the scope of history. We are lucky to know.

We are cursed to live in interesting times, but at least we know a little. Not enough for me to judge it nor would my petty opinions mean anything to me any more, if I did. Too Self Centered, these days. :)
It can survive as long as there is a state to protect private property.

When the US empire runs out of external enemies, there will be much more class warfare.

Remember, it only works because wage slaves still work for capitalists.
It can survive as long as there is a state to protect private property.

When the US empire runs out of external enemies, there will be much more class warfare.

Remember, it only works because wage slaves still work for capitalists.

I could be nit picking but I thought were for lower wage slaves (Illegal Aliens) coming in and working for their republican and democrat masters?
You're a white guy in America.

You're an illegal alien.

Also is it just the White Men in America? How about the Women? Would an Asian of legal status also be considered an Illegal Alien? How many full blooded indians are left after interbreeding and the wars/battles with the Europeans 100s of years ago? explain
Also is it just the White Men in America? How about the Women? Would an Asian of legal status also be considered an Illegal Alien? How many full blooded indians are left after interbreeding and the wars/battles with the Europeans 100s of years ago? explain
Good points, I'm curious as well.

My opinion is that white men and men in general aren't under the "protected status".
no such thing as capitalism in America, not with the federal reserve banking system at least. In a free market, the market would determine interest rates
Illegal aliens are good the economy in many areas, and without them your apple or tomato or orange you buy would cost double.The owner still has to maintain his profit margin, and you know he is going to pass that on to the consumer. You see, illegals really are doing us good. They act like a buffer against cost of living increases. Would you want to pay $5 a peach? Fuck no! That is why the are needed, and without them a large section of the economy would collapse. So say thanks to the next illegal you come across at Home Depot. He is making your life better, really.
Illegal aliens are good the economy in many areas, and without them your apple or tomato or orange you buy would cost double.The owner still has to maintain his profit margin, and you know he is going to pass that on to the consumer. You see, illegals really are doing us good. They act like a buffer against cost of living increases. Would you want to pay $5 a peach? Fuck no! That is why the are needed, and without them a large section of the economy would collapse. So say thanks to the next illegal you come across at Home Depot. He is making your life better, really.

Good for farming , Bad for the welfare system , public schools , hospitals , and the job market. Illegals mostly live 10 to a single bedroom apartment , send a % of there money back to there home countries causing inflation of the American dollar . I see people say they pay taxes other then buying things and paying a sales tax, how? if they are illegal how does it come out of their wages like a citizen?

The work for less argument is a good one if your rich having them work for you. Sure why pay citizens when you can hire the illegal for $5 an hour less?
Now tell me where does that leave all the unemployed citizens looking for work trying to feed their children? And when this America turns into the same shithole these people were running from then where do the people run Canada?
Also is it just the White Men in America? How about the Women? Would an Asian of legal status also be considered an Illegal Alien? How many full blooded indians are left after interbreeding and the wars/battles with the Europeans 100s of years ago? explain

The point went above your head. You must be smaller than I thought.

Nobody is illegal in my opinion. Therefore when you refer to "illegal aliens" I'm just reminding you that you're not native.
Article 1, Section's 8-10 clearly state the country's monetary policy. The Federal Reserve is the greatest criminal enterprise on planet Earth