Blue Mystic and Early Special...


Well-Known Member
It works great but make sure your water quality is up there. If you have hard water I would suggest buying a RO filter or bottled water. Think about 9-12 gallons a week in veg and about 10-14 gallons for bloom. But thats if you have all six planters filled. Also keep in mind, I have a well. My water coming out of the tap in the kitchen has a PPM reading of 580 on good days. No good for hydro. Walmarts sells gallons for 68 cents. They only read TWELVE Parts Per Million! Thats pretty good for good clean water!

But all in all, If, I were going to start over, I would either buy a 4 planter system, or just build a custom one. Way too expensive for what it is, But it deff works, and works WELL. I only had 4 in mine for the most part, but it gets sooo crowded! Anyway its a great system, and pretty compact. You might also look into MORE airstones, if you buy this system. They send you 1 four inch disk. I use 3 twelve inch stones.


Well-Known Member
Also, I bought a similar set-up, for 85 bucks and once I saw how it functioned and was comfrtable with the hydro technique, building a second one was easy(and cheap). My re-creation was only thirty bucks give or take and works well.
good luck


Well-Known Member
dude, you grow sounds like a major pain in the bud...i mean

When I think about is a major pain in the ass, but I love this plant so much, and I'm trying, and learning and I enjoy it, so the pain isn't so obvious to me most of the time! But yea, had more problems in the last two days...lmao. Two nights ago, my black plastic hanging from the cieling that I just put up fell, after lights out. I have a four foot flouro going in the same room, hence the mylar. And then after fixing the problem ( the same way i put it up originally :wall: stupid ass! ) the next night it fell again. The reason it is falling is because of a fan in the room that I can't turn off because of ventilation issues, so. But I decided that the clones would have to try to root in 12/12, and set a timer on the flouro to cooperate with the HPS. So, hopefully they root. Anyone know if this is ok? I was reading up in the thread "cloning straight into flower" but today I reposted, and had to ask wether they meant after or before roots developed. prolly b4. o well. Anyone know the answer? No one has updated the thread yet with an answer so, maybe someone here will! Thanks everyone for reading and even more for posting!!


Well-Known Member
In The Forums Jump Tab, AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE, If You Go To Newbie Central There Is A Cool Free Video You Can Watch. In It The Guy Made His Clones, Waited Until They Were Rooted, Then He Stuck Them In The Flower Room. Keep It Up And Give My Best To The Frog


Well-Known Member
Yea, KP explained that same thing to me, HAVE TO WAIT FOR ROOTS B4 reducing light from 24 hrs. Well, Sorry there haven't been many pic updates, My Girl moved to New Jersey and took her camera, so the only thing I have is my mini-DVD camcorder. I have to fill the whole disk before I can finalize, I can't waste that much money on pictures. Next time I will buy mini-DVD-RW's. Sorry Guys! New pics within the week though. The DVD that is in it now, is almost full from home Videos, so I'll be able to finalize the disk soon!!


Well-Known Member
Moved clones inside house out of workshop so they can get 24 hours light. till next thursday, then they are on there own, wether they have roots or not. Limited in space, so. Just can have them inside the house after next thursday.


Active Member
Just read your journal, wow great set-up. I too have had my share of cloning blues, but it gets better all the time. Good Growing


Active Member
thats why they call it dope ! the other day i etheir left a pair of my shoes on a rock after doing a white water rafting trip or miss placed them some where else DOH ! CAN'T FIND THEM ANY WHERE


Well-Known Member
Thanks for following along soccerdad, and shiman! And thanks for the compliment Shiman. That sux bout your shoes. Time to use those boxes from when you bought your setup! j/k


Well-Known Member
K, I tied down the blue mystic, because light penetration was not making me happy. Now, I have a happy girl, she is producing at many budsites, but her flowering has really only started to pick up this weekend. Technically she has been flowering for....i dunno about two weeks (dont feel like checking back on it.....)

...OCD made me do it. The one outside showed its first pistils 7.10.07, and the Blue Mystic Showed her first pistils on 07.18.07, so 12 days in for the blue mystic and 20 days in for the Bagseed.

K...Heres some pics from a couple days ago, finally finalized the DVD, I wish I could show more pictures from like today, but oh well. Hope you guys like it.



Active Member
Thank you she is flowering slowly because she is outdoors. I am deffinatly still a newbie, but when I started out, I knew NOTHING about growing these beautiful plants. My first was a crop of 6, I killed off two on accident, and have one male. Needless to say I didnt know how to sex them, and I figured well, I live in the US I cant order seeds, so I'll let it fertilize them, so it will be shitty smoke. I did no pruning, nothing all natural except for the chemical fertilizers, She is 100% all her, no thanks to me.Hah. But she is my best one. I also have another one close to her, and she almost died in the between the middle of the first month and the beginning of the second month, but I was able to nurse her back to health, shes in the background of the pic below.

View attachment 9169

View attachment 9170

View attachment 9171
whats going on im jimmy
i was wandering if u could give me a few tips


Active Member
Thank you she is flowering slowly because she is outdoors. I am deffinatly still a newbie, but when I started out, I knew NOTHING about growing these beautiful plants. My first was a crop of 6, I killed off two on accident, and have one male. Needless to say I didnt know how to sex them, and I figured well, I live in the US I cant order seeds, so I'll let it fertilize them, so it will be shitty smoke. I did no pruning, nothing all natural except for the chemical fertilizers, She is 100% all her, no thanks to me.Hah. But she is my best one. I also have another one close to her, and she almost died in the between the middle of the first month and the beginning of the second month, but I was able to nurse her back to health, shes in the background of the pic below.

View attachment 9169

View attachment 9170

View attachment 9171
whats going on im jimmy
i was wandering if u could give me a few tips


Well-Known Member
Hey Jimmy.... Tip #1 GrowFAQ. My 2nd best resource. Tip #2 ALWAYS ask questions, no matter how stupid they make you feel. I learned that early on, and I am glad I did. If you have any specific questions just PM me, I'll TRY to help, and If I can't I'll let ya know who to go to. Welecome to rollitup, and happy growing.


Active Member
lol its on the first page lol i did a quick reply lol sorry baked off my ass on some arjan's haze


Well-Known Member
Nice, I heard that was a GREAT smoke. Wish I could get my hands on some! Keep following everyone... Girls are only in there first few weeks of flower!