Bubblelicious Med CFL SOG


Active Member
keep it up good work epyxn. looking good im thinkin of scrog'ing my current grow with four plants but im a long way from making that decision. i need to figure out more stats on scrog cfl growing any info you have might help. howd the plants spread out. i have plenty of head room and a 2x4 room to grow only 5 plants currently they are all seedlings tho. i was thinkin lst or scrog.
I really wish i had good first hand info on scrogs for ya but I really don't. My brief run in with a scrog (since all wires are now gone since they moved to the new area :p) was nothing but a pain in the ass :p Of course i had 30+ plants in a tiny area so it was more damage control than a scrog. To me it was just a time consuming task to tuck and move things under the wire every day.

Don't get me wrong though i've seen some awesome scrogs.

You would be in control as to how the plant spreads out onto the screen. It's pretty time consuming since you have to train things to go to openings you want them at, and it doesn't stop there since they are still growing while your waiting for other shoots to get to other openings so you have to tuck and reposition all the ones you have already positioned over and over so you have an even canopy. :/

Ugh ignore me lol i know i can't be making sense :(

LST would be ok but between just lst'n your plants and doing a scrog a scrog would be more ideal for the space you have.

I personaly would start taking clones as soon as possible. top @ like the seedlings 3rd - 4th node. when the lower branches get out like 4-5 nodes take a cutting from each branch (to like the 2nd node of the branch). and just keep rinsing and repeating until your plants show sex (or force flower one of the clones). As the clones root put them into flower. walla your on your way to creating a perpetual sog :)


Active Member
nice man.

I started w/clones also but im using a 1000watter!

Im VERY interested to see how this all works out bro.
Woot can't beat that :) CFL growing is def a task, this test grow is going to be my only cfl grow though after this back to the hps and possibly another strain.


Active Member

Most of the clones are now at the point where there going to start putting on mass on a daily basis. I am actually suprised as to how large some of the main cola's have already gotten, mind you they still do not compare to a modest hps grow but large none the less.
Due to the instability in flowering times almost all the clones started to flower at different times. The plant's range in flowering age from 5-6 days to 28 days.(I start the count of flowering days when the first sign of actually flowers appear, not when the lights go 12/12). The Majority of the area is around Day 18 or so flowering. (the Flowering instability is most likely my fault with this batch of flowering clones considering all current flowering clones were taken from mothers before the mothers even had shown the slightest hint of pre-sex).


Active Member

An exhaust fan is in the very top left corner and fresh air is brought in through the back bottom right corner and bottom front left corner.

The 9" fan is suspended by new nano magnets with an output of a constant 84d rating good for 18" of levitation.

JK fan is hung by decent gauge magnet wire. Fan is against the wall but its got a bowl shaped back so it isn't fighting to pull air. Fan circulates air throughout the entire area very well.

The Fan along with the constant in flow from the 2 bottom intakes keeps air circulation above & below the canopy very steady. Both exhaust & circulation fans are ran 24/7. Due to the location of the area & nighttime moisture from all the plants constant circulation of air in the area is a must in order to not have mold/ rot issues.


Active Member

The move to the new area is proving very productive, plants/flower sizes have increased drastically since the move to the new area.

They are definitely loving the little bit of extra space that they all are getting in the new area.

Lighting will be attached to wires for easy raising/lowering & ability to take pics with a little more ease.

Unsure as to what nute % i am going to stick with, been 100% - 350% may start using a %250 solution and stick with that.

The flowers on the Indica pheno's are looking nice and plump already, the sativa pheno's are looking straggly and wispy as one would imagine with cfl, but since I have moved them to the new area everything has been putting on more mass than previously so i'm X'n my fingers for some good growth.


Active Member
Flowering Day 31

I sat trying to get a good pic of one of the bigger buds in the area but failed over and over so this is the only pic im putting up today :p Stupid camera does no justice I say.. :(




Well-Known Member
Flowering Day 31

I sat trying to get a good pic of one of the bigger buds in the area but failed over and over so this is the only pic im putting up today :p Stupid camera does no justice I say.. :(

Hehe, looking good man!

I also need a new camera, the current one ux donkey p p

Old Coot

Well-Known Member

Plant's are definitaly taking off in the new area.

Shultz who woulda figured eh :p
Lookin really good. I have 400 watts CFL on one LST plant. Shes been in flower for two weeks today and Im looking for the same elusive gram per watt....she was sporting pubes at the end of one week. I will be following along as you will finish a few weeks ahead of me. We can compare notes if you like


Active Member
Lookin really good. I have 400 watts CFL on one LST plant. Shes been in flower for two weeks today and Im looking for the same elusive gram per watt....she was sporting pubes at the end of one week. I will be following along as you will finish a few weeks ahead of me. We can compare notes if you like
Sounds good 2 me. :) I got my fingers X'd for the 1g per watt.


Active Member
Just thought I would post a pic of the main mother (all her clones are the ones already forming nice cola's).

She is going to have every single branch cropped later & at least 10x 26w 5300k's added above & around her.
(and yes she has been grown for over a month with the lighting that you see above her. I can't stress enough on the importance of taking the time to dial into your plants needs. Once you dial in your plant grows how you want it to. So take the time to find your strains needs!)




Well-Known Member
Just thought I would post a pic of the main mother (all her clones are the ones already forming nice cola's).

She is going to have every single branch cropped later & at least 10x 26w 5300k's added above & around her.
(and yes she has been grown for over a month with the lighting that you see above her. I can't stress enough on the importance of taking the time to dial into your plants needs. Once you dial in your plant grows how you want it to. So take the time to find your strains needs!)

sweet man nice lookin mother plant!!!!:hump: i just posted sum new pics on my thread check em out https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/205127-zona-mid-aero-cfl-grow-22.html#post2760893