= racist?


Well-Known Member
I doubt you have to be black to join. I don't think it's any more racist than which is a dating site for jews. You don't have to be jewish to join but I doubt you would do very well there if you weren't. There are all sorts of religious dating sites. lol. I should make
I'd join.
My slogan would be 'i'll make you scream "Oh my evolution!" Or "Oh Darwin F--k me harder!"

stern - IDK first hand, it's just what i've heard. better keep your hands away from that perm. :)


Well-Known Member
on a side note....i saw a pron the other day and the black dude had a small dick. very strange to say the least because the dude was like 6'2 240lbs. weird
however he banged this young white chick like it was nothing-go figure

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I'd join.
My slogan would be 'i'll make you scream "Oh my evolution!" Or "Oh Darwin F--k me harder!"

stern - IDK first hand, it's just what i've heard. better keep your hands away from that perm. :)
Never been with a black chick and I doubt I ever will. I don't find them atractive to be honest, and the only way I would is if she was a Janet Jackson or Hallie Berry and my ugly ass would never pull down pussy that looks like that so I am SOL on the chocolate lovin.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
on a side note....i saw a pron the other day and the black dude had a small dick. very strange to say the least because the dude was like 6'2 240lbs. weird
however he banged this young white chick like it was nothing-go figure
I like the one "Oh my god my daughter is fucking Black Zilla! LOL


Well-Known Member
Ok, so far in the last few days I've been called the n word and a racist in my rep. you guys gotta make up your minds. :p


Well-Known Member
Dude are you serious? That is why I maried a Mexican! Mexicans and Porterican chicks are dirty as fuck in bed! I doubt that a black chick will toss your salad!

Live and let live and as long as you don't fuck with my family or my plants I don't give a shit what you do! ;)
Ahahahahaha. Hilarious.
I totally agree.. America has become &#8220;black people aren&#8217;t racist and white people are&#8221; <-- that right there is tech. considered racist cause one, I didn&#8217;t say African American&#8230; two.. I said black people where racist :) lmao..

Im not racist and yes I come from the south.. no I don&#8217;t do black girls.. yes they offer cause most black women aren&#8217;t afraid to say they want some white boy ***small*** yes I just told everyone I had a small dick.. o well.. Main thing is&#8230; I can&#8217;t help what my great ancestors did&#8230; Don&#8217;t judge me for what they did&#8230; Don&#8217;t act like you deserve the world.. do some research Indians, Jews, POOR PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF RACE YES THAT&#8217;S WHITE PEOPLE.. were also enslaved&#8230; so&#8230; get off your petty wagon&#8230;

My black friends kornbread and narvis told me to add &#8220;bitches be crazy.. and no way.. kfc ain't about nothing.. they like churches and watermelon... so yea :)" <--- there words not mine



Well-Known Member
Don't even get me started on that PC crap that is "African American"

What if the black person is Haitian? or Jamaican? Or what if the black person lives in Germany?

The whole concept is feelgood dribble.
Even the terms "Colored" or "Negro" are less racist then "African American"


Well-Known Member
Don't even get me started on that PC crap that is "African American"

What if the black person is Haitian? or Jamaican? Or what if the black person lives in Germany?

The whole concept is feelgood dribble.
Even the terms "Colored" or "Negro" are less racist then "African American"
They say all blacks originated in Africa, even the ones who eventually moved (or were moved) to islands. There were no native blacks in Haiti. That's what my black friend told me when I asked him. I found it interesting.


Well-Known Member
Are you calling me a seaman? Lol

Sure, it's debatable, if you consider homo neanderthals (Not a reference to hulk hogan) humans.

you can also debate the theory of gravity, that don't mean my ass won't stick to the ground. :p


Well-Known Member
I try to say african american but my friends who are hispanic and black always refer to caucasians as "white" or "some white bitch" as in "some white bitch cut me off"... they don't say caucasian so they shouldn't get their panties in a bunch over people saying black.


Well-Known Member
I try to say african american but my friends who are hispanic and black always refer to caucasians as "white" or "some white bitch" as in "some white bitch cut me off"... they don't say caucasian so they shouldn't get their panties in a bunch over people saying black.
I've never heard of anyone getting offended from being called black. I actually think it would be awkward to refer to someone as african american. That's just too uptight to me. :)


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of anyone getting offended from being called black. I actually think it would be awkward to refer to someone as african american. That's just too uptight to me. :)
lol like when michael from the office asks Oscar if calling him Mexican would be offensive. "is their something less offensive i can call you?"
I've never heard of anyone getting offended from being called black. I actually think it would be awkward to refer to someone as african american. That's just too uptight to me. :)
come around here... say "that black guy over there" the ones who look for shit about racism.. will straight up bitch you out about it.. i say black... niger, spook or what ever pops up.. BUT im not racist... its more less a joke for me and my black friends.. they laugh and say "that cracker thinks i want shoot him" true.. one day they might.. but in the mean time its hilarious...

but i do agree.. it pisses me off to here someone say "no african american" were all americans here... if your in america and yoru a citizen.. i don't care if your from the sea.. your ass is a american.. im not scotish irish american or what ever my past is..

sorry pretty fucked up.. hope this made since?



Docter Bud

Honestly dude. Nigga isn't racist, it's how people use it. Nigga is a friendly term, I say it all the time and I'm white. NO REAL NIGGA I KNOW HAS A PROBLEM WITH IT. Only fake bitches who try hard to be hood. If you are hood it comes naturally.