BroScience Bullshit - Post here

Have you EVER done any Broscience on your plants ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 89 61.4%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 33 22.8%
  • I ain’t sayin

    Votes: 23 15.9%

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I’ve missed you @kingro1, how have you been?
loool when one is already multi-acc'ing its not really "a departure" to ask for 1 account to be banned... :blsmoke:

now he's angry as this thread "took his self-imposed job" away?:
Ignore the cure its totally not needed.

You hang for two weeks, it drys after one then flavour and taste develop in the second.

Broscience = Bullshit not real science.

Too many dicks talk shit around this plant making you think different.

Two week hang dry is all you need not curing and jars and fucking wirh humidity.

Its dry smokes at one week, it taste great after two because enzymatic process has completed and both are easily seen by taking small samples and smoking - not bending stems and broscience bs.

I get trolled a lot because there are too many dicks and they hate that someone might actually know the science exactly.

Forget curing and learn only the dry - when you got that down you can jar as storage till its needed but it is 100% down to drying not curing and try ignore the trolls :-)
I dry in the light
Humidity is not a factor of enzymatic process end off.... :-(
This is not broscience but goes against what we know. I can't remember the documentary but was definitely in the Indian mountains somewhere and the locals claimed that you needed to pollinate the female otherwise they wouldn't fruit....
I hate the term bro science. Just the word bro actually. But cool some of these are funny. Here's mine.

defoliation(not on about the odd leaf) near enough a full plant strip before flower.

feed your plant from the bottom not the top

Plants like to be sung/spoken too

Run off is super important and has to be measured

Plants love milk
I've tried pretty much every myth I've heard.
Most recent one was drought stress. I'm a coco grower so couldn't being myself to do it for 2-3 weeks but I let one die from drought before harvest and it definately smelled a lot better. Can't say it got me any more stoned sadly but the smell went through the roof.
I'm starting a perpetual run shortly so I'll experiment more with that in about 16 weeks.

I've busted every myth surrounding autos.
Can do whatever the hell you want to those things if you push them hard enough.
Next on my list is doing a final flush with orange fanta to make it taste like... well orange fanta I suppose.
Strongly doubt it works but next time I get a runt I'll find out :)

Always wanted to try feeding them some sort of halucinagen to see if they can take it in. Doubt itd work for smoking as you can't smoke acid or mushies but it might make for some fucked up edibles.
Someone's surely tried that one??
I hate the term bro science. Just the word bro actually. But cool some of these are funny. Here's mine.

defoliation(not on about the odd leaf) near enough a full plant strip before flower.

feed your plant from the bottom not the top

Plants like to be sung/spoken too

Run off is super important and has to be measured

Plants love milk
Feeding from the bottom works mate.
"Autopots" that's what they do and by Christ they work well. Can keep up with any reservoir system as long as you don't put soil in them.
The worst one i have seen is about sexing based on seed shape... Gotta be a front runner in the stupid broscience category.
Agreed! They'll argue they're right till they're blue in the face. If it was possible then people would be selling male seeds.
I mean a standard pot with a catch tray soz should of been more specific
That's what I do when I'm being lazy and want the next day off lol. Stick a 5L tub under and water till It's full. It's a bit risky but hasnt killed them. Certainly doesn't improve anything though. Accident waiting to happen.
That's what I do when I'm being lazy and want the next day off lol. Stick a 5L tub under and water till It's full. It's a bit risky but hasnt killed them. Certainly doesn't improve anything though. Accident waiting to happen.
With soil especially. I'm very interested in your edables idea. Mushroom season is nearly here!
With soil especially. I'm very interested in your edables idea. Mushroom season is nearly here!
Fuck yeah mate. I go to a commissioned forestry for them. The trees are all in big furrows and they only grow in one side of them so you just walk up n down. Get a Tesco bag per person in about 6 hours.
I don't take them anymore but they're awesome bartering tools. Got a Gibson guitar for 2 bags full a few years back. Turned out it was worth 900 quid!
Oh i saw a guy grow a ganja plant tied in a big knot to prove how good scillica is.
That was pretty cool. Pointless and he obviously didn't get much but it worked. Tried to find it recently and failed but its out there somewhere.
Oh i saw a guy grow a ganja plant tied in a big knot to prove how good scillica is.
That was pretty cool. Pointless and he obviously didn't get much but it worked. Tried to find it recently and failed but its out there somewhere.
We get a lot a fly ageric here. Big too. Bit heavy for my likely but still pretty In woods. I like searching fields on the mountains looking for the lib caps. Normally look for sheep/cow shit.
We get a lot a fly ageric here. Big too. Bit heavy for my likely but still pretty In woods. I like searching fields on the mountains looking for the lib caps. Normally look for sheep/cow shit.
Not sure we get those here. I've never seen them wild anyway. Used to be able to buy them I'm shops but got banned like 10 years ago. :(
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