Busted :( The second you know its over :(

fuck snitches, fuck crooked cops, and fuck growing in a NON-legal state!!!!!!!!

If everyone had a mentality like that nothing would ever change. This legality your enjoying is a VERY recent thing, and up to it happening people have been manning up and taking the risk to do what is right.
if u had a good NEW carbon filter you could sue them for the fuker NOT working

if u have a good carbon filter and it DOES work then get the details out and use that as evidence like, shit look top of line brand new NOWAY could he smell it, looks its impossible look at the warrenty

total bullshit but meh! live and learn bruther.
This thread reminded me of about two weeks ago I just left my place and abouta mile down the road from my house J see the county sherriff suitin up for a raid in a Savers parking lot, why there idk. Anyways I about made on in my pants right there, sweat it all the way to work and then redo a mental tally of what i saw. 1 riot truck 5 squad cars and a dozen or so unis.

I took a deep breath and wrote it off thinking that if they are coming in that heavy for lil old me I should be honored lol considering i am small potatoes. Had myself pretty worked up but not as bad as when a county k-9 squad pulled in my driveway when me and my roommates were walking back from a bball game at the park. I held it together decent but one of my roommates turned sheet white and looked like he was gonna puke, so we 180d far from the house and went back to the park for an hour. Nothing ever came of it but it doesnt hurt to be on the paranoid side of things sometimes.

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And to the op best of luck to to you with your time man, i too have kept myself on the straight and narrow except for the love I have for marijuana and hoping the first offender thing saves my skin in the future. Kinda funny how much of an upstanding citizen I have turned into since i started growing. I was quite the devious lil teenager not to long ago....;)

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I was pulled over on my own back ass road before by a sheriff and his boy, with a K9 unit. It was for my turning signal not working, but I had a few roaches in my ashtray. My car seats are like black holes, so I dropped them down the side of my seat and they were never found. But they tried to search my car, told me I didn't have the right to decline, to which I replied stating my right to protection and liberty concerning unlawful search and seizure without probable cause and a warrant. They told me I didn't know jack shit, then left. LOL I don't know jack shit, yet they're the ones retreating.

I'll tell you. I have never wanted to harm another human being so much before in my life. Stupid bastard sons of bitches. If a cop, or anyone for that matter, every tries to trespass and break into my house or vehicle without a warrant obtained by probable cause, legit or not, I'm taking that pinhead out right where he stands based on PRINCIPLE ALONE. Or at least I like to fantasize about it ;) fuckin pigs *spits*
Agreed unc, there are the righteous few who are cops for the right reasons. I know this because I have been fortunate enough to meet a few in my time, there are also those dick lickers who think everyone is breaking the law and it is their job to set you straight for spitting on the sidewalk (actual city ordinance where I am from).

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Agreed unc, there are the righteous few who are cops for the right reasons. I know this because I have been fortunate enough to meet a few in my time, there are also those dick lickers who think everyone is breaking the law and it is their job to set you straight for spitting on the sidewalk (actual city ordinance where I am from).

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I've come across a few genuinely good people that happened to be cops. Most have been assholes who think being a cop is like how Hollywood portrays them. When I hear stories from back in the day, cops used to be the guy you'd have a chat with while you stopped at the news stand with a hotdog. Y'know... a POSITIVE experience. I fear that if I ever walked up to a cop out on the street or in the market and started a conversation, he'd be suspicious I was on something or holding. Bass ackwards.
I held a door for a local cop at a gas station as I was on my way in recently (was really high so i was hiding in plain sight lol). Just trying to be curteous uniform or not, dude totally fucking avoided me like I had a gun, went out of his way not to use the door I had opened. His partner took the gesture and thanked me. They are hit and miss.... get back to protecting and serving instead of harrassing and trying to "prevent" crime. Has no one told cops they are not supposed to prevent the law from being broken, just punish those that do?

