BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
Fimming gives awesome results, if you did it right your gonna be a happy guy. :peace:
I hope I did it right! Did I do it right? I think I did it right! Well here's to doing it right:mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump:.
But seriously, I really hope so, thanks for the confirmation on the decision NSW.
I'll post pics of the results tomorrow or friday.:peace:


Too many brownies
I hope I did it right! Did I do it right? I think I did it right! Well here's to doing it right:mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump:.
But seriously, I really hope so, thanks for the confirmation on the decision NSW.
I'll post pics of the results tomorrow or friday.:peace:
Hahahah I mean you cant really do it wrong but if your good at it you can get double the tops as someone who doesnt really know how to FIM. If you really fuck up you basiccly just top the plant so thats about the worst that could happen.

Yeah man I love pictures and like I said I cant wait to see these babies outside! :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hahahah I mean you cant really do it wrong but if your good at it you can get double the tops as someone who doesnt really know how to FIM. If you really fuck up you basiccly just top the plant so thats about the worst that could happen.

Yeah man I love pictures and like I said I cant wait to see these babies outside! :peace::blsmoke:
Yeah thats about what I figured, and even topping them wouldn't be that bad anyway, so cool.
Some of the bigger ones will be going out today or tomorrow because they are really starting to smell up the basement........mmmmmm. I love it, but the GF says "they stink" and "I thought they were going to be outside plants". Oh well I think some are about ready anyway, the others, well they can wait a bit.:peace:
And I'm soooooo looking forward to them turning into tree monsters too!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I just had to make an update today after I saw the new growth at the fimmed spot on WR1.....yeah baby it worked, at least on that plant so far.
The BR's are still pretty much the same except the mutant is slightly taller with no signs of new growth on her at all yet.
Three of the five Lowryders are taking off now and the other 2 are lagging but healthy.
K1 is a monster in the bigger pot of her's and K2 is awesome with some great node growth.
WR4 is huge but I may have messed up the fimm on her, we'll see.
Well I'm going to go outside and plant K1 & K2 and maybe some others outside now, even though I'm still nervous about it with our crappy weather. So wish me luck and here goes.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
those plants are all looking great! i hope i can get mine to look like yours!
i started mine yesterday, quite a ways behind you but im a little lower in the states than you and its finally getting really nice (except the fricken snow today).


Well-Known Member
ah well done on fimming mate! Thinking about doing it myself, just a tad bit scared that i'll do it wrong. I'll have to look into the tutorial you looked at.


Well-Known Member
those plants are all looking great! i hope i can get mine to look like yours!
i started mine yesterday, quite a ways behind you but im a little lower in the states than you and its finally getting really nice (except the fricken snow today).
Hey I haven't heard from you in a while, thanks for stopping in and checking out the girls. Sexy bitches aren't they!!!
Glad you got yours going, don't forget to send me a link to your journal when you get it going.:mrgreen:
ah well done on fimming mate! Thinking about doing it myself, just a tad bit scared that i'll do it wrong. I'll have to look into the tutorial you looked at.
Thanks mate, yeah I was a bit nervous too, but like NSW said "If you really fuck up you basiccly just top the plant so thats about the worst that could happen" and lots of people top their plants,:peace: so wtf?!


Well-Known Member
Well I am still apprehensive about putting the babies outside already, but six of them are now living out there.
The White Rhino that was in the blue pot (#4) and Kahuna's #1,2,3,4 & 7 are now out there. And I sure as hell hope it isn't too early for them to be out there.:roll:
Well the inside grow area is looking a bit sparse now, but it made room for three of the Lowryders to go into bigger pots. LR #1, 4, & 5 were starting to grow like mad so they got the honors.:mrgreen: I did run out of soil mix when transplanting LR5 so she is in straight-up Peat & Perlite.



Well-Known Member
OK I got up this morning and just had to go check on the girls outside.
I don't think I slept worth a crap all night knowing that I put them out there just before a thunderstorm.
It's supposed to rain all through tonight, but it was just cloudy and about 50 degrees F out this morning at 8:00.
So they probably won't get much sun today but they definately got watered well:roll:, and they are all alive and well so far.:mrgreen::joint::hump:



Well-Known Member
oooh the big move has come upon them! I hope the handle it well, I'll be watching them all the way through. :bigjoint:

I just got my NB beans in the mail from peak today (what a relief, even though it was only $30) and am thinking of picking up some skunk x blueberry too. Maybe starting a grow-journal though it won't be much of one as I won't have any pics (at least not in the beginning but I may buy/borrow a digital camera soon)


Well-Known Member
oooh the big move has come upon them! I hope the handle it well, I'll be watching them all the way through. :bigjoint:

I just got my NB beans in the mail from peak today (what a relief, even though it was only $30) and am thinking of picking up some skunk x blueberry too. Maybe starting a grow-journal though it won't be much of one as I won't have any pics (at least not in the beginning but I may buy/borrow a digital camera soon)
Yes the children are growing up and moving out *sniffle*:roll: but I know it's best for them and they will get big and strong from it.
Glad to hear that you got your beans, keep me posted on their progress. Good luck and I hope you get a camera, because we all love pictures!

