Well-Known Member
Again, what you're saying, in most cases, is absolutely true. What I want people to realize is that America is complicit in a lot of the reasons why many black fathers are MIA. The war on (black) drugs has devastated the black family. The government knew exactly what they were doing. I mean somebody has to fill up all of these shiny new private prisons that are, by the way, publicly traded on the NYSE. No prisoners, no money.Yup, this is a racist pos country.
I cannot, or will not argue that point, Bearkat42.. But do you know what I am talking about?. I have a lot of black friends, some good, mostly bad (like me). Their parents started in a hole, that it would be difficult for anyone to climb out of. My parents, farmers that they were, never even graduated secondary school. Did your parents go to college? Hopefully they did, but if they lived in the 1940's or 50's, or even the 60's they would not have had that opportunity, probably. Ok, what's my point. It is that a cohesive family is imperative to raise a child, and a lot of black inner city children are not afforded that chance, because it is the norm for the Dad to be MIA, at least in Bridgeport.
And the sad thing is that it actually makes economic sense for the mother not to be married, and that unfortunately is the truth also. The Afro American citizens have only been able to really to start to create ANY FUCKING THING in the last 50 years. A white boy from Russia had a better chance in 1965 obtaining common courtesy, than a black man that had actually fought for his country in 2 World Wars, and TODAY, we have a group called Black Lives Matter making the news, as if those lives never did in this country. Sad thing is that is what history has absolutly shown us, is that they need to still point out that fact out in 2016, in these United States of America. That is a fucking shame
And to answer your question, my parents have advanced degrees, as does one of my grandfathers.