Actually, his mother looks like a meth addict who has managed to either keep her teeth or has the best implants money can buy.
you would think with their money she'd get her face done and have HRT.
Actually, his mother looks like a meth addict who has managed to either keep her teeth or has the best implants money can buy.
Don’t forget to rape a 15 year old girl in his honor tooWhen Justice Kavanaugh is confirmed, after the FBI asks the same people the same questions again, I am going to get sloppy drunk in his honor.
"I like beer." -Justice Brett Kavanaugh
That always comes across as fake. It wouldn't change her frowny face, just make it look more would think with their money she'd get her face done and have HRT.
That always comes across as fake. It wouldn't change her frowny face, just make it look more scary.
Yes, you should.When Justice Kavanaugh is confirmed, after the FBI asks the same people the same questions again, I am going to get sloppy drunk in his honor.
"I like beer." -Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Jane Fonda says she regrets that she didn't have the fortitude to age gracefully. She says she caved to pressure to maintain a youthful face when in reality, she thinks an aged face can be beautiful too.this is with grace at 80:
the look below is too young for her. you can wear long hair, but this is way too long and screams 'i want to be 20 again'..from far away it looks okay, but up close- no way..she obvi smoke tobacco because of those pucker lines around her mouth.
Telling me to kill myself... Classy. Have fun virtue signaling with your socialist friends in portland lol. You sound like a living stereotype.Yes, you should.
I won't. I'll be out campaigning to defeat a hate group's anti-immigrant initiative that would force law enforcement to turn on the people they are supposed to protect. In so doing they would make our communities less safe. I'll also be at the next counter-demonstration when outsider fascists come to Portland to project white power.
You should just stay home and nurse that beer along. Take 10 Vicodin while you are at it.
If we must, we'll just pass amendments to the constitution to do an end around the Supreme Court's backward judges.
Yeah, we already know that the democrats will trample the constitution the first chance they get.If we must, we'll just pass amendments to the constitution to do an end around the Supreme Court's backward judges.
The trampling is being done now. I'm just saying that your rapacious GOP government has forced the people of this country to end your patriarchal struggle to control women's right to privacy from the government when making her own medical decisions. Also, there needs to be an amendment to roll back the crazy ruling that makes money free speech and to end the nutty idea that corporations are people. You extremists are forcing us to amend the constitution. Too funny you would call that trampling but then again, not surprised.Yeah, we already know that the democrats will trample the constitution the first chance they get.
That is what they are all about, subverting the constitution.
What do you mean by this convoluted statement, and how is it an example of the republicans trampling the constitution?I'm just saying that your rapacious GOP government has forced the people of this country to end your patriarchal struggle to control women's right to privacy from the government when making her own medical decisions.
What do you mean by this convoluted statement, and how is it an example of the republicans trampling the constitution?
I will just say again that it is the democrats who always wish to change the constitution, because they don't like America and the freedom (and consequences) America stands for.
You right wingers are a minority. You can get out of the way or we will steamroll you right wingers. A woman's right to choose needs to be put out of reach from you patriarchal bigots. There should be no need to spell out the right of a woman to make her own health care choices in an amendment but you right wingers simply won't recognize their right. The anti-democratic actions of the Kavanaugh appointment make it necessary that we simply end the discussion.What do you mean by this convoluted statement, and how is it an example of the republicans trampling the constitution?
I will just say again that it is the democrats who always wish to change the constitution, because they don't like America and the freedom (and consequences) America stands for.
Nice piece of propaganda and fake news from Breitbart you summarized there.Which party is it that wants to regulate the fatty foods you can or cannot eat?
Which party is it that wants to ban a entire company (chick fil a) from coming to their cities due to the owners personal beliefs?
Which party is it that wants to ignore the second amendment and take guns from the hands of law abiding citizens?
Which party is it that wants the FCC to take radio shows like Rush Limbaugh OFF THE AIR for saying things they don't agree with?
Which party is it that wants to have people thrown in jail for language that is offensive to others?
Which party is it that pushed laws that enable minority races to get college admissions over non minorities that may be more qualified?
Which party pushed a law that FORCES people to pay out of pocket for healthcare or pay a fine?
Which party pushed laws trying to FORCE religious institutions to provide contraception?
The answer to all the above questions is DEMOCRATS!
At all times democrats believe that they know what is best for you and because of that, they have the right to make laws that tell you what you can or can't do.
Thankfully in America there is a significant number of those on the right who often successfully thwart them. History has shown what happens when the left gains absolute power to decide what is or is not best for people (USSR).
Fuck Trump. With your little dick.“This is beyond Supreme Court. This is everything to do with our country. When you are guilty until proven innocent, it’s just not supposed to be that way. Always I’ve heard you’re innocent until proven guilty. I’ve heard this so long. It’s such a beautiful phrase. In this case, you’re guilty until proven innocent. I think that is a very dangerous standard for our country.”
-Donny Trump