I need something that will finish at about 12-15" tall with my current height requirement, and that's about a 4" clone. FYI, there's no clone that's going from 5" to 3' unless it's Neville's Haze or some other ungodly sativa - I'll be working with indica dominant strains, and think that height will work out fine.will be interesting to see. Thanks for the pics. girls are looking nice and healthy. waiting patiently just like you to see some buds form. With your new idea, I'm sure you will have succes, but remember, it will probly be much more work to maintain. It will be a lot of work to maintain mothers capable of giving you that mass of clones, tel alone all of the time and effort cutting all of those little bastards and getting them rooted. Have you flowered 4-6" clones before. they grow a lot more than you might think. A 4"clone can easily grow to 3ft by the time the stretch is over. I know I sound like a broken record, but a respectable number of medium sized plants in a scrog still seems like it could do wonders for you. But I'm here to support and help if I can no mater which way you go. Waiting is awe to see 150 baby girls kickin in your tray. Make sure you post how that cos adventure goes, so far it sounds lilke the required tools for you will be a face shiels and some gloves. If I dont hear fro you in the next few days, I'll assume your at the er trying to get your arm reattched. JK, much love and good luck.
And as far as mothers go, that's just keeping about 20 mothers in 6" pots in my top tray, and then rooting the 160ish clones in some humidity domes in my bottom tray - won't take me more then an hour tops to cut those clones, and then there's no work - pour a cup of water in each humidity dome each day, takes about a minute.
Once they're all rooted, put them in the flowering tent for a day, maybe two tops (until they're 4"), then flower them out - should finish at right about a foot (shoot for about 7 grams per plant, although 5 would be okay).
And what do you mean by "cos adventure"? I'm assuming "cos" = "co2", and you're referring to this?

Got here about two minutes ago, and I'm thinking this might be easier then I initially thought - forgot that the CO2 only escapes out of that 4" by 7" hole (thought it just left the generator will nilly), so it shouldn't be too hard to hook a fan up to it, and I probably don't need to build a box around it (like I did when I thought the CO2 escaped from all sides).
This should be pretty easy, would like to get it done tomorrow.