BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
Woah man their bushes now! Sorry to hear about the pests ive been having a problem with these little black flies no matter what i try more come along so i've given up now. How close are your girls together? Its going to be a jungle before long!


Well-Known Member
damn bigguy lookin great...hopefully the neem concauction will work for ya i think i got rid of most of the gnats because the plants look like they are doing much better...cant wait to see these bitches grow some volkswagen sized buds!!!:eyesmoke::clap:...keep it going bro laterz


Well-Known Member
Woah man their bushes now! Sorry to hear about the pests ive been having a problem with these little black flies no matter what i try more come along so i've given up now. How close are your girls together? Its going to be a jungle before long!
I hate bugs, mosquitoes or any of the rest of them ! I received my neem cake via Fed-ex today and wil be soaking over night as per instructions.
The plants are plenty far apart and each has their own 4' tall welded wire fence ring around it. So plenty of room for them to turn into trees.:mrgreen:
damn bigguy lookin great...hopefully the neem concauction will work for ya i think i got rid of most of the gnats because the plants look like they are doing much better...cant wait to see these bitches grow some volkswagen sized buds!!!:eyesmoke::clap:...keep it going bro laterz
Thanks, hoping for the best with the neem.
Looking forward to smoking them massive buds from my soon to be trees too.:peace:


Well-Known Member
The inside ladies are getting crazy and need to move out soon.
I only have enough fencing left to put 2 more sites out at this time so I can't put them all out yet. I'm thinking that I need to move WR5 & WR6 out first in order to make room for the others for a bit as they have turned into monster bushes and take up the most room.
LR3 is showing what looks to be balls, but she has white hairs everywhere and has frosted leaves, hermie ?!?!
The Black Rose's have both bushed out like crazy and are also nice and low.
Enjoy the pics.:weed::mrgreen::peace:



Well-Known Member
damn biguy lookin good fo sho...your lr#3 is flowerin a lil already huh? but o well looks damned nice hopefully you can get enough outta her looks like a couple more might have some pre-flowers but i really can't tell. ne ways lookin good keep up the good work...peacez


Well-Known Member
wowwie those are looking great! the BRs sure are bushing out, I'm sure they'll do great outside! Which plants are in the 10th & 12th pics?


Well-Known Member
big guy im lovin the l.r.'s. i am for sure doing them next time i grow so i can smoke some of my homegrown shit before november :mrgreen: and i cant wait to see your others become trees. i thought mine were going to but if mine will be yours for sure will be! keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody, yeah this is really getting exciting now that they are all growing by leaps and bounds.
I managed to get WR5 (pics 10 & 11 above) & WR6 (pics 12 & 13 above) transplanted outside today. I had just enough welded wire fencing to go around these two.They were both definately root-bound, heck WR6 had such a rootball that she didn't even let go of any of the gravel layer at the bottom. So I'm glad I did move them out now and not wait any longer.
When I mixed the soil (peat & perlite) for their sites I added in some of the dry flower grower fertilizer (16-10-11) as well as some of the neem cake (versatile stuff).
The neem cake isn't actually a cake of any sort at all. In the bag it looks like ground coffee and stinks like crap. The stuff that I have soaking swelled up to fill the bucket that I'm soaking it in. It now looks like brown sugar oatmeal and smells like the something coming out of a babys butt.:mrgreen::peace::mrgreen:

james bong 02

Active Member
bigguy this grow is fantastic! you have given me so much inspiration! you faced much adversity at the begining but now have a fantastic crop=) im for sure going to keep in touch with you and your grow log...i know you gotten compliments the whole way through and for good reasons! again good stuff and happy growing pal!


