Building my growroom.

Its a garage unit. Large building where are many garages. So i have 2 enemies. Sound & Smell.

since no one else has suggested it yet, I highly recommend AC Infinity fans. i use them for exhaust and intake. Worth paying a little extra imo bc they are as close to silent as I have found. In my case not for security but bc my grow is in my bedroom and the more fan noise I can eliminate the better I sleep.
since no one else has suggested it yet, I highly recommend AC Infinity fans. i use them for exhaust and intake. Worth paying a little extra imo bc they are as close to silent as I have found. In my case not for security but bc my grow is in my bedroom and the more fan noise I can eliminate the better I sleep.

Looking nice. I might buy later, for shitfucking ugly room. I have used 125 for the room i built. I test if 125 is ok, if not i buy 160 AC infinity.

This is for tent. Swedish Östberg. Top quality used in new houses.
Or you just dont understand that simple thing. There is a growroom, where is growtent. I know it can be hard. Never said anything else. I even drew the thing to you. LMFAOROFL JEEESUSS. I have already noticed that you dont read all posts before you start flaming but i dont care. You go and do your things. You can put your tent on outside so its not laughable.

So let me understand your way or thinking. If someone haves growtent, and the tent is on house. So its a box in a box? laughable roflmao

In my first post here i told i will build a growroom where is going to be growtent inside. I know it can be hard
I read every post bud. I was pretty much the only person here giving you benefit of a doubt. But then I realized you built a box inside your garage, then built another box inside of that, then put a grow tent inside of that. If you don’t see why that’s thee dumbest shit ever, then there’s really no reason to keep posting updates about it. Goodluck bro; but from your understanding of grow rooms and flowering odors, I don’t think you’ve ever even grown before in the first place. Dense af
I read every post bud. I was pretty much the only person here giving you benefit of a doubt. But then I realized you built a box inside your garage, then built another box inside of that, then put a grow tent inside of that. If you don’t see why that’s thee dumbest shit ever, then there’s really no reason to keep posting updates about it. Goodluck bro; but from your understanding of grow rooms and flowering odors, I don’t think you’ve ever even grown before in the first place. Dense af

I have growroom in garage, where is tent, again wrong cant be that hard. Also i said in the first post that this is my first grow. cant be that fucking hard
I read every post bud. I was pretty much the only person here giving you benefit of a doubt. But then I realized you built a box inside your garage, then built another box inside of that, then put a grow tent inside of that. If you don’t see why that’s thee dumbest shit ever, then there’s really no reason to keep posting updates about it. Goodluck bro; but from your understanding of grow rooms and flowering odors, I don’t think you’ve ever even grown before in the first place. Dense af

I saw your 'growtent' it was fucking hilarious. Is it near your kitchen?
I am new to this forum? Is there a way to unfollow this post? Bickering back and forth is getting old. If the guy wants to build a room, within a room, within a cardboard box, I say, let him it’s his prerogative and business. No need for a heated debate over what the guy is doing
I am new to this forum? Is there a way to unfollow this post? Bickering back and forth is getting old. If the guy wants to build a room, within a room, within a cardboard box, I say, let him it’s his prerogative and business. No need for a heated debate over what the guy is doing

At the top of the page for this thread, under the search button, you should see an "Unwatch" button. Click that.

That's assuming that you are actually subscribed to the thread. If you're not, you'll see the "Watch" button.
Exxxacts Logic:
I want to hide my money. So I figured, a good way to do that is to put a big cardboard box in the middle of my spare office and hide it in there. Because noooobody (sarcasm) will ever ask, “what’s with the box?”.

so first, i made this nice empty box to fit all of my money in.
Then, I put a smaller box in that box..

then I said, “nahh, they might open that box”, so I put another box in that one..

but you know... you can never be too safe. So Ibetter put one more box in that one. Just in case they can hear my money rattle around. Idk, does money do that? I’ve never had any, so I’m not sure how loud my paper dollars will sound. Anyway, another box!


aaand waalaah! I have a very professional, high grade place to store my money!
Or you just dont understand that simple thing. There is a growroom, where is growtent. I know it can be hard. Never said anything else. I even drew the thing to you. LMFAOROFL JEEESUSS. I have already noticed that you dont read all posts before you start flaming but i dont care. You go and do your things. You can put your tent on outside so its not laughable.

