California outdoor


Well-Known Member
You can spray the crap out of your plants with neem or safer soap the whole time they are in veg. The safer seems to kill a little better with no ill effects that I have seen. Remember to wash it off the next morning.

Lookin' good though bud.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice, how can I wash it off without hurting the leaves/plant?

gnight all!

Smiles for miles



Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice, how can I wash it off without hurting the leaves/plant?

gnight all!

Smiles for miles

Just spray or mist the plant with clean water- it won't hurt them. You don't want to use a raging hose that will blast them- just a spray bottle or something. If you use any of those sprays make sure to get THE UNDERSIDES OF ALL THE LEAVES AND EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY! Or else you are just wasting your time.ALso remember to rinse the undersides and nooks and crannies! Some people actualy turn their plant upside down and dip it in the tub or sink to get bugs off, but you can't do that for obvious reasons.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks again for the help shamegame!

Its suppose to be 90 today! ITs only 9:30 and its allready 75! So I decided to make an early hike up, and give my babies a nice watering before the sun directly hit em at 9.

She was real thirsty especially after no watering yesterday coupled with the heat! Tried out the new water I cooked up (Hopefully not too strong) Gave some more than I normally would considering the heat we are expecting the next few days.:hump::hump:

I am hoping to see some major results in the next 5 days! And I am looking forward to taking pictures of em and posting them!

Also, I was hoping someone had an idea about this. I used a 5-7-3 for flowering, good, bad, should I change something? Anyone ever used that? Any comments would be appreciated

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
So I am trying to find out how much of these nutrients I should give my plant.

The only directions are:

"Recommended amounts: Side dress ¾ to 1-½ cups for every 10 sq. ft. of growing area"

I am having a hard time with figuring out how to convert that?

if anyone could help it would be appreciated!

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
So today I wasn't able to make a trip to my spot until around two.

the soil was bone dry with the temps of 90 today. I gave it a real real good watering. Which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do as it was the first time I was trying nutes in my water. I think I may have a little to worry about. But we will see tomorrow.

I also found a bunch of little eggs growing, I took my time and made sure I squashed as many as I could find. They are real small, real light greenish eggs. Tomorrow I am hoping to make a trip to the nursery and get something like cinnamite to hopefully prevent other bugs, or any major infestations.

I also took my ph meter with me today. The soil is at a little less than 7, around 6.9

I dunno if I should worry about that or not. I looked around on the site and I found a few things that can make the soil more acidic. However I am not really sure how to add it?

I wrote down a few things that I can easily obtain, I.E sawdust, wood chips, or composted leaves.

I have all three of those in my own yard, however I do not what to do with them. Any help on that would be appreciated!

If I just took some sawdust and sprinkled it ontop of the soil would that do the trick? Or did it need to be mixed in at the beginning when I first prepared the soil?



Well-Known Member
Hey Humbo Jumbo, The fertilizer you mentioned is a little high in Nitrogen for flowering. Just to give you an idea I am using a 6-4-4 for vegging and a 2-8-4 for flowering. It wouldn't cost all that much to get something a little better suited for marijuana.


Well-Known Member
if he is outdoors, he is going to veg for 2 to 3 more months. he needs a mid to high N count.


Well-Known Member
I used a 5-7-3 for flowering,

if outdoors, look for more of a 8-4-4 or a 12-6-6 until july. then change up your nutes to the 5-7-3.

i actually use an orchid boost 5-60-5 for the 1st 2 weeks of july outdoors. it jumpstarts budding faster, i think. then drop down to a more even mix.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your words of wisdom.

I used a new nutrient and I am very happy with the results I see.

I don't think that the size of my plant could handle a nute as strong as a 5-60-5

However I am about 14 days into flowering and I am just trying to figure out the best things to use for this stage. I guess its all about trial and error!

Thanks you both for the great input! :hump::hump:

Btw shamegame my 5-7-3 nute is recommended for herbs/tomatoes


Well-Known Member
I used a 5-7-3 for flowering,

if outdoors, look for more of a 8-4-4 or a 12-6-6 until july. then change up your nutes to the 5-7-3.

i actually use an orchid boost 5-60-5 for the 1st 2 weeks of july outdoors. it jumpstarts budding faster, i think. then drop down to a more even mix.
Is that growing in the NorCal area? I never thought I would have noticed a difference with only a few hundred miles, but when I moved up here from L.A. I swear I can tell the difference in daylight hours (not to mention it tends to remain cooler overall).


Well-Known Member
I used a 5-7-3 for flowering,

if outdoors, look for more of a 8-4-4 or a 12-6-6 until july. then change up your nutes to the 5-7-3.

i actually use an orchid boost 5-60-5 for the 1st 2 weeks of july outdoors. it jumpstarts budding faster, i think. then drop down to a more even mix.
Instead of using a high N food during flower, I just continue veg nutes for the first 2 weeks of flower to cover the rapid growth and stretch.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Is that growing in the NorCal area? I never thought I would have noticed a difference with only a few hundred miles, but when I moved up here from L.A. I swear I can tell the difference in daylight hours (not to mention it tends to remain cooler overall).

Norcal has significant temperature differences, especially when you get up towards frisco, gets realllll cold compared to socal.

On a side note I really hope this plant makes it, Ive been giving it all the TLC I can possibly put fourth and I really hope that I get some smokable results. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Norcal has significant temperature differences, especially when you get up towards frisco, gets realllll cold compared to socal.

On a side note I really hope this plant makes it, Ive been giving it all the TLC I can possibly put fourth and I really hope that I get some smokable results. :mrgreen:

yes, it was. it was when i was growing right outside humbolt in the 80's. i am getting ready to go back up that way this summer, so next year outdoors!! (Yea! i miss the great outdoors)

looking about 200 miles under Oregon border, on the EAST side of sierra nevada hills. almost by oregon/idaho corner this time.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
yes, it was. it was when i was growing right outside humbolt in the 80's. i am getting ready to go back up that way this summer, so next year outdoors!! (Yea! i miss the great outdoors)

looking about 200 miles under Oregon border, on the EAST side of sierra nevada hills. almost by oregon/idaho corner this time.
Nice, I am real jealous. That area is so beautiful.

I have some awesome memories at gold beach.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
So today I am beginning to see white trichs form all over the forming buds!

I am very excited to see this as I know I now have around 6 weeks leff! (max)

There are plenty of bugs all over, and every day there are new eggs on my plant. I keep wiping them off but I am getting somewhat sick of it!

I found some intescticidal stuff and I was wondering if that is ok to use! On the bottle it lists the uses of it, and on the list it says Vegetables and fruits. So I assume that would be ok to use?

Looking for input, would be appreciated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I would try diatomaceous earth before I went a chemical route. Seems more "natural" to me, and doesn't require mixing.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response. I really want to stay organic, but I have absolutely no money.

And won't have any for possibly 8 more days (max) waiting for a dam ach transfer from my online bank. Takes up to 8 business days.

I'm worried that in that time my plant will be in some serious trouble.

But I guess I will continue to make the trip up there each and every day and sit and pick off bugs. When it comes down to it, I really don't want to use anything that isn't organic. Dunno what I was thinking. I worry a lot.

Just getting kind of paranoid having to head up there so much.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member

Well its looking real real fine! A nice hint of purple over the top and some of the bottom buds.

found a weird bug kind of looked like a super sized ant inside one of the buds. Poor guy got crushed! :twisted:

I'm gonna hit up a hydro store in the next few days and pick up some of that sweet nutrients stuff. I got some info on it and some opinions, doesn't seem to be a gimmick so I may as well try it!

Hopefully Ill have new pictures within the next few days!
