Bloomberg to the rescue

Anyway, back to the thread topic, it seems Padaraper wants to have a personal discussion and derail another thread when memes about socialism fail to upend the debate.

Trump was tweeting support for Sanders while he was literally getting impeached for cheating against Biden.
The guy who supports massive tax hikes in order to force everyone to have healthcare not everyone wants is telling us to understand what authoritarianism is.

This is the guy who demands we "let Bernie win". I mean, I guess Bernie woulda won though, if he hadn't lost.
The fact that he can buy his way into the political discussion is the problem. There's no more clear example of oligarchy. Why not just go back to serfs and lords and the divine rights of kings?

Or maybe you should read up on why that wasn't such a great idea to begin with
Ok, it sucks that we have a system that unlimited funds can be spent. But until it is changed, Bloomberg is the one guy running that has the funds to keep up with the unlimited funds that are flowing through Trump's campaign and foreign militaries.

That's a poor argument. Nobody is proposing turning the US into "a true socialist system" (however you define that)
Nobody is saying to go back to serfs and lords either. You talk out of both sides of your mouth whenever you think it benefits your argument.

You need to understand the difference between authoritarianism and social democracy

Conflating the two shows a lack of understanding of both, as well as history
All these labels are bullshit. We have laws and a governmental system, and no matter what someone wants them to be doesn't make it the case. Look at Trump, as hard as he is trying to be king, besides bully poor brown people who snuck in here trying to make a better life, he really is not able to do shit without the rest of the government allowing him to do it. And he is breaking laws left and right. This is how our system works, either we all move together or very little gets done.
Ok, it sucks that we have a system that unlimited funds can be spent. But until it is changed, Bloomberg is the one guy running that has the funds to keep up with the unlimited funds that are flowing through Trump's campaign and foreign militaries.
How can you change a corrupt system by taking its money? If that were possible, Obama would have done it. Instead, the passage of Citizens United took place under his watch and exacerbated the problem. You either don't understand how corruption and bribery take place in this country or tacitly agree with it when it benefits you or the candidate(s) you support
Nobody is saying to go back to serfs and lords either.
I didn't say anyone is saying to go back to serfs and lords, I said by supporting the American oligarchy and offering a defense of Michael Bloomberg buying his way into the political discussion, why don't we just get rid of this pesky democracy and go back to serfs and lords. It was a response to the claim that Sanders wants to turn the US into a socialist country, another false right wing talking point designed to elicit an emotional fear based response out of low information voters
Seems kind of fitting.

How can you change a corrupt system by taking its money? If that were possible, Obama would have done it. Instead, the passage of Citizens United took place under his watch and exacerbated the problem. You either don't understand how corruption and bribery take place in this country or tacitly agree with it when it benefits you or the candidate(s) you support
Your complaint is wrong because he is not taking anyone's money. And citizens united ruling had nothing to do with Obama, it was a court decision, and when the Democrats tried to stop it, the Republicans stopped it because it was after 2010 when the House and Senate flipped due to the 'Tea Party' nonsense.

You are so disingenuous.

I didn't say anyone is saying to go back to serfs and lords, I said by supporting the American oligarchy and offering a defense of Michael Bloomberg buying his way into the political discussion, why don't we just get rid of this pesky democracy and go back to serfs and lords. It was a response to the claim that Sanders wants to turn the US into a socialist country, another false right wing talking point designed to elicit an emotional fear based response out of low information voters
We don't have a oligarchy, no matter how much the trolls pretending to be on the left try to paint it like we do. Just because people worked their asses off and got lucky and smart enough to not lose it in recessions doesn't mean that they are the enemy.
Ok, it sucks that we have a system that unlimited funds can be spent. But until it is changed, Bloomberg is the one guy running that has the funds to keep up with the unlimited funds that are flowing through Trump's campaign and foreign militaries.

Nobody is saying to go back to serfs and lords either. You talk out of both sides of your mouth whenever you think it benefits your argument.

All these labels are bullshit. We have laws and a governmental system, and no matter what someone wants them to be doesn't make it the case. Look at Trump, as hard as he is trying to be king, besides bully poor brown people who snuck in here trying to make a better life, he really is not able to do shit without the rest of the government allowing him to do it. And he is breaking laws left and right. This is how our system works, either we all move together or very little gets done.
He likes doing that. He thinks there is no option between the current healthcare system and M4A. You're either a Bernout or you want Americans to lack coverage according to this moron.
Bloomberg is far from my ideal candidate, but I am starting to really admire the way he is driving Trump and Sanders supporters to pull their hair out.

I do not doubt for a moment that he would attract many times more voters to vote Democratic than Bernie would.
Seems kind of fitting.
The ad amounts to "Bernie bro's were mean to me on Twitter!"

Not a single policy, it's meant to elicit an emotional reaction out of low information voters like you, and look, it worked!

