Breeding 101 Subs Method

Thanks for this thread sub! So I have an f1 female that knocks the socks off the original p1 mother. The father is lost and I still have some f1 seeds left. So to stabilize this gem I would have to pop he rest of the f1 seeds and find the best male to inbreed to stabilize? Or find a male from a different strain, make some f1's again, find a male out of there and cross back to the original f1 daughter?

Thanks sub!
wow man , this is by far the most intelligent write up's I've read lately. I will be following this ,as I would love to learn to create my own strain one day.
After 14 years of on/off growing mostly for profit, I have a new found interest in breeding and love for this plant. Its not about the $ for me anymore. You have been a huge influence and help. All of your work, from posts like this, to your youtube vids, to your wonderful strains and just watching TGA grow. Its all pure inspiration. Your humbleness and willingness to share your knowledge is what really sets you apart from most of todays breeders imo. Thanks Sub!
Thank you Sub for everything. You have inspired me to follow my dreams of growing/breeding this wonderfully enigmatic plant that has captured my heart and stirs emotions in me that border on obsession. I am honored to count myself in the same wake&bake population as yourself! Keep up the good work and don't ever give the negative comments a second thought
Peace & Love! Peace & Love!
Hey subcool,

I have a question about your super soil. I apologize in advance if you or someone else has already answered this question. If that is the case, please provide me with the link(s) that will help me find the answer to my questions. I've searched the site, as well as google, but I have not found anything yet. I was wondering if you have tried going straight to 12/12 with your super soil? I know that you do not recommend putting clones/seedlings/cuttings straight into the super soil, but I did not know if you had an amended version of your soil for growers wishing to go straight to 12/12 once the plant(s) have reached a certain height. If you do have an amended version of the soil for this type of grow, I would love for you to share it with me.

I'm a new fan of yours, so forgive me if this question is redundant.We chatted a bit in the weed nerd thread about panama red, but I would like to know- What is your take on crossing landrace strains with current commercially available hybrids in general?

Don't take me for a newb, I've been a pollen chucker since most of the folks on this site were still latched on a teet. In my opinion, and in certain situations, it's like you are innocualting the gene pool with a greater resistance to pests and disease,i.e, pm and botrytis when applying this technique to a breeding regimen. Far too often the terms "insect and mold resistant" are thrown around like a rag doll on seed sites, when the cold, hard truth is most hybrid on hybrid crosses are significantly more susceptable to pests and diseases in an outdoor environment than inbred landraces of any lineage.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to imply your gear is inferior in the outdoor dept., actually I'm interested in doing a test run of your Jilly bean myself. I'm just wondering why TGA doesn't do any work with landraces. BTW, I'm not a "Strain Hunter" fan.
Great stuff Sub! I love finding a thread like this of yours that i havent read and reading it from cover to cover. Its like getting a present or finding $20 in last years jacket pocket! Besides all the new info i learned from this one, i was really impressed that after 4 years and over 100 posts, there was only 1 jackass and no arguments! Thats what i'm talking about! Thanks for everything you do, peace.
Your work looks beautiful. I can't wait to make my next seed order - which will be TGA genetics. Although I am not planning to venture into breeding in the near future, it does interest me and may eventually be a part of my grow. One thing that perplexed me was that you wash the female plant down after a few days with the male. Why is this? Does she then go back into the regular flower room? Are you trying to keep less viable pollen from getting a chance to propagate? Just curious at this point.
Thanks so much.
Great explanation of how you approach genetics in something that's not too difficult to understand, no matter what background the reader has. :D
Okay, I know Sub is a crazy busy guy, and I found the answer to my question while watching a few of his recent Weed Nerd videos last night.

Sub rinses his Mama's off thoroughly after a few days, because he brings them back into the regular bloom room. Only got one thing to say about that.....Sub, you have some balls, my man. I'd be TERRIFIED that I would seed my whole crop.