Well-Known Member
same as always bigguy...DDDDAAAAMMMNNNN your ladies are sexy..cant wait to see more updated pics bro..very nice job keep up the good work with the girls...o yea and have ya gotten around to mowing down that field of ditch weed yet??jw take it easy bro...laterz


Well-Known Member
bigguy this grow is fantastic! you have given me so much inspiration! you faced much adversity at the begining but now have a fantastic crop=) im for sure going to keep in touch with you and your grow log...i know you gotten compliments the whole way through and for good reasons! again good stuff and happy growing pal!
Hey thanks for all the compliments bong.....james bong, I like the name. fantastic eh?! Well I've been strugling throughbut I'm definately determined....err stubborn at least, thanks again.
same as always bigguy...DDDDAAAAMMMNNNN your ladies are sexy..cant wait to see more updated pics bro..very nice job keep up the good work with the girls...o yea and have ya gotten around to mowing down that field of ditch weed yet??jw take it easy bro...laterz
Getting sexier everyday my man.
No I still haven't mowed the ditch yet because I still haven't got my riding mower back yet. Besides that there are plants popping up all over the place here and there, in the woods, under my van, by the burn pile. I'm still going to mow the ditch, but I think that I really just have to hope Mine are earlier than the wild shit.

K7 has really been getting eaten by some kind of bug pretty badly.
I drained the neem extract off today and filled a sprayer with the juice along with some pyrenthrum and a dash of dish soap.
All of them got thouroughly sprayed today. Sure hope this stuff works. Besides the neem cake is some messy, stinky crap to squeeze juice out of. The leftovers look like peanut butter poop. I'm saving the peanut butter poop for mixing into the soil for fertilizer as well as ground pest control.
Here are today's pics of the now 14 plants that are outside.



Well-Known Member
bigguy your doin awesome! they look so good i keep saying this but i cant wait till mine look like that! keep it up man, im still watchin! :mrgreen:

wr6 is my favorite. did you top her? she is a nice bushy weed!


Well-Known Member
hey bigguy lookin very nice as always...

i agree with herbtoker wr6 is also my favorite she is so bushy...mmmm bush
still tuned in bro, keep up the good work...peacez


Well-Known Member
are in northern Wisconsin because I'm right by Milwaukee and just started probly 2 weeks ago good luck
Hey chunder, thanks for stopping in and good luck with your grow.
Yeah I'm a couple hours north, around Wisconsin Dells area.
bigguy your doin awesome! they look so good i keep saying this but i cant wait till mine look like that! keep it up man, im still watchin! :mrgreen:

wr6 is my favorite. did you top her? she is a nice bushy weed!
Herbtoker my man, thanks for the comments. Yours will get there, they're off to a great start. Mine are just a ways ahead of your's.
WR6 had been successfully fimmed and LSTed prior to moving out.
Favorite......I don't know......WR6, LR3, K1, oh hell I like em all !!!
hey bigguy lookin very nice as always...

i agree with herbtoker wr6 is also my favorite she is so bushy...mmmm bush
still tuned in bro, keep up the good work...peacez
Cheers once again for stopping by PceNluv.
Yeah WR6 is a beauty but I'm trying not to play favorites, don't want anybody getting jealous of each other you know :roll:lol.

It's been raining almost non-stop for the last several days with a few tornadoes close by even. Some serious winds and hail have blasted the outside ladies and I haven't made it up there to check on them yet as I still have a semi-flooded basement to boot.
I wanted to move the last of the girls outside 2 days ago, but haven't been able to yet. So I re-did their shelving instead for the time being as they have gotten too tall and/or bushy for the old shelf height.
Both of the Black Rose's have done some serious bushing out.
LR2 is getting tall and hairy:mrgreen:
LR3 is covered with crystals and smells soooo sweet !!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
WR3 has gotten quite a bit taller and I think I may be seeing her first preflowers.
Enjoy the pics. I even included a group shot on the new shelf.
I'll get more pics up of the outdoor ladies tonight or in the morning.
It isn't raining at the moment, so I'm going out for damage control in a few minutes.:peace:



Well-Known Member
Looking excellent mate! Hopefully things will quiet down for you weather wise! LR3 is looking sexxxy! Cant believe how fast those girls are filling with crystals! Keep it up mate!