Your complaint is wrong because he is not taking anyone's money. And citizens united ruling had nothing to do with Obama, it was a court decision, and when the Democrats tried to stop it, the Republicans stopped it because it was after 2010 when the House and Senate flipped due to the 'Tea Party' nonsense.
How can you change a corrupt system by taking its money? You didn't answer the question.

Obama could have worked to change campaign finance laws when he was president, but he didn't because he took money for his election bid from big donors who benefit from the current campaign finance laws. Why would we expect that to change? Why would those big donors fund the campaign of a politician who's big on changing the laws to ensure they can't buy government? Seems like a pretty straightforward question, do you have the spine to answer it?

We don't have a oligarchy, no matter how much the trolls pretending to be on the left try to paint it like we do.
“You have to go where the money is. Now where the money is, there’s almost always implicitly some string attached. … It’s awful hard to take a whole lot of money from a group you know has a particular position then you conclude they’re wrong [and] vote no.” — Vice President Joe Biden in 2015.

“Lobbyists and career politicians today make up what I call the Washington Cartel. … [They] on a daily basis are conspiring against the American people. … [C]areer politicians’ ears and wallets are open to the highest bidder.” — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in 2015.

“When some think tank comes up with the legislation and tells you not to fool with it, why are you even a legislator anymore? You just sit there and take votes and you’re kind of a feudal serf for folks with a lot of money.” — Dale Schultz, 32-year Republican state legislator in Wisconsin and former state Senate Majority Leader

“The alliance of money and the interests that it represents, the access that it affords to those who have it at the expense of those who don’t, the agenda that it changes or sets by virtue of its power is steadily silencing the voice of the vast majority of Americans … The truth requires that we call the corrosion of money in politics what it is – it is a form of corruption and it muzzles more Americans than it empowers, and it is an imbalance that the world has taught us can only sow the seeds of unrest.” – Secretary of State John Kerry, in 2013 farewell speech to the Senate

“American democracy has been hacked. … The United States Congress … is now incapable of passing laws without permission from the corporate lobbies and other special interests that control their campaign finances.” — Al Gore, former vice president, in his 2013 book The Future

“I think it is because of the corrupt paradigm that has become Washington, D.C., whereby votes continually are bought rather than representatives voting the will of their constituents. … That’s the voice that’s been missing at the table in Washington, D.C. — the people’s voice has been missing.” — Michele Bachmann, four-term Republican congresswoman from Minnesota and founder of the House Tea Party Caucus, in 2011

"All those trolls on the left"...
The ad amounts to "Bernie bro's were mean to me on Twitter!"

Not a single policy, it's meant to elicit an emotional reaction out of low information voters like you, and look, it worked!

How can you change a corrupt system by taking its money? You didn't answer the question.

Obama could have worked to change campaign finance laws when he was president, but he didn't because he took money for his election bid from big donors who benefit from the current campaign finance laws. Why would we expect that to change? Why would those big donors fund the campaign of a politician who's big on changing the laws to ensure they can't buy government? Seems like a pretty straightforward question, do you have the spine to answer it?

“You have to go where the money is. Now where the money is, there’s almost always implicitly some string attached. … It’s awful hard to take a whole lot of money from a group you know has a particular position then you conclude they’re wrong [and] vote no.” — Vice President Joe Biden in 2015.

“Lobbyists and career politicians today make up what I call the Washington Cartel. … [They] on a daily basis are conspiring against the American people. … [C]areer politicians’ ears and wallets are open to the highest bidder.” — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in 2015.

“When some think tank comes up with the legislation and tells you not to fool with it, why are you even a legislator anymore? You just sit there and take votes and you’re kind of a feudal serf for folks with a lot of money.” — Dale Schultz, 32-year Republican state legislator in Wisconsin and former state Senate Majority Leader

“The alliance of money and the interests that it represents, the access that it affords to those who have it at the expense of those who don’t, the agenda that it changes or sets by virtue of its power is steadily silencing the voice of the vast majority of Americans … The truth requires that we call the corrosion of money in politics what it is – it is a form of corruption and it muzzles more Americans than it empowers, and it is an imbalance that the world has taught us can only sow the seeds of unrest.” – Secretary of State John Kerry, in 2013 farewell speech to the Senate

“American democracy has been hacked. … The United States Congress … is now incapable of passing laws without permission from the corporate lobbies and other special interests that control their campaign finances.” — Al Gore, former vice president, in his 2013 book The Future

“I think it is because of the corrupt paradigm that has become Washington, D.C., whereby votes continually are bought rather than representatives voting the will of their constituents. … That’s the voice that’s been missing at the table in Washington, D.C. — the people’s voice has been missing.” — Michele Bachmann, four-term Republican congresswoman from Minnesota and founder of the House Tea Party Caucus, in 2011

"All those trolls on the left"...
"Low information voters"?

Why are you repeating Rush Limbaugh's talking points?

Didn't read the rest.

I love the new you - bathed in flop-sweat.

The ad amounts to "Bernie bro's were mean to me on Twitter!"

