Blue Mystic and Early Special...


Well-Known Member
The grow looks good im gonna keep following it! keep posting the pics i like to drool over them and wish i had enough space to grow loooooooooooooads of plants, actually confined to 1! no!


Well-Known Member
No problem Jolly, I will keep posting pics, just make sure when you drop in to leave a line, so I know people are still following! Thanks for posting man, keep coming back.


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about a purpetual harvest outta my lil 'ol growbox. You know cycleing every two weeks. I just have to get my fucking cloning technique. Not make it better....Just GET ONE. I have had zero success with clones lmao. Gues there won't be a purpetual harvest till I learn to clone right huh? LMFAO.


Well-Known Member
New pics. Just for the hell of it, I just refreshed there RES. and I think I might have gone too heavy on the PH PH pen just kicked the bucket on me...Will have to get one this paycheck... Anyway on the brighter side of life, its day two of flowering and the preflowers look like they are getting real close to revealing there sexes. Took pictures earlier at around 400pm and then again just before, so about 7 hours later (light cycle is off at 7:30am on at 7:30pm) they have changed a bit! Alot acctually.

heres a pic at 4:00 pm

then the ones at aroun 11:00pm


And my Garden Gaurdian...Hopefully First night. Wild frog, I hope he stays and gets some of these bugs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking out my grow I really appreciate anything either of you would have any opinions on. I hold you both in very high regards. ( Not saying its not the same for others following my thread. ) Oh yea, Imma post some of those pics tonight in FDD's thread "I'm Growing A Bug!!!!!!!" I'll edit with a link later.


Well-Known Member
Its looking great man i would say you have females there man! always what we want though right? are they all pics of the same plant?
Jolly (loving the frog btw)


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about a purpetual harvest outta my lil 'ol growbox. You know cycleing every two weeks. I just have to get my fucking cloning technique. Not make it better....Just GET ONE. I have had zero success with clones lmao. Guess there won't be a purpetual harvest till I learn to clone right huh? LMFAO.
I used the method detailed in Jorge Cervantes' book: Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible. That, and I used a grocone clone machine under (2) 2ft flourescent bulbs - 18w. Good results.


Well-Known Member
Its looking great man i would say you have females there man! always what we want though right? are they all pics of the same plant?
Jolly (loving the frog btw)

Hey, yes those are the same plants, Only one even close yet, but I'm not counting my chickens yet! I have harrassed these poor babies with almost unregulated heat and humidity in Southern FLORIDA, and the cab has been running between 79 and 99 F. One time it got up to 103!!! I am almost scared to see there results...But I am hoping that the ONE BLUE MYSTIC is a female, shes the only one I truly am....sorry ITS the only one I am adamant about getting a female from, but because money is tight and good fans are expensive, I am S.O.L. for now. Next paycheck is friday, hoping to have enoug for at least 2 GOOD fans (one intake and one exhuast) AND some predator bugs. FINNALLY found a hydro shop in the area. Going to Home Depot to compare prices on the fans this friday also. Thank you EVERYONE for following along, it makes my growing experiance much more comfortable! I LOVE YOU ALL. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
oh yea, the plant shown is a bagseed. Its name and number are BS 2, it's the one that one of those cool frogs broke's stem in HALF, and she showed me by healing up BEAUTIFULLY! I'll take a pic of her knuckle from the sustained injury! It'll be up in a lil while! Thanks again everyone!


Well-Known Member
I used the method detailed in Jorge Cervantes' book: Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible. That, and I used a grocone clone machine under (2) 2ft flourescent bulbs - 18w. Good results.

I have followed those instructions (from the DVD, I belive the same ones, but not absolutly sure.) and I just can't get one to take, The ones I have now, are in three locations. I'm trying to figure out the best enviroment for them. One is inside my house, temps ALWAYS between 72-77F about 8-12 inches away from a 27W CFL in a floodlamp houseing....I'll take pictures. One of those ones is under half a 16 oz bottle, and the other I mist 2-3 times a day with Advanced Nutrients JUMPSTART. I have tried spraying Anti-Wilt by....Vita Grow, on the donor of the clones before taking them, and to no avail they died quiker, the ones that had anti-wilt all became moldy on there rockwool. The other one that is inside my house by the 27w CFL, is ABUDSMOKERS...(i think thats his name, ill have to edit with corrected name,if its not) technique. It's basically the same, except about a 9 inch stem cut, instead of just one with 3 nodes. Then I have three outside, no dome, and indirect sun about 3-4 hours a day, NEVER in direct sunlight. Misted twice a day, they all look like they are dying, but somewhere I read its a good thing they look they way they do, because they are using up there stored nutrients, which SHOULD mean root growth is occouring. Another two were buryed directly in the ground, in good soil and watered along with my two soil plants. twices a day about 20 mins, sprinkler, and sprayed with JUMPSTART once a day. They both shriveled and died in the intense sun. But I will check out that cloning machine yuou mentioned, I am interested in trying one out. As my DIY methods arent working out for me. Oh yea, clonex was used in EVERY application, the most recent I removed clonex from the bottom of the wound, because in the FAQ's I read that it could suffocate the clone, so I followed direction and I am still hoping. Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics of the attempted clones that I have right now, the ones that are inside.




Another great grower has offered to help teach me how to clone. So tomorrow I will be on with new pics! But for today, I still have some more picture taking to do.


Well-Known Member
heres those outdoor attempts a couple hours ago, these were treated with Anti-Wilt by Vita Grow, before clones were cut off. Directions on bottle were not followed, directions by Advanced Nutrients Grow Show on using Anti-Wilt before cloning were used. Since Anti Wilt wasn't made specifically for cannibis.





Well-Known Member
Seedling BM4
Seedling BM5
Picture of BS 4 (outdoor...obviously :) )

then a plant that has the EXACT SAME TREATMENT as BS 4, this is BS 5 and shes got problems, second or third day of yellowing. Gunna try some miracle grow nutes for tomatoes tomorrow, ONLY soil nutes I have. Anyone have any other suggestions, should I not nute it. They are about 1 month one week of maybe just one month...matter of fact they are one month one week, now I remember, I started them inside under flouro tubes the week I harvested my first crop.

BS 5

Thanks everybody!