California outdoor

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
have you been using nutrients.. and how often do you water.. if you are using nutes what kind and how?

I picked up some Dr. Earth organic5 I used way less than what was recommend.

The guy at the store told me to use one tablespoon or teaspoon I forget which one (I know, big difference) however i didn't use either i took a very minute pinch and put it on top of the soil like directed.

I watered it a tiny bit two days ago. (it started raining tonight) The water I used does have a small amount of a rooting hormone called take root. Along with a very small amount of sugar.

Is that a jiffy pot in the pic?

I don't actually no what that is. If it is the sponge thing that the plant came in than YES!
The club that I got all my clones from told me to keep it in that so that It could retain water better?

Even though thats what I thought perlite was for, I decided to not go against what they had said? (Hopefully it was not a wrong decision)

I greatly appreciate all the comments/suggestions/help!


Well-Known Member
Its 52f outside and its only 9:44!! I don't want to have to say good bye to my last baby :/
well it should be alright but i would go easy on nutes.. did you add it directly to the soil ??if so then dont flush the soil what ever you do it will keep burning them..:blsmoke: other than that keep it up.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
awesome thanks everyone for you the responses!

I really appreciate it!

Will update once I have time to go check on it!

Thanks again!

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thank you for the posts anita!

I just checked on her, and shes looking nice and healthy! I haven't watered her in a while now, but it did rain.

There is also a lot of fog and moisture in the air right now. (humidity at 77%) Hopefully that is not a problem?

I just hope that I can make it through April, after all this crap I would love to be able to at least keep my last baby! The low for tonight is 43 so its getting colder and colder.

I will have a new picture soon (soon as I can find my dam charger for my camera!)

Peace n <3


humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
So today I checked out my plant (way more than I should of)

Ended up having to take multiple trips, got kind of cocky on my 3rd trip as I ran the parts that have good cover. Tripped and almost broke my camera and even worse almost broke my body. I nearly fell a good 14 feet but I caught myself just in time!

Needless to say I was shaking the last 100feet to my spot.

I found a small looking slug/worm that was blackish/brown on one of the lower leaves. Didn't look like it did any damage I squashed it. I also found more very thin webs. I assume they are spider mites, but all the leaves excluding one had no damage at all.

I looked for spider mites tell tale webs but I can only seem to find little webs transferring from one place to the other. Just one thin web going from one spot to another. And there were only a few of those.

So I hope that for now I have nothing to worry about

(Unless I am missing something which I hope I am not)

I took a few pictures, not some of the best, one day I will bring my Nikon up and get some serious pictures.

Edit: Does that look like its on its way to flowering to anyone?



Well-Known Member
def. starting to flower. the very thin white hairs where the stems meet the stalk indicate female. looks excellent. a little too excellent to be risking multiple trips in one afternoon. better zafe then zorry. what strain is it again? wipe all of the leaves with a clean damp towel down next time. top and underside of leaves. every single leaf...should prevent spread of spider mites. dont get the leaves to wet as they may burn in the sun.