Not a single policy, it's meant to elicit an emotional reaction out of low information voters like you, and look, it worked!
Oh look at you going all @londonfog on me.

How can you change a corrupt system by taking its money? You didn't answer the question.

Obama could have worked to change campaign finance laws when he was president, but he didn't because he took money for his election bid from big donors who benefit from the current campaign finance laws. Why would we expect that to change? Why would those big donors fund the campaign of a politician who's big on changing the laws to ensure they can't buy government? Seems like a pretty straightforward question, do you have the spine to answer it?
Because it is a stupid question, Bloomberg is not taking anyones money, so how can it be corrupted?

You are ridiculous with your dig on Obama, the Democrats tried, but it would take Republicans to allow it to pass, because it was a constitutional amendment.

“You have to go where the money is. Now where the money is, there’s almost always implicitly some string attached. … It’s awful hard to take a whole lot of money from a group you know has a particular position then you conclude they’re wrong [and] vote no.” — Vice President Joe Biden in 2015.

“Lobbyists and career politicians today make up what I call the Washington Cartel. … [They] on a daily basis are conspiring against the American people. … [C]areer politicians’ ears and wallets are open to the highest bidder.” — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in 2015.

“When some think tank comes up with the legislation and tells you not to fool with it, why are you even a legislator anymore? You just sit there and take votes and you’re kind of a feudal serf for folks with a lot of money.” — Dale Schultz, 32-year Republican state legislator in Wisconsin and former state Senate Majority Leader

“The alliance of money and the interests that it represents, the access that it affords to those who have it at the expense of those who don’t, the agenda that it changes or sets by virtue of its power is steadily silencing the voice of the vast majority of Americans … The truth requires that we call the corrosion of money in politics what it is – it is a form of corruption and it muzzles more Americans than it empowers, and it is an imbalance that the world has taught us can only sow the seeds of unrest.” – Secretary of State John Kerry, in 2013 farewell speech to the Senate

“American democracy has been hacked. … The United States Congress … is now incapable of passing laws without permission from the corporate lobbies and other special interests that control their campaign finances.” — Al Gore, former vice president, in his 2013 book The Future

“I think it is because of the corrupt paradigm that has become Washington, D.C., whereby votes continually are bought rather than representatives voting the will of their constituents. … That’s the voice that’s been missing at the table in Washington, D.C. — the people’s voice has been missing.” — Michele Bachmann, four-term Republican congresswoman from Minnesota and founder of the House Tea Party Caucus, in 2011
Lobbyists are not oligarthy, no matter how much you want to pretend it is to fit your narrative.

Are you an American? You have never answered.
Because it is a stupid question, Bloomberg is not taking anyones money, so how can it be corrupted?
Gee, I dunno...

“I gave to many people, before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me. And that’s a broken system.” — Donald Trump in 2015.
You are ridiculous with your dig on Obama, the Democrats tried, but it would take Republicans to allow it to pass, because it was a constitutional amendment.
Then what makes you think anything would be different under the same circumstances with a different Democratic president?
Lobbyists are not oligarthy, no matter how much you want to pretend it is to fit your narrative.
If a billionaire bought his way into the government in Russia, would it be oligarchy then?
Gee, I dunno...

“I gave to many people, before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me. And that’s a broken system.” — Donald Trump in 2015.
Right, but Trump never really built anything up, he was given millions from his daddy in a yearly allowance by age 3, and squandered it all the way up to him starting to wash money for foreign dictators.

Bloomberg actually built up his wealth from middle class roots. Has ran one of the biggest economies in the world and didn't sell it out to the Russians. He has 20k+ employees and is not just used to managing family and minions who break the law for him.

Completely different.

Then what makes you think anything would be different under the same circumstances with a different Democratic president?
I dont, that is why we need someone who can beat Trump and the foreign money that he is illegally using to fund his re-election campaign. Shit Trump is even using tax payer dollars that is supposed to be used in improving our nation in his re-election campaign.

You can't fight that with just taking money from people who need it to pay bills. No matter how much we all would like it to be different.

If a billionaire bought his way into the government in Russia, would it be oligarchy then?
America isn't Russia, no matter how much you and Trump want to trick everyone into thinking they are the same. What a stupid comparison. Putin is a dictator, Trump as much as he wants to pretend he is one, still is just a President.
At least Bloomberg is using his own money to buy an election.

Bernie is selling the promise of using everyone else money to buy an election.
Bloomberg has spent $250 million in ads, like the one you posted earlier, targeting low information voters who don't know his history in politics. Sanders has received the most grassroots funding of any political campaign in American history, at the smallest dollar amount per donation in American history by offering Americans something they actually want. Framing it as an attempt to "buy the election", like Bloomberg is, is right wing propaganda perpetuated by people like Ben Shapiro. Was the "hope and change" Obama was offering in 2008 his attempt to "buy the election", too?

People wouldn't donate to his campaign in record breaking numbers if they didn't support the issues he's spent his career championing