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Iam gonna have to tell you that one: they have to have a search warrant present to go inside your house two: you chould have slammed the damn door in there face and they couldn't do shit and three: refuse to talk to anyone except your lawyer
I keep two cans of air freshener next to my door. If someone I don't recognize is outside I start by spraying at the door and move back so that I've sprayed about a 5 foot area around the door before opening it and stepping outside. I've had everyone from neighbors to the local Sheriff come to my door and never had a problem with smell.
I've been to your house. I have a problem with the smell of your air freshener.
Like I said, there is nothing for you to disprove as it is up to the prosecution to provide proof that a smell was in fact marijuana in the first place. A human nose and what it interprets is not enough to go on.
You talk like someone who has never been arrested, many new lawyers that get arrested learn real quick about bending over.
My Brother was cop. Heres what he told me.

If I can't get what I want, I just have to say I smell MJ. BTW he was the head of the narcotics for the PD for a few years.

Even he agrees that using smell as probable cause is BS.

Yeah, same thing happened here and now the guy is dead.


OP, best of luck to you bro. It's criminal that they can fuck with someones life like that over a damn plant!
3,4 months of reading and push-ups. stay positive brother!!

figured this leo effort was in a non-med state. the poser UPS costumes show what length bored shadyassed popo will go to.

if you aren't expecting a guest, this story further reminds one to always go out your back door, lock it, and circle up and around upon whomever is soliciting you. they can be on the defensive, better them than you. be careful cuz it cld just as easily be a ripper. there's never a perfect move, but trust your educated instincts. not answering the door may be advisable in most instances, but I always want to know, face-to-face who the hell thinks they have business where the probably don't belong.
Yep it happened. The day we never want to see come :(

So I was asleep on my couch when I hear a knock at the door, I look out the window and see a fed ex truck and two fed ex guys. Odd....a bit but maybe someone in training. I open the door and step outside closing the door behind me. The fed ex driver holds a package out while asking me if I am so and so. I say yes I am and hold my hand out for the package. He pulls it back a bit and opens the top and tilts the package towards me while saying "I am detective ------- from the ------ county police department and we recieved an anonomous phonecall that their are illegal narcotics at this location" I try to act surprised but the damn world stopped spinning as I tried to figure out if someone was messing with me and could not help the shakes as I relized it was real.

I told him no, he asked why I was so nervous and I responded "Because your dressed up like a f-ing fedex worker with a badge in a box talking about narcotics in my house, that isnt normal man". He suggests going in and taking a look inside to dispell any rumours.

I figured I would be ok at this point being if he had any evidence he would have had a warrent. I tell him No you can not look inside and I dont have anything to say without my attorney present in and am I under arresst because if not I am leaving. He reads me my miranda rights and tells me to have a seat. Calls a judge and tells him when I opened the door he smelled marijuana in which the judge tells him is probable cause. He opens my door walks directly where my stuff was opens that door looks inside comes back out and calls the judge and tells him "Yes, sir I will need that warrent" an hour later he gets a call the warrent is ready and I am shipped off to jail as everycop in the county goes in my house.

I was charged with manufactering with the intent to distibute scedule 1 narcotic first offense. On the evidence sheet it says a clear plastic bag with 297 grams of green plant material and all my equipment :( bond was $5500.

Sucks........never seen it coming. People remember the golden rule - dont even let your f-ing dog know what your doing. I do not know how they found out but obvisouly I messed up somewhere. I guess I will find out who or what when my lawyer files a discovery.

Monday was a shitty day. Only good thing is the bondsman told me he had 8 calls before my bond was even set with people trying to get me out, you find out who your real people are when the shit hits the fan :( :(

Something is fishy about the whole search process and I am praying my lawyer tells me dont worry about anything this shit will be thrown out for illegal search and seziure when I go see him tomorrow.

Just thought I would share and put an extra word of caution out to people.

