Botanicare, so many choices

has anyone tried the botanicare pro soil veg\bloom vs power plant\power flower?

Notice if either one is more of a complete series? discuss. im about to spend the money. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I used to use the pro soil and a friend of mine used the power flower shiz. He had to mix all kinds of stuff together to get the same results I was getting at a fraction of the effort. It'll work and it's reasonably priced and concentrated. Hopefully you're not looking at the liquid karma, that shiz is quite possibly the most worthless product I've used thus far.
Hmm odd... On botanicares website they had it made out to sound like power flower was a more complete fertilizer than pro soil, but its the other way around? what would you suggest other than LK?


Well-Known Member
Hmm odd... On botanicares website they had it made out to sound like power flower was a more complete fertilizer than pro soil, but its the other way around? what would you suggest other than LK?
Both lines are highly incomplete but I know from experience that the pure blend pro stuff works fine and is easy to use. If anything else is needed, maybe calmag but that depends on your water.

EDIT: You may want to check out GH's FloraNova, I'd put money on the fact that it'll out perform what you're looking at.
I've actually just been recently thinking of switching my soil to the #4 stuff that comes in what seems to be a bail lol. looking at between 1000w-1400w of light in a 5x5x8 room. and i chose botanicare after talking to a friend of mine thats been growing around the world ten years. i tried a few of there products and really like them, just bought 4 different quarts of there supplements to try em out.


Active Member
karma is good stuff. never had an issues ever with it. maybe someone isnt using it right or has diff expectations to what it does

when i ran botanicare was the pro soil veg, bloom. cal and karma. did great with it for many years


Well-Known Member
karma is good stuff. never had an issues ever with it. maybe someone isnt using it right or has diff expectations to what it does

when i ran botanicare was the pro soil veg, bloom. cal and karma. did great with it for many years
I dont see how it would be LK, have you ran the other products w/out it? I dont mind it in soil, but in hydroponics it is a complete mess. There is practically no n-p-k values and I've ran it in soil on some plants and not others as a transplant additive and cant measure any success. Some people also claim that Sweet adds in trichrome production, but I know from using it with either CNS-17 or Dyna Gro that this is not the case, people just attribute things to whatever bottle they so chose.


Active Member
sweet is nothing but die and sugar all those flavour items are fake waste of money. sugar and flavours
ive done with or without. i use humic always. there is no N/P/K cause its not a food. its a chelator more so. alot of little n/p/k we see on bottles means nothing to./ its so it can get approval under a diff catagory to be shipped to diff countries.

when i was doing the phone tech stuff at the nute co i took calls all day and 99% was the user using it wrong and expecting something and are quick to blame the bottles. companies fault as they dont ellaborate on its proper use. but they want that so we buy more that isnt needed.

i didnt say it wasnt its not causing issues if it hasnt gone bad...and i dont see that being the case.


Active Member
sure...why would you wasnt to add food when we are using sweet to take food out at flush time. kind of defeating the purpose of the flush dont you think??
the flushing agents are such a joke to. they say what they do..remove built up salt that might be hard to remove from roots right. but if we grow it proper and watered proper as we all do then this dosent happen and the product isnt doing anything