Exxxacts Logic:
I want to hide my money. So I figured, a good way to do that is to put a big cardboard box in the middle of my spare office and hide it in there. Because noooobody (sarcasm) will ever ask, “what’s with the box?”.
so first, i made this nice empty box to fit all of my money in.
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Then, I put a smaller box in that box..
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then I said, “nahh, they might open that box”, so I put another box in that one..
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but you know... you can never be too safe. So Ibetter put one more box in that one. Just in case they can hear my money rattle around. Idk, does money do that? I’ve never had any, so I’m not sure how loud my paper dollars will sound. Anyway, another box!
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aaand waalaah! I have a very professional, high grade place to store my money!
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Saying he did anything right when it comes to building a grow room is like congratulating a guy who built the framing of an entire 2,000sq ft house and then only finished the 200sqft bedroom to live in.
LMFAOROFL JEEESUSS. ok. I’m done. I hope you are too.
You built a box, in a box, in a box, in another box...
Yeah, but he left 70% of the skins mangled on the cat and only got a bit of fluff and bloody organs. He skinned this cat with a fuckin chainsaw.
I read every post bud. I was pretty much the only person here giving you benefit of a doubt. But then I realized you built a box inside your garage, then built another box inside of that, then put a grow tent inside of that. If you don’t see why that’s thee dumbest shit ever, then there’s really no reason to keep posting updates about it. Goodluck bro; but from your understanding of grow rooms and flowering odors, I don’t think you’ve ever even grown before in the first place. Dense af
my growtent setup is honestly overkill for what is needed. no, it's in my bedroom.
you're a joke pal. honest to god, i feel horrible for anyone who hires you to do a renovation.
it's one thing to make a mistake. its another thing to make a mistake and realize it was a mistake. it's a whole different ballgame of retarded when you do something this fuckin dumb and then start saying other people are the idiots.
i flat out drew the layout and did the calculations; your growtent is less than 20% of what you started with from the FIRST box you built. you probably wont even get to the point of poppin your seeds, i imagine you're guna either lose interest or run out of money before you ever see bud grow in that shitfucking retarded grow setup.
Just a quick tip and only the tip, at least until the swelling goes down; Turn the two lights over the flood trays 90 degrees. Your wings will be more effective (you will be able to bend them and watch the reflected area until you get the coverage you want) and the spread from a HPS bulb is dimmest at the base and end if you can picture what im saying.
I highly recommend replacing those duct tape joints with hose clamps unless you used all metal ducting and its screwed together and the duct tape is just for air leaks?Little changes were made. The pink acoustic box were completely useless so its gone now
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And added relay for the outer 2 speed extractor fan to swich speeds. Also added transformer controller to tents extractor fan which is that in upper picture.
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Also 3 mommies germinated and are in mommy tent. Mody dick, White widow and Francos lemon cheese
Russian grow rooms.... Nice.By far the best troll
I highly recommend replacing those duct tape joints with hose clamps unless you used all metal ducting and its screwed together and the duct tape is just for air leaks?
Too many hi-rez pics of a lot of the same things. Thumbnails would help the page load in my lifetime or use a lower resolution setting for your camera/phone please. Not all of us have super fast connections.
just catching up here but it seems like you want to do a tent within a room within a room and i'm jelous but it seems to me you are missing a ventillation to the outside though by the looks of things you probably can afford and have central air already. if not you would save money by only cooling and ventilating to outside the little room that surrounds the tent I think.Hello!.
My name is Nönönö Nanana. This is my growroom journal. Sorry for my broken english. I'll update this thread from time to time. This is first time growing anything at my whole life. Iam electrician so that helps me a bit. Not that i have ever build anything except electrics.
So my plan is build a growtent inside a growroom "" double ventilated air.
- 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent
- 2x600w hps + 400w hps.
- NFT:s
- Östberg's extractor fans
- Carbon filters ect.
- Not important at this point because now we are building stuff.
So heres what i'm building. 4.2m x 2m x 2.3m Room.
Its a start
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Wall structrure
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Had to pick some wood more. Also growtent & NFT:s came.
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Some gyproc for walls. Also structure is starting to build up
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Not easy when you do it yourself. Gyproc walls. Few gyprocs is installed wrong way no bully. I was kinda high when i builded this.
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Roof. Dont laugh at the holes between gyprocs. I had no macines or precise equipment. The holes will be dealt later.
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@JoeBlow5823, yo i love your custom collector. do you have to do something special there like make sure the fan there is pulling harder than the fan that's inside the tent?I double ventilate too and it doesnt take anything close to that ridiculous setup you have. My god if you had looked up how to build walls u could have saved yourself so much time and money. I grow in a tent and I have no problem filtering my air twice.
Air is pulled through the filter then duct goes from the fan to the hood. The hood exhausts outside the tent into my custom collector where there is another, larger filter that then filters the air a second time and pushes it into the basement. Pushing air into the basement is my preferred method but if you have a temperature controlled grow room this would not be necessary. It just works good for me because it circulates air through the whole house and pushes the hot air to the basement for winter heat. Smell is non-existent. You could have saved yourself so much time and money.
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This is the finished setup. The trash can vents to the basement. My 1000w double ended setup puts out crazy heat it has to be exhausted.
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Hi @JoeBlow5823 - Preparing for my first grow... Plan to copy-cat your setup. 3 questions: What size filter/fan did you use in the trash can? How did you connect your duct to the trash can? How many CFMs inside the tent? Thanking you in advance.This is the finished setup. The trash can vents to the basement. My 1000w double ended setup puts out crazy heat it has to be exhausted.
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