BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
My BR mutant is finally showing some growth at the first and actually only node down near the fat stem. I was about to write her off too! She sure wasn't looking like she was gonna do squat but cool she is going to make it.
I'd include a pic but I broke my frickin camera today due to my own stupidity......arrrrrgggggh. So sorry but no pics for a little while at least Dammit !!!
I noticed that something nibbled on a leaf of one of the Kahuna's outside. So I mixed up something to spray them with and sprayed them just a little while ago (as the sun was going down). I brewed some weak coffee and added a teaspoon of dish soap and some tobasco sauce, I think it will work, hope so at least.
The WR's inside are looking great witha lot of growth at the node and fimmed areas.
Had to water the outside girls today for the first time, they are all adjusting well to the great outdoors.:mrgreen::peace::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
I accidentally left the lights on all night the night before last and in the morning one of the fimmed plants had grown like crazy.
It (WR6) has an area at the top that kind of looks like a small fist with leaf growth all over it.
So that is when I decided to leave the lights on 24/7, and so far the results are amazing (well really good at least), especially with the fimmed plants. I'm sure the addition of the 2 CFL's to the flouro's has helped as well.
Sorry still no camera yet! Dammitt !!!
I'm having a pest problem of some sort on the Kahuna's that are outside.
Whatever it is has been eating some of the leaves. It cuts a path about an 1/8" wide and 1-3" long.
So far it has only attacked the Kahuna's and hasn't touched the WR's or the 1 LR at all.
I tried some spray that I had mixed (coffee, dishsoap & hotsauce) and it hasn't helped any.
I currently am soaking some tobacco overnight (won't be ready until tommorrow after I boil it) and will be making a spray from that and a bit of dishsoap and hotsauce (hope this works better).:peace:


Well-Known Member
sounds like things are going well, though I did read somewhere that with young seedlings longer light & shorter dark can lead to a higher male ratio - not sure if it's true or not, but I do know a lot of people veg in 24 hours of light without problem so you should be fine.

once mine get a couple pairs of true leaves I'll be doing 15/9 for my light cycle and I also may pick up a few more bulbs too... but that's partially to not confuse them by taking them from a 24 hour cycle abruptly to a 15 cycle then slowly back up to 17.5 before turning back into decline. I'm probably being paranoid here eh? I've heard confused plants hermie the most, though I don't know if roller coaster light schedules are really enough to confuse them


Well-Known Member
sounds like things are going well, though I did read somewhere that with young seedlings longer light & shorter dark can lead to a higher male ratio - not sure if it's true or not, but I do know a lot of people veg in 24 hours of light without problem so you should be fine.

once mine get a couple pairs of true leaves I'll be doing 15/9 for my light cycle and I also may pick up a few more bulbs too... but that's partially to not confuse them by taking them from a 24 hour cycle abruptly to a 15 cycle then slowly back up to 17.5 before turning back into decline. I'm probably being paranoid here eh? I've heard confused plants hermie the most, though I don't know if roller coaster light schedules are really enough to confuse them
Yeah part of my reasoning for leaving them on 24/7 after accidentally doing it was to not confuse them too.
As I understand it 24/7 is actually recommended for the Lowryders at least.
Besides that with only using flouro's and CFL's (low level lighting) I'm pretty sure I'm good.
One other thing I've thought of with it is that when these do eventually go outside it will be like force flowering too (I hope anyway).
With the problems of something munching on them outside, I'm not too eager to put anymore out just yet. I'm thing of keeping these in all the way to flowering if I can. :mrgreen::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
I think lowryders mature 100% irregardless of the light schedule so chances are more light is just more light to grow
:leaf: :hump:


Well-Known Member
Now that I have a new camera (YES !!!), I took a whole bunch of update pics for you all !!!
Starting with the outdoor plants here goes.........
The tobacco juice spray seems to be helping on them for the bug situation. I'm not real sure how often to spray them, but I've done them twice so far a couple of days apart. I thought it was just tobacco stains on the leaves of K7, but I think she may be having some other problem or they just got burned somehow.
The outside plants don't seem to be growing as fast as I had expected but I figure they are still adjusting and working on their root systems too.
The fimmed areas on them are starting to go nuts on all the inside plants especially WR6 (she's a mini-bush !!!).
Really nice new growth on the BR mutant and her sister is looking great too.
I finally broke down and bought some new larger tera-cotta pots for all the inside girls and they are loving it, some were getting seriously root-bound. I even got LR3 into a real pot instead of that dumb-ass hanging basket thing (she is in the basket in the pic), but she is still definately the runt of the litter.
Enjoy the pics !!!:mrgreen::peace::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
the ones outside look awesome... i am very jealous! i cant wait till mine look like that... im so impatient i just want them to explode!
what day is this?


