Bubblelicious Med CFL SOG


Active Member
LoL ty you guys for the links to the lime :)


I think i am on day 46, not very sure since i haven't been able to post pics for the last week :(

I will get pics up as soon as possible. All days missing will be posted also (42-current) Except for 1 day that I couldn't find the camera so i didn't take pics.

Probably 1/3 of the area is plumping up and getting ready for harvest (1/3 should be harvested within 2-3 weeks)

Plant's have been re-arranged..

Area for bubblelicious Perpetual SOG is currently being created (4x4'10' room). I am currently not sure if I am going to toss a 1k or a 400 in the 4'x4'x10' area. I will probably go with the 400w for the new area but still unsure.

Also thin PVC tube will be used in the new area for support for each plant. Co2 will be also used for this run. Co2 will be dispensed through the PVC tubes that I will be using as supports.

More Info and Pics soon. (When area becomes active new journal will be created. The new journal will be all bubblelicious grows from that point on. Area will not become active untill some of these plants under CFL have been harvested. This grow will continue under CFL untill all plants flowered with CFL have been harvested)


I can't figure out were to go to find the rest of this can you post a link to the new one. plus i am giving you rep points love the post so far.


Well-Known Member
hey ep

In ur own opionon is someone was not to use nutes while flowering how much do u think their yeild, and bud production wud suffer?
Dude, awesome recovery from that iffy start. I never would've expected such good results with CFL penetration on a SOG. +Rep as soon as I figure out how to do it.