Bud moisture for perfect bud... :-)

I think it comes down to preference king grow if i have lots of smoke and not in need i will do it your way, its annoying opening and closing ahh its too wet still take it back out not too mention the more its handled the more u lose heads. But i do find it needs more time in jars to break down chlorophyll when it has less moisture.

In a perfect world i would hang for 2 weeks at 6060 jar it check it and be done.

I like to use dry bovedas as insurance when bucket curing and fresh ones for rehydrating a too dry product that is all.

They have no place in a connaseur dry/ cure
I think it comes down to preference king grow if i have lots of smoke and not in need i will do it your way, its annoying opening and closing ahh its too wet still take it back out not too mention the more its handled the more u lose heads. But i do find it needs more time in jars to break down chlorophyll when it has less moisture.

In a perfect world i would hang for 2 weeks at 6060 jar it check it and be done.

I like to use dry bovedas as insurance when bucket curing and fresh ones for rehydrating a too dry product that is all.

They have no place in a connaseur dry/ cure

Most tout only one preferance not the both them and come unstuck at the science - this is a 'theres tons of science set points and accurate references' thread which dares to pick apart each detail and give scientific reckoning and reasoning for all them growers who just jarred wet weed because they followed some dude and not clear concise unformation that would make it a hobby and less of a guess blind leading blind thing.

So far it seems my analogy of how to dry and cure and moisture contenr vs rh is a darn site better read and badly needed in this counter wed culture surrounding 'not their herb' today.

So far so good but as a completecback up clause get out of jail card free we could agree with them and cite relative humidity as the suckupus bud killing monster it is and fear that it dosent ever drop below 50% in afghanistan or half of europe be sucking dust not the normal primo these dudes distribute - loling at the implications there and the stoner broscience rewrite of actual science :-)
got reading post and got curious.I have about a week left yet on my grow maybe more.Little while ago the wife wanted some taken early because she likes to use that in daytime.So I chopped some decent size branches off figured that would last her a several months then let the rest go.Earlier today I checked them.I do not worry about RH% or anything like just go by dry enough and warm enough to get the job done.I go by feel and smoke.Today was the first day I tried smoking some as I knew it was not ready before today.(smell). It tasted good today kind of fruity. Not much of a hint of chlorophyll at all.Burn more suited to a pipe yet than a hooter.dry yet sticky deep in the bud.conclusion needed another day or 2.or put them in a paper bag for a few days.then I will stick them in a jar for a week check them out and if there ready as they should be, seal them up for her.I went out to my calendar just now to see how many days it has been as I usually don't even count that anymore.It was day 11 of hang dry.so it will be like 12- 13 days dry. but not at all brittle,just good smoke.I personally cannot Imagine putting my weed in a jar when it is not dry yet to cure.I don't see how it can cure as long as the crap is still in it.But that's just me.40 years now that's how I do it. Maybe I'm just lazy.but the less steps involved for me the less chance I have to screw it up.Other ways may be better than mine but I never have any problems.never.I even dried some in same way and put them in Mylar bags with oxygen tablet and a moisture absorbing in OZ size bags.threw 15 of them in a bucket and put them underground for over a year and went through a MI. winter frost went deeper than bucket.(was not legal yet so I hid the stash)pulled them out opened them up and it smelled like fresh strawberry preserves.the northern lights smelled great also.slightly dry but the kush was perfect.none of it was crumbly.don't know any science but I know what has worked well for me now after 4 decades.All I grow now is our personal smoke and give most of each grow away to friends and family.good weed,good buzz great taste works for me.But then again that's just me.I'm not stupid for doing it this way,I'm just to stupid to make it to complicated.I will admit that.OH good weed will not fall apart when dried this way.It actually enhances it.I know that not from reading it but from doing it.you just got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them.now before someone takes a poke at me.yes you could go to long as I have had them done in less days before.but you also can go to quick and make it more complicated.have a blessed day everyone have fun doing it your way,I'm going out to smoke some more that was good.damn good.P.S. dry before putting in jar.nothing worse than putting in jars and taking 2 months to cure,been there and done that,even done it before and had to add moisture back again after jar curing.just my opinion.everybody has one.
I copy and pasted this here ref -tobactec

' Tobacco with 15-18% moisture content is easy to manufacture, package and ship but produces a gassy smoke that is hot and can lead to tongue bite. An 8-10%moisture content product tends to be dry and crumbly. A happy medium is 12-14%tobacco moisture content.'

This is a different plant, tobacco looses moisture much quicker and why its always sealed or encased somehow.

Just throwing it up for the conversation and moisture levels/content - dont take too literally its not weed :-)
'Minimizing Humidity Helps Prevent Mold. It also helps to check the moisture level of your home. The ideal humidity level is between 30% and 50%. A humidity level of 60% or higher can put your home at risk of mold growth.'

Homeowner help for mold those who have those high humidity houses and jars :-)
$ 229.00 to dry a quart jar.I think I should go out and get me a whole bag of them.This is the funniest damn thing I have seen in a while.who in their right friggin mind would spend that kind of money on snake oil.You could market a turd today and show some science behind it today and sell the stuff.please,please take my money.OH cool the shits digital give me another one.is it High Def drying ?
courteous? it's a plant...GENTLY squeeze a good sized bud, the outside should feel firm and dry, the inside should feel about like a marshmallow...the moisture content of stems has very little to do with the moisture content of buds...

It's a plant lol. Say what you will but it's a living creature and its providing a valuable yield... So I tend to show a little respect toward all plants, as I encourage others to as well. Just fucking with you lol.

Nah, I just see no sense in over finger fucking them if I don't need to. On the contrary, I find stem moisture to be quite relevant to bud moisture. When the stem is not quite there and you press a bud, there's still considerable moisture at the center of the bud. Yea... I don't like that.
Curious the time line to the connections you make?


Where is it I should put a thermometer ?

Check our weather the last few weeks - its either windows closed heating on or windows open but very moist due to constant rain in my area - fucking amazing how that happens, maybe i should buy that auto dryer as yep i dry and grow in many many climates - soon to be summer and thats a few optiobs for those with climateccontrolled housing - troll fail but feel free to actually add some info or come to my country and run your own scientific tests you seem so keen to hit on :-) jointsmile jointsmile flamehead
Check our weather the last few weeks - its either windows closed heating on or windows open but very moist due to constant rain in my area - fucking amazing how that happens, maybe i should buy that auto dryer as yep i dry and grow in many many climates - soon to be summer and thats a few optiobs for those with climateccontrolled housing - troll fail but feel free to actually add some info or come to my country and run your own scientific tests you seem so keen to hit on :-) jointsmile jointsmile flamehead
And you understand now how the blanket advice of hang for 2 weeks is wrong?
Curious the time line to the connections you make?


Where is it I should put a thermometer ?

Min humidity today in my area is above 60% now factor in windows closwd heating on -


Unbeliavable i get called a liar - your lack.of knowledge on the subjects the problem. Actually photograph my meters but we know i know that with my lights a fridge and my breath i can falsify them to anything i wanted - hopefully the link to todays weather humidity here means i can forego the childish pictures....?
And you understand now how the blanket advice of hang for 2 weeks is wrong?

Nope as it works for most environments that arent mega inhospitable but in that case your climate controlling so it works there as well.

Its not blanket advice its the way its been done loooong time but you werent here then yes... no... ? idk hmmmm jointsmile headbangwall jointsmile :-)