Yeah man You definately need a Regulator bruh. I bought mine off of Craigslist for $80.....The entire Co2 setup is alot of $$$$$$....But what you could do is, if there is NO WAY you can get a regulator and timer(Im sure you have a timer somewhere) You could run the hose to the back of an oscillating fan and manually turn it on, the fan would blow the gas over the canopy of the plants....This is a VERY INNEFFICIANT way of using Co2.....And Co2 isn't very cheap either...I pay $28 a fill...and thats because im a member of thier little welders society(I've never welded a day in my life LOL) So you would be wasting money going that route. I usually make a couple hundred clones and then trade them out for what equipment I need. Helps overhead

In my PERSONAL opinion. Without the reg...theres no gas bruh. Co2 WILL kill you if used irresponsibly. Get a reg and multiply your rooms square footage by .0015...that tells you what to set your flow meter to. For example a 4x4 room would be : 4x4 = 16 (16*.0015) = .024....Im no math guy but all in all 16 x.015 = you'd set your flow meter to around 2.5 - 3. I set mine 1 point over to account for any possible leaks. If your grow is inside your home AT ALL...Dont use it without a reg. When I first used it I went your route and found myself taking ALOT of deep breaths...I soon figured out it was Co2 leaking into my room from my grow closet.....Wound up sealing the room better and investing into a reg, DIGITAL TIMER (WAAAAY BETTER $12) And Co2 Test kits ($15 kit / $48 10 extra test pens)...Youll be able to really SEE the difference it makes with the right shit...without it.... Impovements in yield are minimal at most.
Things to expect and prepare for:
Higher humidity...Mine rose by 25%
Higher temps....cant run exhaust with the gas on.
Possible burning....TOO MUCH CAN HURT OR KILL....Co2 has almost killed a plant of mine before for keeping it on to long while the temps shot to 100*f
$$$....Be prepared to keep it full. Nothings worst than needing Co2 and not having time to go get a fill...or no money for it.
Attention...When I get home with a big ass Co2 tank on my shoulder every few weeks....neighbors may wonder....What the fuck thier neighbors doing in there..I bring anything hydro in the wee hours of the morning. People may stay up late...but they sure as hell hate waking up early on weekends. Thats when I move.
Sorry it took so much space...but just wanted to let ya know the deal on Co2....I LOVE IT!! And will probably use it forever.
Happy Growing
Edit: If you go the hose to fan have to stand there for about 2 minutes with the Co2 open 25% of the way and turn it off before you walk away from it...Otherwise you could forget, smoke a bowl, fall asleep, and die....yes it's THAT serious.