2018 Quitters Thread

Rule #32
Don't take yourself so seriously.

I do want to defend the groups because they saved me from myself.

I get that people feel they a religious cult, yes they use the word God but you don't have to believe in God or pray
Or give any money.
Tons of known atheist are thriving.

Although people are court appointed
That has nothing to do with the groups.
Back in the day you would be sent to an asylum. Courts tell you to go

That is a double edged sword because
That usually dont work but maybe a seed is planted.

There is no money being piled up anywhere.

The groups stock the coffee and remaining funds sent to new york
To make literature etc.
No one is getting rich.

The steps prepare you for sober life
And allow you to become useful.

The ones who stick around ling enough to get it become a part of the solution. Addicts are very smart about
Detecting bullshit.

When a dr talks to you about it you
If you are a real hard case probably doubt he understands.
On the other hand when I speak
To you, you have no doubt that I have been to hell, and back.

So that really is the foundation.
Many addicts long for a purpose and
Feel they have wasted their lives.
Imagine finding out that your experience puts you in a great place to help others out of that hell.

But you cant give away what you don't have.

Tons of people come and go,
That's just how it is.

I use to go to meetings just to tell them how much I hated them.
I was a dick. Lol

Anyway this was not directed at anyone. It was simply me trying to clarify what those groups actually are.
I've never understood why some people get drunk and fuck up while others just end up going to sleep.. I don't naturally black out, ever. When my brother drinks he hardly knows his own name and always fucks up hard. Why do some people take it way worse then others, not the addiction part but the way people react to being loaded?
From 17 till i was in my early- mid twenties I used to black out every time I drank, I was your typical weekend binge drinker. A fifth of Jack and some beers for chasers. Or 151 and coke. Or a 30 rack. Every fri/sat night. I don't remember years worth of weekends, just the stories people tell. I've woke up in odd places, mostly yards, a couple random cars. Woke up in a cell once cause I got PC'd for trying to run from the cops. I drove a 15 passenger van, full of my friends, down shitty, narrow, washed out mountain roads when we went skiing and didn't remember a damn thing. That's when i stopped drinking so much. I still drink, more than I probably should lately, but not like that in better than 10 years.
I once was thrown out of a strip club near fort Benning for throwing pennies at a dancer. She was having as much fun as me but the club management was not amused with all the little red marks on her.
Once in Pearl Harbor I had a nice specimen showing me the goods whilst she crouched on the bar - I reached out with my index finger & said "You've got a bit of glitter on your (lower) lips, would you like me to help?"

At least I got to finish my beer. :cool: