Brett Support Therad.

The right wing is about preserving American values. The left wing is about changing or destroying American values. Commie.
Fascism is not an American value nor is isolationism
but this is... The rule of law is a First Principle that mandates that the law governs everyone. The First Principle of unalienable rights recognizes that everyone is naturally endowed by their Creator with certain rights. Equality is a First Principle that recognizes that all persons are created equal.
Sorry you exist
I was hoping for many examples, as in more than one. No good times were had.


Couple hours he might just be your next supreme. Could be funny, not as funny as Bernie losing to Hillary and then Trump cramming the electoral down millions of sad panda's throats as Hillary tucked tail and ran away, but still funny nonetheless.
Too retarded to even understand what today’s vote is
So Trump's gonna let the fakers play their game for a few more days. Adds a chapter or two to their future book deals so good for them.

Not sure what you expect to find. Something that didn't happen 35 years ago isn't going to produce more than finger pointing anyway.

I would like to take this time to congratulate Brett on his inevitable place as a Supreme for the next 30 years or so.
So Trump's gonna let the fakers play their game for a few more days. Adds a chapter or two to their future book deals so good for them.

Not sure what you expect to find. Something that didn't happen 35 years ago isn't going to produce more than finger pointing anyway.

I would like to take this time to congratulate Brett on his inevitable place as a Supreme for the next 30 years or so.
Can I ask you a question ?
Do you think the IRS has finished Auditing dear leaders taxes yet ?
...Asking for fellow Americans ?