Bump if youre hung over thread.

one of my ex's dad was like that an i wondered how the fuck he did it. homeboy would get start drinkin the time i set in the door till he passed out, but he was up early as every mornin makin a smoothin ready to take on the day. shit baffled me cause if i would drink that much i wouldnt wanna move for hours after i woke up.

it's weird but i generally don't feel too bad, had a bit of a bad one this morning as i drank through last night without eating. 12 noon meeting at work i was fine 3pm back to the pub though 3 pints in and i was pi$$ed again.

Fuck yeah. Nine shots of vodka last night, and I'm about to get started on tonights drinking as well. Wish me luck. Also, I don't tend to get hangovers. I do a good job of knowing my limit and staying hydrated...I do sometimes wake up still drunk though.
i got a fifth of jack last sunday an ive only drank out of it twice an its more than half gone. those days after those two days have been horrid. god i hate drinkin. if you gonna do it might as well do it big tho!
i got a fifth of jack last sunday an ive only drank out of it twice an its more than half gone. those days after those two days have been horrid. god i hate drinkin. if you gonna do it might as well do it big tho!

That's about what I drink in one night. But, I got "some" alcoholic genes in me...I ain't shit compared to some guys I know who only live to drink. From the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep they are drinking; not a place any person should want to find themselves or think is cool. But as I said two posts above yours is that you need to know your limit and hydrate.

Also, to follow up on my other post, I'm currently 6 shots deep in under two hours and I'm just starting to feel it, I don't know if that's good or bad....
Yeah, I need to drink less. I realize I would post on this page every day...but my alcohol tollerance is so high I rarely have hang overs. But the fact is I drink a six pack every night, for the last couple years. I takes significantly more to get me "drunk". Althogh I comsume a six pack every night, I don't get drunk every night.
Yeah, the last thing you want to do (maybe not the very last thing but it's up there) is become like those people I mentioned. Getting drunk can be fun, but it doesn't have the same introspective/spiritual quality that cannabis does. Cannabis can make you look at your life or whatever and you might see things you like or dislike about yourself, and you can possibly find a way to better yourself if necessary, but alcohol just make you not give a flying fuck.