Well-Known Member
I also am super impressed....I have a 40" Sativa that is kicking my ass, but flowering none the less....3rd week now. Pistils are coming out, but not enuff to brag about just yet. PATIENCE IS THE VIRTUE! (I think that's B,S,) hehe...You are doing great my Brother.....will follow your thread!


Well-Known Member
Knowing the kind of care that we all give our babies, I think it is rather ironic that the ditch along the road in front of our property grows sooooooo much pot soooooo well all by itself.
The county comes by and sprays to kill this stuff and everything else dies except the pot.
This "Ditch Weed" comes up every year and will grow until it has some 5-6 footers down there before the county comes by and mows it down.
It is quite a site to see when there are pots plants growing and covering an area about 10' wide by at least 100 feet or better along the road.
Anyway, I just thought some of you on this site might enjoy seeing the "ground cover" down in our ditch.:peace:


happy gilmore

Active Member
I am very impressed, not only have you got wild weed out the front but you've got some shithot stuff out the back aswell. Ive started to grow some ak47 and thai in my garden, i think im about a week or 2 behind you so ill be following in your footsteps!! The weather in the uk is perfect so ill be catching you up soon. Best of luck to you mate, im so jealous of the blackrose, that will be my next grow i think.
Are you using any nutrients?


Well-Known Member
lookin real good muh man ...nice and healthy this rain is killin us, we need a week of sunny days and temps in 70's .. i am a week ahead of you and they exploded after i put em outdoors in ground i dont know how to post pics or i would show ya.. keep up the good work and psst my dogs killed 2 racoons and i buried them in ground and planted a plant over each corpse and the plants have outgrown the rest 2-1 so far take it easy have a good weekend :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you have wild pot?!!!!!!!! Why not transplant those somewhere and let them shits grow and come out to be whatever they turn out to be? take advantage of that!!!!!!!! is it hemp or would it turn out to be schwagg? this is mad coool


Well-Known Member
Well thanks herbtoker, Snookster, happy gilmore, Corso312, jasonlocsouthkorea, dankassshit, I'm glad you enjoyed the new pics of my babies and the bastards by the road.
No, unfortunately, the crap that grows down there is CRAP (hemp, I guess?).
Sure makes a good distraction for the PO though, gives them something to go after and it's wild so they can't blame me:wall::fire::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'm not used to this new camera yet, so I've got to test it's capabilities.
I just went out a little while ago as it was starting to get dark, so these pics all utilized the auto setting w/flash.
It takes some very large pictures and I sized them down and did a close-up shot from them for all but K4.
While doing this I noticed that the new growth on some of them is quite purple due to the cooler outside temps........well and I think the Kahuna strain is purple anyway, but I think it looks cool.:mrgreen::peace:



Well-Known Member
I looked at the photos at the top of this page without reading your post and thought you'd gone mental lmao ive never seen so many seedlings at once!

Your girls outside seem to be doing well my friend keep up the good work!!! Wish i had somewhere to grow outside the size potential is unlimited! Not to mention energy saving lol


Well-Known Member
I looked at the photos at the top of this page without reading your post and thought you'd gone mental lmao ive never seen so many seedlings at once!

Your girls outside seem to be doing well my friend keep up the good work!!! Wish i had somewhere to grow outside the size potential is unlimited! Not to mention energy saving lol
Gone mental, I've been crazy for a loooooonnng time and Proud of it, thank you very much.:hump: No that wild shit is crazy ain't it !?!
Kinda weird , I was reading and checking out pics and such on your thread while you were on mine.
Thanks for the support, yours are coming along very nicely as well.:peace: