So the plan is to select the phenotypes with the best flavour and effect. I will do a selection of 2-4 to keep at harvest this round and run a second round with them to choose a keeper.
This way I don't need to keep so much data this time, since flavour and effect is the only thing that matters.
That lets me focus more on the growth structure next run when I have fewer phenos to work with. I find it easier to track the different phenotypical expressions and to remove the noise of micro environment factors this way.
I have started to prep the mother so I can cut 4 clones of each one to be ready when harvest comes.
The mother are keep in a home made cabinet with some 3x35w Temu led panels. They give of 200ppfd directly under the light so they are not strong. But they are good enough to grow a plant to take cuttings every few weeks.
I top feed them once ore twice a week and sometimes I just put some nutrient solution in the tray and let them drink it.
My tap water is not so great so I use RO water and mix up a batch every time I feed.
I feed them 2L every time with gives plenty of run off. Today it was at 1.4EC and 5,8PH so seems to be in good range.
Nutrient used at the moment is 2ml/l (1,1EC) Canna A and B, 0,8ml (0,4EC) Cal/mag. And I use the Rhizotonic and Cannazym according to feeding schedule.
I spray all plants once a week with Neem and a rotation of Rosmarin oil, eucalyptus oil and lemongrass oil. I use remulgan as an emulsifier.
I am running out of neem so will be looking in to other IPM sprays out there to see what is available.
All mother freshly cut.
Led panel that I had to cut the cords of to wire up in the cabinet. And one of the fans I have for vetilation.