Blocking roots with a screen?????


Well-Known Member
I,grow in diy tubs that use a pvc manifold to spray onto the roots.
A hose runs down through a hole in the tub to the resvoir and pump.
In the past my tubs were big enough that i could handle the roots growing down into the res. As long as i look the pumps and move them away from the roots from time to time..

Well now im in smaller tubs and resevoirs with less verticle space.

I was wondering what would happen if i pulled the root mass up into the top tub and laid a piece of screen across the hole....

How might this affect my growth?
If they cant grow down, will the roots still grow since they're still getting wet?


Well-Known Member
If water can get through the screen, roots will grow through it too.
Yes. Thats what happened... Im thinking maybe next grow i can find a way to train them...
Maybe some inserts that will make them grow side to side on a series of declines.. At least give me more time in the root chamber and take longer to hit the res.