Wish me luck, hopefully I get thru it all without any jail time. It is my first drug offense and the only other time I was charged with a felony was 20 years ago.
Im sorry for what happened to you but it sounds weird that the detective did walk into your house just because he did smell marihuana... It could be just that you smoked a moment before he came.... However Under the Fourth Amendment, police officers must obtain written permission from a court of law to legally search a person and his or her property and seize evidence while they are investigating possible criminal activity. And, as in the case above, the exclusionary rule mandates that evidence obtained through illegal searches is not admissible in a court of law. However, many individuals under the pressure of the police may not be aware of this rule or their other rights under the Fourth Amendment. In addition, there are cases in which police can legally search without a warrant if probable cause is established or if consent is given by an individual.
Im sorry for what happened to you but it sounds weird that the detective did walk into your house just because he did smell marihuana... It could be just that you smoked a moment before he came.... However Under the Fourth Amendment, police officers must obtain written permission from a court of law to legally search a person and his or her property and seize evidence while they are investigating possible criminal activity. And, as in the case above, the exclusionary rule mandates that evidence obtained through illegal searches is not admissible in a court of law. However, many individuals under the pressure of the police may not be aware of this rule or their other rights under the Fourth Amendment. In addition, there are cases in which police can legally search without a warrant if probable cause is established or if consent is given by an individual.
When is a Warrant Not Required?
There are times when police can perform a search without a warrant, and most searches actually do occur without warrants being issued. That is not to say the police can barge into your home and search it without a warrant; if there is a reasonable expectation of privacy and there is not probable cause, a search warrant is required. However, if probable cause does occur, such as the suspect runs away, a gunshot is heard from another room in a home, or even when an individual makes a sudden movement, a search becomes legal without a warrant. Even with a reasonable expectation of privacy, the police can legally conduct a search without a warrant in situations in which certain exemptions apply.

Exemption 1 – Consent: If an individual freely and voluntarily agrees to a search of his or her property, without being tricked or coerced into doing so, the police can search this property without a warrant. Police do not have to inform you that you do, indeed, have the right to refuse a search, and individuals have been arrested and even sent to jail because they did not know they had the right to refuse search and seizure.

If two or more people live at the same location, usually one tenant cannot consent to a search of areas owned by another tenant. A tenant can, however, consent to a search of the common areas of a home, such as the living room or kitchen. A landlord is prohibited from giving consent to the search of his or her tenant’s private belongings, and the Supreme Court has also ruled that an individual cannot consent to the search of a house on behalf of a spouse. An employer, however, can consent to a search of a company, which includes an employee’s work area, but not an employee’s personal belongings.

Exemption 2 – The Plain View Doctrine: Police officers can legally search an area and seize evidence if it is clearly visible. If the police see an illegal act occurring outside of your home, they may perform a search and seize evidence from your home without a search warrant. For example, if a police officer stops a driver for speeding and sees marijuana in the window, a search can be conducted without a warrant. The police must still have probable cause, however, that the items are indeed illegal.

Exemption 3 – Search Incident to Arrest: Police officers do not need a warrant to perform a search in connection with an arrest. If you are arrested for a crime, the police have the legal right to protect themselves by searching for weapons, evidence that could be destroyed, or accomplices to the crime. For example, if you are arrested for drug possession, the police can search for additional drugs by searching you, your home, or your car, and any evidence found can be used against you in a court of law.

Police can also perform what is called a “protective sweep” following an arrest. This is done if the police believe a dangerous accomplice or accomplices may be hiding inside a specific location. The police will walk through the location and can legally visually inspect places in which an accomplice may be hiding. In addition, the police can legally seize any evidence located in plain view during the sweep.

Exemption 4 – Exigent Circumstances: If the police feel that the time it would take to get a warrant would jeopardize public safety or lead to the loss of evidence, they can perform a search without a warrant. For example, the police can forcibly enter a home if it is probable that evidence is being destroyed, if a suspect is trying to escape, or if someone is being injured. The police officer’s responsibility to preserve evidence, arrest a suspect, or protect an individual outweighs the search warrant requirement.

Know Your Rights…

If the police show up at your doorstep claiming they would like to look around, you are legally allowed to refuse this request. However, many times it is in your best interest to allow access in order to avoid injury or being charged with interfering in a police investigation. That being said, you are not required to give consent to a search without a warrant, and you should always ask the police officers for identification and an explanation as to why they are at your location. If the police do have a warrant, you can ask them to read the search warrant to you.

If a search of your home or vehicle has already occurred and you are not sure if it was done legally, you should contact a criminal defense attorney and be apprised of your legal rights going forward.