Blue Mystic and Early Special...


Well-Known Member
Hey all, slowly working on lightproofing the growbox, cause I am getting nowhere with this damn growbox. I am lookign for a new one. I picked up an old fridge so I know that is light proof. now just gotta figure out how I am goig to rig somthing up to put my FOUR plants in that cramped space and prolly end up doing a scrog. The reason I am trying to go with a new box, is because I tried lightproofing it with just ducttape and it wasn't workign and in the last three weeks, the have streched to there complete max in this growbox, they are starting to be burnt from my 400w HPS. I was expecting them to be this size AFTER streaching from being put in flowering. Now one they start to flower they are going to end up being monsters. if they werent LST'd i would say they would be at least 4.5 to 5 feet tall EASY.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone bother to read this, or do you guys just not like to talk to me? LOL.
I've been reading, as probably many others have, but we've been told to not comment on grow journals, unless specifically asked.

So I'm keeping mum, and just absorbing info. But yeahs, reading.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, slowly working on lightproofing the growbox, cause I am getting nowhere with this damn growbox. I am lookign for a new one. I picked up an old fridge so I know that is light proof. now just gotta figure out how I am goig to rig somthing up to put my FOUR plants in that cramped space and prolly end up doing a scrog. The reason I am trying to go with a new box, is because I tried lightproofing it with just ducttape and it wasn't workign and in the last three weeks, the have streched to there complete max in this growbox, they are starting to be burnt from my 400w HPS. I was expecting them to be this size AFTER streaching from being put in flowering. Now one they start to flower they are going to end up being monsters. if they werent LST'd i would say they would be at least 4.5 to 5 feet tall EASY.
That shit happened to me, too! FUCK!!!
I am going to SCROG when G2 gets into bloom.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I've been reading, as probably many others have, but we've been told to not comment on grow journals, unless specifically asked.

So I'm keeping mum, and just absorbing info. But yeahs, reading.

Hey good2bkind, Thanks for reading, and go ahead and post away. Any comments, questions, funny one liners, anything. I don't care, everyone can post!


Well-Known Member
That shit happened to me, too! FUCK!!!
I am going to SCROG when G2 gets into bloom.

Good luck.
Yea, if my lightproofing was done right the first time I don't think I would have had the same problems, but I took them out of there box tonight, b4 the light cycle, I figured if they aren't working out in the box, then eff it. My setup is now sitting on the counter in my workshop. I set the timers so now they come on at 8:30 AM till 8:30 PM, only problem is the sun rises at 6:48 AM so, ambient light from the windows....I'll get heavy duty trashbags tomorrow, to cover them up, along with batteries for the camera....I might go tonight.


Well-Known Member
K heres some problem photos from the ones outside, go ahead and try to guess the problem.....I am! lmao. It seems to be a male anyway, but I cant take pictures of the preflowers cause theres NO LIGHT right now. they are outside. Never seen this before... The other plant that is planted near it, experiance some N burn, when I transplanted, but it turned out fine, this plant however showed no signs of N. burn at the time. But then the other plant after two rains turn a nice lush green and this one turned WHITE. From then inside out....its weird.





Well-Known Member
Well, i checked on the one plant that is outside, and not having problems (not the one turning white, another one outside, and shes showing her privates! so one out of 24 aint bad. lmfao. Quick explaination about me claiming to be growing 24 plants. When I was harvesting/trimming parts my first crop, I was sitting on the step to my workshop, and alot of seeds ended up falling onto the ground, near the door. I now have to take care not to step on the ELEVEN sprouts, out of what had to be almost 100 seeds. and then theres the 7 that where basically left under a window sill for about a month and a half. then they got the 4ft flouro till two days ago, and now they are getting the runnoff light from my main 4 plant grow....Well I guess I did lie after all...Thats only 22...oh yea, and the one in the red cup! Gunna try to grow it out in the cup....maybe....prolly not, what do you guys think.




I'll take picture of my Dwarven Girly....You'll see how she got her...race?

edit - DUH 25 plants the two outside, the male and my girly!


Well-Known Member
Well here she is, the first girl of this grow! Drum roll please.....


Then a fill size....( mind you this is RIGHT AFTER a storm. )


She's only about 8-10 inches tall. Transplant and storms have stunted her growth, the male next to her that is turning white is about 14 inches tall so shes not toooo far behind.

And now for my grow room, as you can see in previous posts, I took my workshop over again with my grow. Bought a new Air coolable hood, and fan, and ducting, ya know, the works, ran me about $260. Here she is...

The hood, need to find a place to vent to....without destrying anything...heh

and the fan to the hood....

What do you guys think. I can place the back of my hand directly on the glass and its only uncomfortable, not burning hot. and 3 inches from the glass you can barely feel the heat. Its a 400 watt HPS and a 265 CFM squirrel cage fan. I think temps are about 8 degrees hotter then regular temps, versus about 18 degrees without this.


Well-Known Member
sorry bout how crappy the girl's closeup looks, starting downpouring right as I was snapping that shot. Made a mad dash for the workshop lol!


Well-Known Member
i started out with wanting a simple hydro set up, and a nice light... then I needed a box cause of the light, then i needed fans for the room then i started needing to lst then I needed to get an aircooled hood, now i need a new bigger better more thought about and hopefully light and airproof. Its crazy how much crazy shit happens.