I moved K5 outside today too, so that makes 7 so far, gotta prep more sites, only 2 more already preped.
I first walked out with her and realized it was raining too hard to do this yet, so that is why she is all wet in the B4 going out pic.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
yeah those girls are sexy! i'd do them if i was a plant:hump:
im trying to get my journal started but i dont have my own camera so it might be hard. ill for sure make a few updates though my growing partner has a camera and we can use it. ill send you a link as soon as i get it going.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well I had somewhere to go this morning and didn't get out to check on the kids outside until about 1PM today. I don't think that I've much to worry about with them as they all seem to have acclimated quite nicely to their new life up there.:mrgreen:
As for the dozen inside plants they now have more lighting with the 2 added CFL's to their area (making use of the extra room). And they seem to be showing their appreciation with all their new node and leaf size growth (pics tomorrow).:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Glad to see they're doing alright outside! How many / which ones are still inside? Did the ones that are still inside all start later or were they just not doing as well?

check out my journal @

...they still haven't germinated soo you may want to give it some time if you were expecting anything interesting - and sadly, there won't be any pics of mine for a little while either.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see they're doing alright outside! How many / which ones are still inside? Did the ones that are still inside all start later or were they just not doing as well?

check out my journal @

...they still haven't germinated soo you may want to give it some time if you were expecting anything interesting - and sadly, there won't be any pics of mine for a little while either.
The plants that went out were all Kahuna's except one and that one is of the younger White Rhino's (she got a big pot early on and grew bigger).
Of the 12 plants still inside, they all started at different times.
WR1 is the oldest from the first group that I killed all of except her, and she was stunted for a while. I've done some fimming and lolipopping on her and just keeping a better eye on her inside for now.
Next came the 7 Kahuna's and the one left inside is almost ready to go out, but has been just a bit behind the others.
Then the 4 younger White Rhino's, one that grew faster in the bigger pot and the other 3 are kinda dragging but coming along nicely now.
Then the 2 Black Rose's, one mutant that doesn't seem to be getting any new growth but has an 1/8 inch thick stem, and the other that is just growing very slowly but starting to show progress.
And lastly the 5 Lowryder #2's, three of which are growing like gangbusters and two that are dragging but healthy. I'm thinking about germing the other 4 seeds of these soon.
I'll be checking in on your grow regularly, thanks for the link.:peace:


Well-Known Member
OK here are the pics of the new growth and evidence of some successful fimming.
First the mutant BR and her fatass stem but no growth except some height.
BR2 is healthy but slow growing.
WR1 is showing some nice new growth at her fimmed node as well as other nodes too.
LR #2 & #3 are coming along very slowly, but still looking healthy.
LR #'s 1, 4, and 5 are growing rapidly now. Should I fimm them, I'm thinking lolipop but not fimming for them?
And finally WR6 and her nice new growth at the fimmed area and other nodes.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
On a spur of the moment idea I decided to put WR1 and the biggest of the LR's (LR4) outside today.
WR1 is the oldest of the White Rhino's so she should be out there anyway.
I think it might have been a bit early for LR4 to go outside, but I want to see if she flourishs too like the others outdoor plants seem to be doing.
Now with LR4 out of the larger tera-cotta pot, I put LR2 into it kind of as an experiment to see if it grows faster in a larger pot like others seem to have. If nothing else LR2 deserves the bigger pot anyway after having had her stem broke once and again a second time when I dropped and broke her pot.
Well that does it for my preped grow sites. Any more that I put out I will have to get some sites ready for. Gotta work on that soon!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Well I decided that if I was going to try this larger pot theory I had to take the smallest seedling of the bunch and put her into the biggest pot that I could fit in the grow area.
I put LR3 into a 10" hanging basket type plastic pot (too cheap and/or lazy to go buy a normal pot) as an experiment to see if it grows faster in a larger pot like others seem to have.
Now the two smallest plants (other than the mutant) are in nice big pots with lots of room to grow.
* fill those pots you little beotches!!!*:fire::roll::mrgreen::joint::hump:
OK maybe I'm losing it, you can't lose what you never had I guess, maybe I'm just stoned.

