Burned tips and edges some purpling on stems

Sup Im BirDy

Well-Known Member
Hey guys so on my auto Kryptonite I have some burning and yellowing of some tips, as well as JUST ON TOP LEAVES burning on the edges. Aug 2nd I fed her beastie bloomz in pre-flower to beef up bud sites. Then august 4th almost a week ago I fed her dry amendments that were due for the 3 week amending but she didn’t react to it with burn signs. She’s actually progressing fast and I fed her water the 7th and these signs are showing. I did check the pH and it was at 6.1 - 6.2 which is assumed because the Humic acid addition. There is also some purpling going on with some stems picture below. Here’s the setup.

- 5gal pots.

- Electric sky 180v2 hung at 29” away from canopy.

- Down to earth dry amendments (blood meal, Lang, fish meal, sea bird guano, humic acid, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, oyster shells all at 3 tbs each).

- Water with pH 6.5 with recharge every water (half gallon for 2 plants).

- Never water to run off (is beastie bloomz burning her up).

Other than that she’s a very happy girl. I just caught 2 bugs in here, little red long looking things that fly.. so I’m spraying tonight.

also on my other girl I obviously grow organically, should I flush my cheese even though I do organic? I did give her cha ching which I thought was organic.


Sup Im BirDy

Well-Known Member
After further investigation I see dark spots coming in on the veins of some older leaves. This leaves me to believe I have an Mg deficiency also from the yellow leaf below. With the amendments i put it I noticed there wasn’t one with a good amount of mg in it so later on at feed I’m adding some dolomite lime and ph’ing for 6.2 - 6.5.


Sup Im BirDy

Well-Known Member
Cupping on some leaves and dark spots.. definitely over watered. Could’ve misdiagnosed and could be over watering a ton. I’ll let it dry out and see where the pH ends up. Checked today it’s at the same ph of 7.2. Hopefully I can bounce her back.

