Bone Deep Hatred!


Well-Known Member
It saddens me to see so much hate. So many people pick a handful of issues important to them to build hateful rhetoric to vent their frustrations. It doesn't matter that Trump won the election because the other side would have done the exact same thing. This nation will never come together and it is not because of corrupt politicians. It is because the people that they represent are filled with so much hate and it spreads like a virus.

Most folks on all sides of our politics are more likely to hate and spread hate and vitriol than they are to accept the elections and hope for the best; or get involved to help make changes even in their own communities. Each generation building hate passes it onto the next generation and over time it gets worse and less is accomplished.
There isn't a clean human on the planet. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. Everyone is offended when the media chokes you with negative shit and hate on all candidates. And it is absorbed like a sponge.
At least give the newly elected POTUS a chance before you hang him. Is he going to be a great president?.....Probably not but until he hangs himself by the decisions he actually makes "In The White House" I will give him the same respect I would give any other candidate and hope for the best. I don't know of a single candidate winning the presidency that accomplished or even tried to accomplish everything they spewed out on the campaign trail.
It saddens me to see so much hate. So many people pick a handful of issues important to them to build hateful rhetoric to vent their frustrations. It doesn't matter that Trump won the election because the other side would have done the exact same thing. This nation will never come together and it is not because of corrupt politicians. It is because the people that they represent are filled with so much hate and it spreads like a virus.

Most folks on all sides of our politics are more likely to hate and spread hate and vitriol than they are to accept the elections and hope for the best; or get involved to help make changes even in their own communities. Each generation building hate passes it onto the next generation and over time it gets worse and less is accomplished.
There isn't a clean human on the planet. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. Everyone is offended when the media chokes you with negative shit and hate on all candidates. And it is absorbed like a sponge.
At least give the newly elected POTUS a chance before you hang him. Is he going to be a great president?.....Probably not but until he hangs himself by the decisions he actually makes "In The White House" I will give him the same respect I would give any other candidate and hope for the best. I don't know of a single candidate winning the presidency that accomplished or even tried to accomplish everything they spewed out on the campaign trail.

He didn't make many friends getting there, respect is earned, so I don't owe him shit! Fuck President Trump!
This nation will never come together and it is not because of corrupt politicians. It is because the people that they represent are filled with so much hate and it spreads like a virus.
I completely disagree. The exact reason Americans in this country cannot come together is because the incumbent American politicians who are in control of this country do not want them to. If we all come together on issues, they lose their political power, and they know that. They know their job is to keep the American public DIVIDED. That way the person who is supposed to represent you can pretend to represent what you stand for while taking legal bribes from his donors who don't, and the person who is supposed to oppose you, pretends to represent the other side while taking legal bribes from his donors that don't. And all of us get screwed because neither of them actually represent our interests. We don't ensure their career, their donors do, so obviously, they do whatever their donors want them to do, if they didn't, they wouldn't be reelected because their campaign would lack the funds to get them reelected.
There isn't a clean human on the planet. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. Everyone is offended when the media chokes you with negative shit and hate on all candidates. And it is absorbed like a sponge.
"I just grab them by the pussy, I don't even wait."

I'd say 98% of people are cleaner than that, and we just elected one president that isn't..

At least give the newly elected POTUS a chance before you hang him. Is he going to be a great president?.....Probably not but until he hangs himself by the decisions he actually makes "In The White House" I will give him the same respect I would give any other candidate and hope for the best. I don't know of a single candidate winning the presidency that accomplished or even tried to accomplish everything they spewed out on the campaign trail.
He hasn't earned any respect. I'll give him a chance, and I'm sure he'll disappoint me within the first 2 weeks he's in office, but nobody receives undeserved respect in my book. You want respect, you earn it.
Politicians or not, there is no way to make everyone happy. Everyone on earth will never agree 100% on anything. With that disagreement comes everything we know today.
I completely disagree. The exact reason Americans in this country cannot come together is because the incumbent American politicians who are in control of this country do not want them to. If we all come together on issues, they lose their political power, and they know that. They know their job is to keep the American public DIVIDED.

It saddens me to see so much hate. So many people pick a handful of issues important to them to build hateful rhetoric to vent their frustrations. It doesn't matter that Trump won the election because the other side would have done the exact same thing. This nation will never come together and it is not because of corrupt politicians. It is because the people that they represent are filled with so much hate and it spreads like a virus.

Not so much. You've been ingesting too much media. They want you to think the nation is polarized (see above). Most people want the same things, basic needs, safety, love, good schools, jobs, etc. When politicians and the media attempt to pull this shit it only succeeds in removing humanity from people reducing human beings to a "them." That's what we're seeing.
I completely disagree. The exact reason Americans in this country cannot come together is because the incumbent American politicians who are in control of this country do not want them to. If we all come together on issues, they lose their political power, and they know that. They know their job is to keep the American public DIVIDED. That way the person who is supposed to represent you can pretend to represent what you stand for while taking legal bribes from his donors who don't, and the person who is supposed to oppose you, pretends to represent the other side while taking legal bribes from his donors that don't. And all of us get screwed because neither of them actually represent our interests. We don't ensure their career, their donors do, so obviously, they do whatever their donors want them to do, if they didn't, they wouldn't be reelected because their campaign would lack the funds to get them reelected.

"I just grab them by the pussy, I don't even wait."

I'd say 98% of people are cleaner than that, and we just elected one president that isn't..

He hasn't earned any respect. I'll give him a chance, and I'm sure he'll disappoint me within the first 2 weeks he's in office, but nobody receives undeserved respect in my book. You want respect, you earn it.
