California outdoor

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply alx420!

Its gdp, and it supposedly has some pretty awesome genetics!

Thank you very much for the tips, I will make sure to do that and will post new photos as it progresses!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply alx420!

Its gdp, and it supposedly has some pretty awesome genetics!

Thank you very much for the tips, I will make sure to do that and will post new photos as it progresses!!
no problem. gdp is excellent. i am growing some Hawaiian Purple Kush (HPK). cant go wrong with purple kush. heres some porno.



Well-Known Member
Wow that looks really good!

Your stem looks like its pretty thick, how far are you in?
also as the plant develops in a breezy area it will fatten the stems. if you lack natural breeze, a fan would work. two swinging fans in opposite corners of a greenhouse or grow room.

you probably dont have that problem humbo.

i started mine in a windy area until nice stems developed and i got big leaves in direct sun. then transplanted into the ground in my greenhouse. they all have nice sturdy stumps and are all topped so big buds weight is evenly distributed.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the awesome responses alex.

I checked on my baby today and shes looking pretty good. I noticed one more leaf that had some damage, little tiny chew marks. So I am keeping my eyes open for any type of pests. Also I have been finding these very tiny black things not too many just a few here and there. I have been wiping them off just in case they are bad. But they resemble tiny flakes of soil, so I am not sure.

I checked top and bottom of all the leaves, and wiped them down as you had suggested.

Other than that the plant looks good, I notice a stronger smell and a more distinct forming of buds. It looks like you can see them forming all over the place, and I am extremely excited.

I also added some more of the same nutrients. As the past few waterings have not shown any nute burns. I made sure to take it easy on what I added, as I do not want to have to worry about hurting the plant.

Have a nice day!

:peace: n <3


Well-Known Member
the little black things might just be nat flies that like the smell of your bud. do they fly?

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thanks for for the response alex! Very appreciated as always!

No they do not fly, they are very very small, and just sit there. The size of a grain of sand or smaller.

I can't wait to see how the nutes I used and the new water I cooked up treats my baby!

I will hopefully have new photos by Friday of before!

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Checked her out today, AGAIN. It sucks having to grow outdoors just because you can't take a look whenever you want!

You can see some very slight purple in a few spots and the beginning of little tiny buds are forming everywhere!

I'm very excited to see how this turns out, I sure hope nothing goes wrong!

I plan on adding the last amount of nutrients in the following days. So hopefully that will give a boost!


Well-Known Member
Checked her out today, AGAIN. It sucks having to grow outdoors just because you can't take a look whenever you want!

You can see some very slight purple in a few spots and the beginning of little tiny buds are forming everywhere!

I'm very excited to see how this turns out, I sure hope nothing goes wrong!

I plan on adding the last amount of nutrients in the following days. So hopefully that will give a boost!
very cool. i just saw female hairs on the hawaiian purple. very exciting. what nutes are you using?

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
ooo congrats on that! I am using Dr. Earth organic5 I like it a lot so far. The first day I used it I saw over night results, which was pretty exciting!

Its a nute that you put on the soil so every time you water it works its magic.

It is ideal for the situation I am in, plus I like to grow organic.

I would love to see how your plants doing in the next few weeks, so feel free to post some photos everyone once n a while!

Thanks for stopping by

:peace: & <3

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
I got it from a local nursery. This way old 7 foot monster handed it to me and said "this is what you want for your tomatoes" and winked. IT was the second nursery I had gone to were the person I talked to immediately caught on to what i was saying.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
So heres the new updated pictures.

Its looking good except I noticed a few different bugs. And I think an aphid on the stem, i squashed em all!!!

And heres a leaf I picked off. I was wondering if anyone new if this was spider mite damage? A few of the leaves have those little dots on them.

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a wonderful sunshiny day

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
I'm real excited! The next few days are suppose to be getting pretty hot. With a high of 88 on Friday and Saturday! I can't wait to see some good results from my plants!


Well-Known Member
How about using ladybugs to help control the aphids?

On a similar note; I can JUST see two of the teeny tiny baby seedlings starting to sprout. :D
But, Flowergurl tells me it's too cold to leave them outside just yet, and I should get a fluoro light over them while they're inside, even though they get a lot of sun through the sliding doors.
And my husband just told me we're barely gonna make the mortgage this month, let alone pay any other bills. :( I really hope I'm not cleaning out for nothing, wish me job good luckiness!


Well-Known Member
looking good... as for spider mites i cant really see anything that would suspect them as the problem but if you got a magnifying glass you can find out for sure. if you do i think neem oil works good other thanthat i dont know.. ask fdd he has fought them before:twisted:

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by both of you!

I thought about lady bugs, but there are far too many other plants around mine. I don't think they would do much good. I assume they would just move on to other plants. Plus I am not worried about that too much as of now. I only spotted one, and I don't see too much damage from any critters yet. Just little things here and there . (I am just paranoid after loosing everything else)

Im sorry to hear about the mortgage thats gotta be really stressful! Hopefully your baby seedlings will help you through this hard time! Best of luck, I would love to hear how they come along over time.

tok3 thanks for always stopping by, you are great help! I feel like I should send you a gift bag in the mail once this is all over with! :P

I will keep my eye out for those spider mites, I hope I don't end up having to deal with an infestation. I will continue to wipe down the front and back of each leaf and hopefully that will prevent them!

How about using ladybugs to help control the aphids?

On a similar note; I can JUST see two of the teeny tiny baby seedlings starting to sprout. :D
But, Flowergurl tells me it's too cold to leave them outside just yet, and I should get a fluoro light over them while they're inside, even though they get a lot of sun through the sliding doors.
And my husband just told me we're barely gonna make the mortgage this month, let alone pay any other bills. :( I really hope I'm not cleaning out for nothing, wish me job good luckiness!

looking good... as for spider mites i cant really see anything that would suspect them as the problem but if you got a magnifying glass you can find out for sure. if you do i think neem oil works good other thanthat i dont know.. ask fdd he has fought them before:twisted: