Just another grower


Welcome to my grow room!!
So I finally got 2 tents to grow in. And will start to collect some mother plants.
So I thought it would be helpful to do some better journaling and to share it so I can get some help along the way. Feel free to post in my journal as long as we keep it civil.

First round of Geno hunt is of Hella Jelly from Humboldt seed company. Im looking for something with that sweet taste and fast flowering. Flavour over any thing thou :)
In general i´m more of a sour pungent kind of guy but would like to have a sweet mother in my stable so thought a fast flowering one would be great to start of with.

The seed sproutet 21/8 so they are on day 29 now. They had a little bit of rough start, all my fault since I tried to germinate in coco jiffy and let them dry out too much.
8 out of 10 seed are alive. 2 had a slower start then the rest but the all look good by now.

I keep them in 1 lite pots for now, 50/50 coco and perlite. using the tray 2 grow.
Canna nutrient line and RO water.

Clones taken today of all the plant, hopefully they all root so I can put them straight in to 4l pots and flower directly.











Well-Known Member
Tip of the hat to you small container growers. I never had the ability to successfully grow in anything under 3 gallon(12 liter) normally I'm in 6 gallon bags(24 liter). That takes some dedication.
Your babies look a bit hungry to me, but that could be the lighting. I'll be over here in the corner with my bong, tagging along.


Tip of the hat to you small container growers. I never had the ability to successfully grow in anything under 3 gallon(12 liter) normally I'm in 6 gallon bags(24 liter). That takes some dedication.
Your babies look a bit hungry to me, but that could be the lighting. I'll be over here in the corner with my bong, tagging along.
Thanks for hanging around :)
You are absolutly right, they are looking hungry. They were under feed for a while. My mistake, but have ramped up the nutrient by now and they seem to bounce back. I run RO water with canna nutrients at 1.6 EC fright now.

The plan is to just keep the original plants alive while I flower out the clones So the small pots will probably be sufficient.
The interesting part will be the Flowering of the clones. I will try to flower in 4l pots. Same medium. 50/50 coco and perlite. I can fit 10 of them in the tray 2 grow so will be interesting to see how well it manage irrigation.
Never grown in so small pots before either.
Im usually a living soil kind of guy but needed a quick expansion so went the coco direction for now.


7 day since I took the clones and they are still alive.
They got some burn leaf tips and the pucks felt dry and light so I moisten the puck a little.

The mother plants have started to bounce back since the topping. I have dialled back the EC to 1.3.
I have some issues with the cal/mag, Not all plants seem as affected but something is not right.
I use 1ml/l right now. I need to check what EC that is. Fuck that 0.6EC.
I will dial it down to 0.4 and see how the plants react.
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The first batch of clones is on its 9th day and some have small roots already.
I gave them all a haircut and added 16 more clones. 2 from each mother.

The mothers will be kept alive until I have clones rooted from all of them.
EC is down to 1.15 and they seem to do better.


Well-Known Member
7 day since I took the clones and they are still alive.
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They got some burn leaf tips and the pucks felt dry and light so I moisten the puck a little.
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The mother plants have started to bounce back since the topping. I have dialled back the EC to 1.3.
I have some issues with the cal/mag, Not all plants seem as affected but something is not right.
I use 1ml/l right now. I need to check what EC that is. Fuck that 0.6EC.
I will dial it down to 0.4 and see how the plants react.
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Love the training on these!
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Transplanted the clones today to 4l pots, 50/50 coco perlite. Gave them plenty of water, 1,3EC
Gonna give them about a week to establish the roots and then flip to flower.
Moved the original mothers to the second tent just to keep them alive while the clones root.
I am surprised how well they are doing in such small pots.


And today 2 new females was born. Exodus cheese from Greenhouse seeds company.
They went direct in to the living soil pots and took 72hours to sprout.IMG_1556.jpeg
Welcome to my grow room!!
So I finally got 2 tents to grow in. And will start to collect some mother plants.
So I thought it would be helpful to do some better journaling and to share it so I can get some help along the way. Feel free to post in my journal as long as we keep it civil.

First round of Geno hunt is of Hella Jelly from Humboldt seed company. Im looking for something with that sweet taste and fast flowering. Flavour over any thing thou :)
In general i´m more of a sour pungent kind of guy but would like to have a sweet mother in my stable so thought a fast flowering one would be great to start of with.

The seed sproutet 21/8 so they are on day 29 now. They had a little bit of rough start, all my fault since I tried to germinate in coco jiffy and let them dry out too much.
8 out of 10 seed are alive. 2 had a slower start then the rest but the all look good by now.

I keep them in 1 lite pots for now, 50/50 coco and perlite. using the tray 2 grow.
Canna nutrient line and RO water.
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Clones taken today of all the plant, hopefully they all root so I can put them straight in to 4l pots and flower directly.
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Growing in small container is a BITCH! but I see you put an effort to it, so I can only give you my best blessings! If those are successful then you can really be called an experienced grower. Much love, brother, the best of success to your project!


Growing in small container is a BITCH! but I see you put an effort to it, so I can only give you my best blessings! If those are successful then you can really be called an experienced grower. Much love, brother, the best of success to your project!
Thank you your those kind words, not sure if I would call my self experienced grower after this but we are getting there :)
Never grown in so small containers before so gonna be a fun experience


The clones are suffering a little bit. Not sure if it is just the transplant shock and environment change that's the cause.
I have not turned on the auto watering yet since the roots not established yet. Im watering with 1,3 total EC where 0,3 is cal/mag, 6,0PH.
I checked the run off and it was 1,4EC and 6,0PH so should be in correct range
Cal/mag might be low so might need to bump it up.
I will see how they develop during the next days.

Plants 1-8






The mother are still thriving in there 1l pots. I keep them hydrated by just filling the tray with some nutrient solution every day.
Their life is coming to an end in 1-2 week. I took last batch of clones on the 27th so just waiting to make sure I have roots on all of them.


So Im gonna scrap this round. I made too many mistakes so the clones will take too long to recover for my experiment.
And since I already got new clones rooted I will just start over.
I didn't really think the transplant true.
Mistake nr 1 - not acclimating the clones, I took them directly from the humidity dome.
Mistake nr 2 - not rinsing the coco coir properly. Too high EC to begin with.
Mistake nr 3 - not watering enough. I just gave them a little every second day so it was to salty I think.

So my cloning game seems good accept for the acclimating part.
This time I have 16 clones, 14 have roots already and the 2 that don't comes from the same mother. She is the runt of them all but I won't give up on her yet, she might be the tastiest one :)
I feed them with 0,3EC PH6,2 and opened the lid yesterday. I will remove the lid today for a few hours and see how they react.

I am gonna reuse the same bags with coco coir. I just rinsed them with lots of RO water and cal/mag 1.8EC to flush out other salts and then with lots of Plain RO water util I have an runoff EC of 0.1

So for the nutrient side I kind of fucked my self by watering too little.
I will mix up a batch of nutrient and dilute it to my needs. Starting off at 0.4EC and then raising it every second day with 0.1EC. and I will water to runoff every day.

Say good bye to the ladies. May they rest in peace.


Here are the new girls.
After I see roost coming out I let them stand in nutrient solution off 0.3EC, 6.2PH and change it every day.
I will transplant them tomorrow I think


So gave the mothers a haircut today. They are kept under some shitty led panels that barely reaches 200ppfd 5cm under the light.
I expect them to go in to slowmotion mode now. So will reduce the nutrient to 0.6EC, fill the tray and let them drink what they want and then remove the excess.



Well-Known Member
Nice. Very nice. Great dedication to finding a nice specimen. I think you will be impressed how this strain performs and how good the buds are @ finish. Very tasty. I just took down a girl I did outdoors and she is full-on strawberry. Smelling the jar is like opening a fresh pack of strawberries from the store. It will be interesting to see what you find.


Nice. Very nice. Great dedication to finding a nice specimen. I think you will be impressed how this strain performs and how good the buds are @ finish. Very tasty. I just took down a girl I did outdoors and she is full-on strawberry. Smelling the jar is like opening a fresh pack of strawberries from the store. It will be interesting to see what you find.
I never searched for a keeper before so thought she would be a tasty one to have. Im can already see some differences so should give me somethings to choose from.
And by your description I have something special to look forward to.
How did yours grow?