So let me understand your way or thinking. If someone haves growtent, and the tent is on house. So its a box in a box? laughable roflmao

In my first post here i told i will build a growroom where is going to be growtent inside. I know it can be hard
I have a basement so technically I live in a box on top of a box and I’m growing in box inside of my house aka a box. OP keep up the hard work haters gonna hate

One last suggestion OP hit that ignore button a few times. The site becomes wonderful. It’s like they all magically vanish.
I saw your 'growtent' it was fucking hilarious. Is it near your kitchen?
my growtent setup is honestly overkill for what is needed. no, it's in my bedroom.
you're a joke pal. honest to god, i feel horrible for anyone who hires you to do a renovation.
it's one thing to make a mistake. its another thing to make a mistake and realize it was a mistake. it's a whole different ballgame of retarded when you do something this fuckin dumb and then start saying other people are the idiots.
i flat out drew the layout and did the calculations; your growtent is less than 20% of what you started with from the FIRST box you built. you probably wont even get to the point of poppin your seeds, i imagine you're guna either lose interest or run out of money before you ever see bud grow in that shitfucking retarded grow setup.

Your grow tent is in your bedroom? That automatically disqualifies you from commenting on someone’s setup.

Why does it? The whole purpose of a grow tent is to have a fully-enclosed grow environment inside of a room, so you don't have to occupy the entire space, or put up walls to divide the space.
nah bro, you're growing in a growtent in your basement. that's not what this dude is doing lmao.

This is what he built guys

that picture where do you get another box in between tent and the shitfucking ugly room? You have repeated this thing too many times. obviously its only in your imagination but you can just leave. There is no 3rd box you fucking rtard. Leave now
-Its not that fucking hard. Now you dont have to post anything to this topic. Youre imagining things and flaming me, and even drawing your dreams. See you later you are ruining this from others. I will not answer to you anymore

if you click their avatar and click ignore u wont see their posts anymore.
Good luck, you're gonna need it! It appears you're doing this in a rented space in very close proximity to other folks rented spaces. In addition, as you've said, this is your first grow. You dont know what you're doing, and assuming different is just lying to yourself.

I had professional growers next to my office for a period of time (legal state). Heavily filtered, they knew what they were doing. But the whole office complex smelled like weed everyday until they were forced to leave.

Best advice is do not grow a single cannabis plant in there. You need a safer place.
Good luck, you're gonna need it! It appears you're doing this in a rented space in very close proximity to other folks rented spaces. In addition, as you've said, this is your first grow. You dont know what you're doing, and assuming different is just lying to yourself.

I had professional growers next to my office for a period of time (legal state). Heavily filtered, they knew what they were doing. But the whole office complex smelled like weed everyday until they were forced to leave.

Best advice is do not grow a single cannabis plant in there. You need a safer place.

Not rented but i got your point. Thats why im doing this extreme measures. Two seperate negative pressure areas, etc. Risk is still great. But i wanted to do something and have fun while doing it. This is kind of a hobby for me. I think there is no safer place to grow inside, unless you have own house with real well made growroom. I dont want to grow where i live so.. (atm)
Its done now, the building part. Otherwise it is only a beginning of an automation.

First i want to say it was very fun project, also sometimes hard. I built it by myself and i could have needed extra pair of hands.

That being said i had few goals. Firstly filter the smells twice, so i made growroom and put tent inside that room. Inside the tent is carbon filter and duct fan which blows the air from growtent to growroom and circulates. The growroom haves carbon filter and duct fan also which blows the air from growroom to 'outside'.
This gives me advantage to use high level of CO2 and run tents exhaust fan, without losing the CO2 levels. I only have to shut down the outer duct fan. If i want to refresh the tents air, i put the outer fan back on. This gives me total enviromental control. First i will automate the CO2 levels, and it is very useful that the CO2 wont escape anywhere unless i want.

That structure is something people did not understand, started to bullying me, told me to tear it apart etc.. Will quote best of them later in my last post

Second goal was to make as silence as possible grow. That i overshooted. Made a box to duct fan from fire resistant drywall, 13mm wood, and 40mm sound insulator. The box weights over 60kg ':D', i might do a little change for that because the östberg fan is already very very quiet. Too far ducting makes little noice. Overall the soundlevel is so quiet that im happy.

Forgoth to say i will flower max 5 plants at a time because our current drug laws. Before someone starts to flame from space. With the overkill box on ground i still have 1.5m x 2,5m x 2m space, so its way enough.

Pictures on the next post