2018 Quitters Thread

Drinking. Hi, I'm an alcoholic too but...a binge and purge functioning type. I never understood chronic alcoholics. I mean how do they do it?
If I get shitfaced one night I need the next night off at least. It doesn't even work if I try to drink two nights in a row. I don't get the buzz. Alcohol really
is the shittiest intoxicant. Shit should be illegal really. I'm drinking right now too.
Drinking. Hi, I'm an alcoholic too but...a binge and purge functioning type. I never understood chronic alcoholics. I mean how do they do it?
If I get shitfaced one night I need the next night off at least. It doesn't even work if I try to drink two nights in a row. I don't get the buzz. Alcohol really
is the shittiest intoxicant. Shit should be illegal really. I'm drinking right now too.
There's a difference between drinking too much and being a real alcoholic.
I went to a few AA meetings because my friends told me I was an alcoholic. Turns out, I just drank too much. It's still unhealthy but I'm not in the same league as the people I met at those meetings. OMG! The stories they told were incredible!
Lucky for me, it's just not physically possible to drink the way I used to drink. Hard liquor turns me inside out. :spew:
Minimisation is a type of deception involving denial coupled with rationalization in situations where complete denial is implausible. It is the opposite of exaggeration. Minimization—downplaying the significance of an event or emotion—is a common strategy in dealing with feelings of guilt.

I blame Wikipedia :rolleyes:
Lol lunch meat and strippers. We went to this dive strip club, a flabby, 50ish yr old and a pregnant chick were dancing when we went in, real classy place. We sit down in pervert row and this older black woman comes out on stage and starts her show, she shoves her busted ass puss in our faces and says "you boys like that?" Without missing a beat I blurt out "Not really, but now I want a roast beef sandwich" She gets all pissed and starts screaming at us and we get "escorted" out. I woulda thought strippers would have thicker skin.
Lol lunch meat and strippers. We went to this dive strip club, a flabby, 50ish yr old and a pregnant chick were dancing when we went in, real classy place. We sit down in pervert row and this older black woman comes out on stage and starts her show, she shoves her busted ass puss in our faces and says "you boys like that?" Without missing a beat I blurt out "Not really, but now I want a roast beef sandwich" She gets all pissed and starts screaming at us and we get "escorted" out. I woulda thought strippers would have thicker skin.
The last time I went to a stip club I got so drunk. I was at one of the side stages and this chick is grinding on my junk. Next thing you know, I fall over drunk. She gets knocked off the little circle stage thingy. And all her money goes flying all over the place. So me, being the gentleman that I am, I start helping her get all her money. I'm putting it in her thong, but some how some of it made it to my pocket! First time I ever walked out of a strip club with more money than I walked in with:hump:
Well figured I'd pop in for a quick update, as I'm on a roll tonight. Went 17 days no booze. Wasn't much fun, but no withdrawl. Mostly boredom and trying not to watch TV, which has a ridiculous amount of drinking I never noticed. Saturday night had a family birthday dinner and didn't want to be downer, so broke streak. Probly will wait until spring to quit for longer, as easier to stay busy. Thanks for concern and well wishes.
Some of you meant well, but came came across as condescending and preachy. Please remember this is a drug enthusiasts board...Just sayin...