Well-Known Member
Lol,Its ok France good to see u made it back!
one of my ex's dad was like that an i wondered how the fuck he did it. homeboy would get start drinkin the time i set in the door till he passed out, but he was up early as every mornin makin a smoothin ready to take on the day. shit baffled me cause if i would drink that much i wouldnt wanna move for hours after i woke up.
i got a fifth of jack last sunday an ive only drank out of it twice an its more than half gone. those days after those two days have been horrid. god i hate drinkin. if you gonna do it might as well do it big tho!
Amen to that. Time to wake an bake. Some one gonna join me?
Happy New year! Hows the hangovers people?lol thought id ask.