Byron Smith execution of burglars

He went far beyond defending himself when they lay wounded on the floor and he shot them again and again. The verdict was just.
I my world we call that compassion, he could very well have just let them bleed to death in agony from the .22 he used, he ended them quickly.

When a cow gives birth to a 2 headed calf, we shoot the calf. It is the compassionate thing to do, 2 headed calves never live for long.

Byron Smith is what happens to anyone who has their place broken into and robbed multiple times, your political affiliation makes no difference. Why do you all think Bucky the ultimate liberal was entertaining ways in which to murder his rippers? Because having your property and livelihood stolen from you isn't forgivable for most. Has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with being a imperfect human.
It can be safely presumed he is not a "bleeding heart liberal" by his own account. So what options does that leave? Perhaps he feels a personal connection to the Bloc Quebecois?
Wait, in your world there is only black or white? How boring it must be.

I've got no problem with shooting motherfuckers breaking into your home, because you can't possibly know their intent. The motherfuckers obviously have no respect for personal property, or the sanctity of ones' home, so why should I believe they respect the lives of my family and I? FUCK that.

However, once I've landed a shot string on a motherfucker and they no longer pose a threat, I'm not going to keep shooting them, and I'd call EMT / LEO's to patch them up if they could.

Good initiative, poor judgement on the part of the ol' dude.
Oh, I see. So you think he is a liberal?

The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.
I'm sure John Stuart Mill would be right there with you on that. Borrowing further from a general definition of liberalism, "Individuals are assumed to be capable of using reason and taking rational actions in pursuit of their interests."
Yup...he sure was rational in his actions. No attempt to communicate was made, just foot on steps, BANG! "You're dead"

MEANWHILE, back in your neck of the 'hoods, we can look at general points of note in conservative ideology, to see if there is any relation to this incident. The primary contrast coming from classical conservatism is in the manner which humans are seen;
"Inherently imperfect with a great potential for evil and a limited capacity to use their reasoning abilities." not only does he fit the bill, he also supports that point by demonstration.

Definitely a liberal :lol:

Politics, Power and the Common Good 2e, Mintz et al. 2009
I didn't say he was a liberal. My point was that you cannot assume that he's anything. The only thing you can gather from what you quoted from him is that he is not a "bleeding heart" liberal. He could be anything, including many shades of liberal.
Anyone know what Brady had done for a living before he retired? HE was employed by the US State Department

Setup Physical security for US Embassies.

He knew every secret in the book because the government made him into what he is today.
Does anyone here have a problem with this new trend of videoing "reenactments" of an event? Seems to me this is just manufacturing evidence.
Does anyone here have a problem with this new trend of videoing "reenactments" of an event? Seems to me this is just manufacturing evidence.
That's EXACTLY what it is. You only need the MSM and a few "experts" to make even mother Theresa guilty of the holocaust and every baby death ever.
I didn't say he was a liberal. My point was that you cannot assume that he's anything. The only thing you can gather from what you quoted from him is that he is not a "bleeding heart" liberal. He could be anything, including many shades of liberal.

Is that not what I said in the first place?
Your response suggested, by comparison of conservatives, he was a liberal. So either your point was completely frivolous (highly possible knowing you) or you believe he was somehow still in the realm of practicing the tenets of liberalism.
Now I do concede I may have implied his having an affiliation with conservatism (unless someone considered the Bloc comment literally), but upon examination in the follow-up, it sure appears like his perspective leans in that direction, would you agree?
should have used rubber slugs
Should have "Acted" like he was scared and said, "put the knife down or I'll shoot", then started shooting. In Minnesota you cannot kill someone in your home illegally, if they only break in and hit you with their fists, they must have a weapon for it to be felonious assault, and only then can you kill them in self defense, otherwise you have a duty to retreat and let unarmed assailants steal whatever they wish until the police arrive, if ever.

His biggest mistake was in not moving out of the Minnesota socialist republic many years ago. It is a beautiful state, has many resources and alot going for it, but the socialists have totally dug a grave for it.

My brother still lives there and he tells me daily of the BS that happens, he is only waiting for his kids to graduate from HS so he can move as it has gotten especially bad the last several years.
Is that not what I said in the first place? Your response suggested, by comparison of conservatives, he was a liberal. So either your point was completely frivolous (highly possible knowing you) or you believe he was somehow still in the realm of practicing the tenets of liberalism.
Now I do concede I may have implied his having an affiliation with conservatism (unless someone considered the Bloc comment literally), but upon examination in the follow-up, it sure appears like his perspective leans in that direction, would you agree?
I'm sure he is conservative. Conservative or liberal, doesn't matter to me, they should not have been in his house. If they never broke into his house, they would still be alive.
Should have "Acted" like he was scared and said, "put the knife down or I'll shoot", then started shooting. In Minnesota you cannot kill someone in your home illegally, if they only break in and hit you with their fists, they must have a weapon for it to be felonious assault, and only then can you kill them in self defense, otherwise you have a duty to retreat and let unarmed assailants steal whatever they wish until the police arrive, if ever.

His biggest mistake was in not moving out of the Minnesota socialist republic many years ago. It is a beautiful state, has many resources and alot going for it, but the socialists have totally dug a grave for it.

My brother still lives there and he tells me daily of the BS that happens, he is only waiting for his kids to graduate from HS so he can move as it has gotten especially bad the last several years.
Since moving to Colorado, I don't hear of nearly as many home invasions, car jackings, or homes getting broken into as back in Minnesota. I do miss the lakes though...
Apparently Brady had stolen Smith's Vietnam Medals and had pawned them for a pittance in a previous burglary.

That is one of the most morally repugnant things I have ever heard. Stealing someones Military medals? Torture wouldn't be good enough for someone like that.
I'm sure he is conservative. Conservative or liberal, doesn't matter to me, they should not have been in his house. If they never broke into his house, they would still be alive.
If he alerted them to his presence, they might still be alive.
If he shot them in the legs, they might still be alive.
If he didn't pull the trigger, they might still be alive.
If they weren't born, they might still be alive...

Oh shit I am in the politics section again, more of the "my dick is dumber than your dick"
Yes you are, and yes it is.
I'm torn on this one. I don't find fault with shooting someone that has broken into your home, whether they are armed or not. Maybe they have a decade of MMA training and could choke you out with ease. You shouldn't have to face that possibility in the confines of your own domicile.

If I'm relaxing in my home and someone breaks in, we aren't going to be pitting our pugilistic skills against one another, we're going to be conducting a bullet versus vital organ experiment akin to "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop."

Where I have a problem is the coup de grâce on them if they were already incapacitated.

Anyone who breaks into a home in this day and age where practically EVERYONE is armed, is so stupid they almost deserve whatever outcome that materializes.
If he alerted them to his presence, they might still be alive.
If he shot them in the legs, they might still be alive.
If he didn't pull the trigger, they might still be alive.
If they weren't born, they might still be alive...

Yes you are, and yes it is.
Might? That's a whole lot of might...

There is no "might" in my scenario.

If they had not decided to commit a felony and breake into his hose...they would still be alive.