CaB STeAlth Grow /w Cfl'S - FiRst groW - MisTy, Speed Queen


New Member
overwatered ? i used to water every 2 days but i didnt water as much because i wasnt sure what i was doin.. now i water every 3 days.. by the 3rd day the soil is dry.. real dry.. which i fuigred would give the roots time to streach to find water.. then i water them the next day.. this time i watered till alittle water came out the bottom of the pots. usally i water alittle less my plants have been this way since they started getting leaves... so idk how it could be overwatering..the tips turn black after they turn yellow.. you cant really see it in those pictures


Well-Known Member
Yeah they don't look too good they physically look over watered but the images looks maybe under watered, the soil looks dry to me, I've heard the lower the hum is better but 15 that may be a bit low, leading to soil drying out faster and watering more often. do you have a moister meter yet? if not would be a wise investment, can get them under 6 bux at most places...
I did not state it was an over watering issue, please do not jump to conclusions I said "they physically look over watered"

Maybe it's a case of over water under water?


New Member
my bad man.. i just assumed thats what you were hinting at. im just trying to get all the info up and see if anyone has any experience withsomething like this.i think it has to be a heat and humidity issue... ive just put some ventalation in and the temp seems to have stabalized around high 70's low 80's... so hopefully with alittlle more work i can keep it high 70's and raise the humidity... if it is the problem my plants should jump back in the next few days to a week... if not they will continue to get worse... if they do i will look into new s oil or watering problems....


Well-Known Member
You should definitely look into new soil. The plant should be thriving even under watering every 3-4 days. I think it's your soil holding you back personally. Buy some new higher grade stuff. I wonder, did you soil in the bag come with fertalizer already in the mix? Some package weed killing agents into their soil.. sometimes the print on the bags isn't as big as it should be. If it does have weed killing or hindering chemicals in it then maybe it's slowly killing the cannabis.


New Member
im pretty sure its just normal potting soil... it was like... promix.. or gardenpro.. something to that effect.... i will look at the bag i got in my garage.. i got 2 bags ive only used 3/4 of one... the soil is alittle clumpy but i think its just mainly the heat... the new sprouts are a decent size for there age...but next grow i will def use some better soil... or potting soil mixed with perlyte


New Member
ok got some new pics.. ive been fucking booked with finals and termpapers.... 2 more and im done :mrgreen: so i just kinda let the plants do what they were gonna do... i changed watering to every 4th day not third..plants are still growing... but by time they get a new set of leaves the old ones are yellow/brown



New Member
the first two pics are of the same sprout.. lower leaves droop and are slightly yellow
third pic is of the baby sprout. it got stuck in its shell and is alot smaller then others just 2 fake and 2 real leaves
forth pic is of another sprout.. same yellowing drooping and browning
fifth pic is of a deformed sprout... its one side of leaves is smaller then the other
sixth pic is of another sprout less yellowing.. but browning along edges...
eigth pic is of older sprout( one that got stunted) its about as big as all others less yellowing.. but slower growth
neinth pic is of older sprout( stunted) i cut some of the brown leaves off and i dont see much growth if any... not alot of yellowing... its just at a dead stand still... i think ima pull it and put someone else in the big pot

Other news: gonna get some mylar and general hydroponic nutes offline( unless i can find a hydro store in yellow pages) i dont know of any around me but who knows..... i am gonna try to put 3-4 more holes and add 1-2 computer fans. and i need a good quiet circulation fan... the one i have now is pretty loud ( said wisper quiet on box) bullshit ;) are osclating fans quiet?.... i was thinking 1 120 mm fan for intake (5o cfm or so) 1 250mm computer fan(huge 9'' for outtake 105 cfm) then i might try to get a 250 watt cooltube with 2 120(50 cfm) computer fans on each end(33,ooo lumens/6 sq ft or so) should be enough... if i cant or shouldent get the cooltube then ill just get a fuckload of cfls and see what i can do ;(
i have some MG nutes 30-15-15 and 10-15-15 i think i will try em for alittle bit to see if it will stop the yellowing and improve growth any other suggestions appriciated



Well-Known Member
The temps you stating should be fine, however you didn't give us a reading of your humidity, what is that like? also I would definitely think about some new potting soil, try getting organic with worm castings if at all possible..

What are you getting hydroponic nutes for if you are growing in soil? also I wouldn't feed them lil guys any MG right now, I recommend straight water.

Where do you plan on purchasing the 250w, have you checked out Home & Garden Supply? they seem to have the best deals and prices..

Most oscillating fans are quiet for the most part and are frequently found at thrift stores cheap this time of year, I'm stocking up on them:mrgreen:

Hope everything works out for you!


