Blaze & Daze

This time I am worried. Milton headed straight for us.

Yep. We still haven't made the call on leaving or staying. Since my kid has an assignment to assess articles of current news from the right, left, and center sides of the political spectrum; I sent her three of the articles on Milton from the media so we knock this assignment out while she's out of school anyway.

-Little overacheiver wants to do a 'follow up on the ground report' afterwards too. :-D Even though that's not part of the assignment at all.

I'm still deciding stock up or bug out. :-/
Yep. We still haven't made the call on leaving or staying. Since my kid has an assignment to assess articles of current news from the right, left, and center sides of the political spectrum; I sent her three of the articles on Milton from the media so we knock this assignment out while she's out of school anyway.

-Little overacheiver wants to do a 'follow up on the ground report' afterwards too. :-D Even though that's not part of the assignment at all.

I'm still deciding stock up or bug out. :-/
I just checked CERA. It shows the highest surge around Port Charlotte, just north of Ft. Myers. My neighbor said a cold front is pushing it south of Tampa Bay. Great news for TB, horrible for Fort Myers area. For now, I plan to batten down the hatches and stay.
Not sure what chicken of the wood realy is . Here its used for this one: Laetiporus sulphureus, and almost no one eats them. I tried, grows on my plum tree, and I wasn´t realy impresed. I like Suillus grevillei, makeing something called "smaženice", which is steamed mushrooms with one or two eggs and spice. With czech kind of bread. Hmm..

Dried mushrooms for soups are great.
we have Laetiporus cincinnatus here, which is the white version of the species. it's only worth harvesting when it's fairly young, otherwise it gets a bitter taste. one year i made chicken fried chicken of the woods, and it was really good. i would love to find boletes around here! well, we have plenty that grow, but we're not sure of the edible nature. we've gotten our fair share of bad guts from eating mushrooms, so we tend to stick to just three or four species that we're very confident in.
we have Laetiporus cincinnatus here, which is the white version of the species. it's only worth harvesting when it's fairly young, otherwise it gets a bitter taste. one year i made chicken fried chicken of the woods, and it was really good. i would love to find boletes around here! well, we have plenty that grow, but we're not sure of the edible nature. we've gotten our fair share of bad guts from eating mushrooms, so we tend to stick to just three or four species that we're very confident in.

Its good approach, you are on the safe side.

Found many boletes today, plenty of them growing right now and will be for next two weeks. Mushroom picking is some kind of "national sport" here, you can meet whole families with kids in woods. I recognize and pick about 15-20 species, including russulas, Lactarius, Craterellus cornucopioides, Boletus, Amanita rubescens, Macrolepiota, Laccaria amethystina ,...

I realy like mushrooms:)

"All mushrooms are edible, some of them just once"
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Went to this excellent exhibit at the Norman Rockwell museum today. It was cool to see the Rockwell’s, but I really went for Alfred E. Neuman. What, me worry?
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I grew up on Mad Magazine, that and Marvel Comics and my dads Playboys. Which really did have good articles! All heady stuff for adolescents. I wonder if a 10 or 12 year old would be allowed to read that stuff nowadays.
I grew up on Mad Magazine, that and Marvel Comics and my dads Playboys. Which really did have good articles! All heady stuff for adolescents. I wonder if a 10 or 12 year old would be allowed to read that stuff nowadays.

For me it was Grand-dad's Playboys. He kept them all from issue #1, after which he got a subscription. He kept them all in near mint condition. I almost died when I found out that the first the Grandm-mom did after he died was throw the entire collection away. I don't remember what a complete Playboy was valued at in 1997 but whatever it was it'd be worth more and I would have dragged them around the country in vacuum sealed boxes had she not done that.
I grew up on Mad Magazine, that and Marvel Comics and my dads Playboys. Which really did have good articles! All heady stuff for adolescents. I wonder if a 10 or 12 year old would be allowed to read that stuff nowadays.
Sounds really similar to my experience. Admittedly my dad’s stack had a range of titles, most not known for their great interviews. I still own scary numbers of marvel comics. I sell them off, but every few years I seem to purchase someone’s collection for deals that are just too good…

One more pic from the Mad exhibit.