Bump if youre hung over thread.

I just wokeup drunk..... blacked out sometime lastnight, can't figure out how got these clothes on? Haven't worn this shit in years!.... lol.... those vodka martini are the shit with gray goose,... smoking a bowl of headband, see if I can start remembering anything I did!!!?
LOL,its one thing to wake up with a stranger in your bed and not remember how the clothes came off,But clothes you havent worn in years and somehow you found them and wore them thats funny.Thats like a blast to the past,wake up and be like oh fuck what year is it?
I don't drink...at least not enough to get drunk, and thusly have also never been hung over...I will soon have to stop smoking though I fear... I will have to just deal with reality just the way it is, and I think it is crap!
I don't drink...at least not enough to get drunk, and thusly have also never been hung over...I will soon have to stop smoking though I fear... I will have to just deal with reality just the way it is, and I think it is crap!

ive been in your future hell for the past two weeks. i drank a few times, but that just put me in a lower circle of hell so i cut that shit out...im painfully sober.:sad:
Well with everything the way it is in most aspects of life...and not my own life, but just other people's lives and how awful things are both at home and abroad and I can't just sit around and think about it all day...I'll go crazy cakes and will end up becoming that unwashed weirdo with the bring out your dead sign...Creepy homeless sign girl...I mean people need to see what is going on...but then I wonder how much happier I might be if I didn't know the way things really are once you rub the layer of BS off...But once you know you can't unknow, and I don't have a personality to just not seek information...but I have found that my happiest friends seem to just not know what is going on in the world...I dont want to be dumb, but I am tired of being miserable...I mean if ignorance is bliss, but you aren't ignorant---then what? You're just fucked?! That seems a little unfair...
Ya know...that is the most unappealing thing about alcohol...do people really not remember what is going on? Or do they just say that to cover up whatever stupid thing they did but shouldn't have done...? For real...be honest with me...
Because if you really are just like not driving the boat, then that seems dangerous and not very fun at all...
I have a buddy who dose just that,missnu.He gets drunk acts like a jerkoff and supposedly he forgets it everytime.His way of putting it is like,"Oh I mustve blacked out",now I would be more convinced if it were actual booze,but its always the beer as he wont drink liquor because he knows that he will do some really stupid stuff not to mention he will get super dry heaves which he utterly hates.Its when people drink destructively thats when the problem occurs IMO.Mind you I dont drink with him or hangout with him much at all,to many destructive tendencies all together so when drinking occurs its that much worse.Gotta lighten up when drinking and not focus on miserable things,even when sober.
Yuck...my husband will drink and just say stupid shit and then swear up and down that he never said it...and it is like man you should stop drinking that stuff because if I did something that let me think it was alright to say all my thoughts outloud you would be in for a world of hurt...lol
I'm hung over on life.
i'm a high functioning alcoholic. i work every day, pay my bills and get fucked up royally when i can. is it wrong? maybe, have i killed anyone yet, no.

do i give a fuck. not one itty little bit. besides i'm more your binge drinking alchomofrolic
i'm a high functioning alcoholic. i work every day, pay my bills and get fucked up royally when i can. is it wrong? maybe, have i killed anyone yet, no.

do i give a fuck. not one itty little bit. besides i'm more your binge drinking alchomofrolic

one of my ex's dad was like that an i wondered how the fuck he did it. homeboy would get start drinkin the time i set in the door till he passed out, but he was up early as every mornin makin a smoothin ready to take on the day. shit baffled me cause if i would drink that much i wouldnt wanna move for hours after i woke up.