New Member
with the fan in there temps stay around 82.... but i wanna get another fan blowing on the plants so it gets some of the heat away as for humidity it tends to be really low... at the start of the grow it was constant 40... then it dropped to 30 then 10-20... now it stays around 20-low 30's alittle bit higher when the lights are off....

as for the lights i really dont wanna use cfls.. but my cab only has 3 ft of vertical space. so i assumed getting a 400 w in there would be to hard so i think ima get a 250 watt hps or hps/mh system from HTG supply .. that ebay store thing... ive herd they are very customer friendly they have good products at decent prices... i was gonna see if they could switch out the stock reflector with a cool tube for some extra $$ then run ducting to a fan on each side

as for the nutes... i thought liquid nutes were just fine for soil.... what else would you use.... i thought you just mixxed it with water and fed it to your plants every second or third watering....

the yellowing i feel is due to the heat/humidity/ventalation factor.... its just a hunch but i think thats what it is... my watering seems nutes... regular poting soil(i will check bag tommorow) decent size pots... so what else could it be


Well-Known Member
the yellowing i feel is due to the heat/humidity/ventalation factor.... its just a hunch but i think thats what it is... my watering seems nutes... regular poting soil(i will check bag tommorow) decent size pots... so what else could it be
I think you hit it on the nail DOT, get that fixed and I'll bet big bucks that it helps A LOT!, also if you gunna stick with that soil, at least ad some perlite or something, that will also help..


Active Member
does anyone else have experience using the air purifying bulbs? i think the most common ones are made by a company called TCP and the bulbs are marketed under the name fresh2Ti. i've found a lot of mixed reviews of them online and it seems like a lot of their ability to expel odors lies with the smell of what youre trying to get rid of. how do they work with marijuana?

i'm pretty sure these are the ones he bought: Light Bulbs - 1000bulbs


New Member
yea i just got a small one cuz it looked intresting.... i really havent seen what it can do... i have it up at the moment but there is no real smell to get rid of... so i dont know if it works


Active Member
oh ok. well id really appreciate it if you could keep me posted on how well those things work. my whole grow project im looking to start next month hinges on whether or not i can effectively and cheaply eliminate odor.


New Member
i would suggest this... im sure that the bulbs will eliminate odor... but i doubt very much that it will get rid of all the odor from a mature plant.... im sure it would help but in no way would it compleatly conceal it... if i were you i'd make your grow room/cab airproof and put in an intake and outtake... make the out take have a bigger fan then the intake that way you have negative pressure in the box... that way no air will escape( except throu that vent) and hook your fan up with a carbon scrubber... you could get one online for like 40-100$ for a small-medium size one


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
updated pics... plants still small...stunted... or something... these first 4 are dull yellow or yellow/green.. and seem to have extreamly slow growth with lower leaves that die at a steady rate. the last of the pics is a small but more dark green plant..

they look extremely dry, try watering them also try moving the light closer. Are you using cfls? :joint::peace::peace::peace:


New Member
these last 3 plants are doing better... one was from the first batch.. still slow growth and pale but it is bigger/slightly greener then the rest ..... the other 2 plants in these pics are from second batch and seem to have snapped out of there stunting alittle... they are several times the size of the other plants and have much darker leaves with new noticable growth every three days...

if anyone has any idea about why plants in the same enviorment are growing diffrently let me know... because i am seriosly wondering wtf is goin on



New Member
yea i am using cfls... right now 125 watts for 7 sprouts... lights about 4-5 inches away ... heat in the box is 70-81 hum is rather low 20-40 .....i watered those plays 2 days ago. and i usally water every 3-4 days water untill fully saturated( water drips out bottom) nutes. i dont ph my water. but im geting a meter offline(cant find in stores) ... origionally i had the lights closer.(2-3 inches) but it seemed to make the leaves die faster... so i backed it up... i can hold my arm within 1 inch if not touching the light( it gets reasonably hot woll touching) if anyone knows what this is i would really like some help.. i dont see how 2 plants are doing good(now) and 6 plants are on the verg of dieing... in the same enviorment they are literly touching eachother(containerS)


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
yea i am using cfls... right now 125 watts for 7 sprouts... lights about 4-5 inches away ... heat in the box is 70-81 hum is rather low 20-40 .....i watered those plays 2 days ago. and i usally water every 3-4 days water untill fully saturated( water drips out bottom) nutes. i dont ph my water. but im geting a meter offline(cant find in stores) ... origionally i had the lights closer.(2-3 inches) but it seemed to make the leaves die faster... so i backed it up... i can hold my arm within 1 inch if not touching the light( it gets reasonably hot woll touching) if anyone knows what this is i would really like some help.. i dont see how 2 plants are doing good(now) and 6 plants are on the verg of dieing... in the same enviorment they are literly touching eachother(containerS)
how old are they? and what type of nutes are you using if any? are you using a fan?

mr j2

Well-Known Member
arent those "odor eliminating" lights just lights that emit negative ions? If you want that you can just get a small neg. ion generator :blsmoke: