BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:yo man how ya doin..... i just read up on your journal and i wanted to let ya know that a friend of mine got seeds in cd case like you said ...and u have to pull black back off the case and inside is the beans taped up so no rattle..i hope u didnt throw out that cd case muh man good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
hey if their not in their. customs or the mail man got kinda watch your step.

and also its not good to have multiple orders coming to ur house,when you make seed orders you should order them all and once.

i hope everything works out.

also if you can go buy a 4ft shop light with 40w bulbs and put your plant under it


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:yo man how ya doin..... i just read up on your journal and i wanted to let ya know that a friend of mine got seeds in cd case like you said ...and u have to pull black back off the case and inside is the beans taped up so no rattle..i hope u didnt throw out that cd case muh man good luck with the grow
Hey Corso, doing good, hope you're doing same, if not at least be good at it.
Thanks, yeah I checked the case thoroughly and the fact that it was neatly sliced open and stapled shut tells me they were snaged by someone enroute. I tend to think that it's more likely that if anyone were suspect of anything it would be of the seed company and not me(crosses fingers).:peace: Unless you're a cop....oh no... paranoia sets in....:roll:lol:peace:
hey if their not in their. customs or the mail man got kinda watch your step.

and also its not good to have multiple orders coming to ur house,when you make seed orders you should order them all and once.

i hope everything works out.

also if you can go buy a 4ft shop light with 40w bulbs and put your plant under it
Hi Cai-high, I already have the 4 bulb 4ft shop lights and I'm working on setting them up in the basement(damn wiring). Problem is that It's still too cold here in WI most of time yet to put the babies down there. The wiring on this house sucks so a space heater down there will keep blowing breakers if I can even get it to run the damn lights (I was working on it today:evil:). So I'm pretty much stuck with what I've got until it warms up, which is soon I hope. But thanks for the sugestion.:peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i would think a window facing south would be suffecient enough for now... i am by no means an expert very new to the scene myself, i only say this because i use a window that has southern exposure and the plant is looking good:blsmoke:


Too many brownies
As long as you can keep them alive, even if they are just barely alive its ok since they will be going outdoors anyways. :peace::blsmoke::joint:

Lookin good :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It's official I've got 2 Black Rose growing and they are looking good, well so far at least for newborns anyway. There is still one more in soil in a cup but it barely grew any tail at all and I'd be really suprised if it does actually grow.
WR1 is staying healthy looking and green and dwarf-like but doesn't seem to be growing much at all.
All the Kahunas (7) are growing like crazy with those nice fat leaves of theirs.:mrgreen:
The 4 young WR's are trying hard to catch up to the Kahunas and doing a good job of it.
The 5 Lowryders have all popped their heads out of the ground and they are getting me excited. They say 8-9 weeks from seed to harvest!:mrgreen:
Being as my rack will hold 7 plants on each teir, I put 2 Mango seeds into the tuperware to germinate and they just opened today. That'll give me an a full rack with 21 plants.
We've had crappy weather the last 3 days in a row. We had a bit of sun this morning but then it cloulded up by 10:30.
Sooooooo..... I decided I'd better give them some light at this critical stage of their development.
I used 2 shop light dome things and hung 2 cfl's over them for the days when we don't get enough sun. Then I didn't think the light was distributing well so I took off the individual reflectors and the sheet of aluminum seems to be reflecting the light fairly well.
Now I'm going to go work on the wiring in the basement for the flouros. It's still too cold down there for them yet but I figure they will probably need to go down there for a bit before they are ready to go outside.:peace:



Well-Known Member
All the babies are growing like crazy they're getting natural sunlight today and probably for the the next few days as well. The weather finally cleared up and it's supposed to even get up to almost 70 outside in a couple days.:mrgreen:
Here are a few pics of the Kahunas and a nice group shot where you can see 3 of the 4 young WR's too.
WR1 is still looking healthy and green and dwarf-like but still doesn't seem to be growing much at all.
I didn't take any pics of the 2 Black Roses today but they are standing up nice and looking good.
The 2 Mango seeds went into the ground last night, but they didn't have very long tails so they'll probably take a while coming up.



Active Member
Glad to see things are going well after all the problems at the start, hopefully those black roses will turn out looking as good as those pictures. Was wondering if you managed to pick up any coco coir for the next stages of growth. Good growin to ya



Well-Known Member
Glad to see things are going well after all the problems at the start, hopefully those black roses will turn out looking as good as those pictures. Was wondering if you managed to pick up any coco coir for the next stages of growth. Good growin to ya

Yeah thanks, everything is growing along pretty well now and the BR's are even supposed to be fems, so no worries there either.
No, I couldn't find any coco coir locally and didn't want to order it online for the quantity that I would need. The stuff sounds like great medium to use and I think I'll definately get some for when I start my grow room (hopefully next year).
I picked up two 6 Cu.Ft. bales of sphagnum peat and some perlite yesterday. I'll be mixing that and the MG soil together for the grow sites along with whatever topsoil or sand is already there as well. I think that should work out pretty good.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm very impressed with the growth of all the girls, so just for the hell of it I'm posting pics of all of them today.
Even WR1 has finally woke up and started growing again and I'm beleiving what cruzer had said about the slow growth as a seedling while they work on a healthy root system. The Kahunas however are just growing like crazy all the way around.
I think they are doing much better with the extra lighting besides just the sun. On a sunny day they're getting sun all day and then the CFL's til 10:30-11PM. On the cloudy days they get CFL's all day til 10:30-11PM.
Only 1 of the Mango seeds have come up so far and I'm settling for that. Even if it turns out to be a male I'll use it to pollenate a few buds on a BR (Rosey Black Mangos?).:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hey Big Guy,

Good to see things are picking up for ya. I like your reflector, custom job.
Hey adding the floros is a great idea, you know you can run them 24/7. I would.
Just keep an eye on the soil, it will dry out faster but the plants will love it.

I would put the floros like a foot away and then drop them a couple inches a day until
they are 4 inches away from the kids.

Finally getting some warmer temps heh? Im in Cali and we just had 2 days of 80 degree weather
so maybe its commin your way.

When you go to the basement and its too cool you can build a small enclosed area it would be easer to heat.
If you keep your lights at 24/7 they will help heat the area too. I just added 4 24 inch T5 40w bulbs and
it raised the temp in my cabinet by 15 degrees.

I see in one of your pics you have a fan, good idea, they shouldnt get over 85 degrees. its good for strengthing the stock
but its not needed yet. Once there are 5" or so I would use it for that.

My 2 cents anyway.

Oh yea, Thanks for the rep. I dont know what the hell it is but its gotta be good. :joint: I'm still trying to figure this forum stuff out.


Well-Known Member
Hey Big Guy,

Good to see things are picking up for ya. I like your reflector, custom job.
Hey adding the floros is a great idea, you know you can run them 24/7. I would.
Just keep an eye on the soil, it will dry out faster but the plants will love it.

I would put the floros like a foot away and then drop them a couple inches a day until
they are 4 inches away from the kids.

Finally getting some warmer temps heh? Im in Cali and we just had 2 days of 80 degree weather
so maybe its commin your way.

When you go to the basement and its too cool you can build a small enclosed area it would be easer to heat.
If you keep your lights at 24/7 they will help heat the area too. I just added 4 24 inch T5 40w bulbs and
it raised the temp in my cabinet by 15 degrees.

I see in one of your pics you have a fan, good idea, they shouldnt get over 85 degrees. its good for strengthing the stock
but its not needed yet. Once there are 5" or so I would use it for that.

My 2 cents anyway.

Oh yea, Thanks for the rep. I dont know what the hell it is but its gotta be good. :joint: I'm still trying to figure this forum stuff out.
Hey cruzer, thanks for checking in and all the advise too. I didn't think flouros put out that much heat. For me the fan is more for strengthening the stems than cooling.
I finally got something set up for them in the basement, it's not anywhere close to normal, but I hope this will be good enough until they go outside. I am considering buying 4ft grolux bulbs (or whatever brand it is that I saw at Menards for $5 each) to replace the 4-32W bulbs that are in this unit but can't afford it until a week from saturday.
The new cabinet is made up of 2-48"X30" hanging wall mirrors for the front and back, 1-24X48" dresser mirror on one end, and the front side of an old furnace (painted silver) on the other end. The top is a 4 bulb flouro unit from a hanging ceiling mounted to the basement wall on a couple 2X4's. All of that is sitting on a 48"X24" short table. Inside I placed an old drawerless cabinet on its side. I then put bricks and boards etc. on top to bring the girls up closer to the lights (room to grow). I also have a fan from an old dehumidifier sitting inside blowing towards the plants. On the top I wired in and mounted a switch for the lights and an outlet for the fan and maybe cfl's later. I just lift off the front mirror to have access to the girls and the supplies sitting in the cabinet.
I'll be leaving the lights on 18/6 and I have a space heater down there for the cold nights.
I know that this is strange but all the parts were free as they were found around the house and they only have to stay in this until they go outside anyway.
Anybody else ever use mirrors in their veg cabinets?



Well-Known Member
All the girls seem to be adjusting well to their new home in the basement.
They all got a good watering yesterday before going down there. And I took Lacy's advise on watering and waited until they were almost dry and watered thouroughly (not just the top).
Here are a some pics of four of 7 the Kahunas, the 5 Lowryders, 4 White Rhino's, and 2 Black Rose's.:mrgreen::peace:



Well-Known Member
I wasn't planing on doing an update today, but when I saw growth on all the nodes of WR1, I just had to. I had noticed what looked like hairs on her before, but there are actually leaves growing at all the nodes now! She is only on her sixth set of real leaves and is probably about 3" tall, weird, cool, but weird.
The girls all seem to have adjusted well to their new environment, some have even had some amazing growth in the last couple days.
Look at the way K7's first leaves grew so long.
K2 is bushing out the best, but so are most of the other Kahunas as well.
WR4 was geting too tall (imo) for her pot (cup), so she is the first to get a bigger one. I kinda had to put her in the soil a bit sideways to actually get her any lower in the pot.
I remember from my job at a Garden & Pet store many years ago, that we used to lay the tomato plants in the sun a little while to wait for them to get a bit limp so that they were more flexible. Then we would lay them in the dirt sideways and just bend the top up. The tomato plant would then get water to the whole stem and grow roots all the way along it (better root system), I'm hoping that these are similar.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I just transplanted all of my babies from plastic cups to tera-cotta pots Friday afternoon (it's Sunday morning now). When I watered them it was too easy to over water them accidentally in those damn cups and I figured they needed the drainage.
The first one that I transplanted (WR4) liked it's new pot so much it doubled in size the first day, so that is also what prompted the transplanting.
During the transplanting process I had to make them fit into pots that were not as big as I would have liked (but they were free). In carefully bending them around I know that LR2 got a bad bend in her stem and I'm keeping a close eye on her, but so far she's doing alright.
I'll get some pics and post them later today or in the morning.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Looking Sweet man, i hope i can get a grow op one day in a similar scale to yours. Would love to grow several strains at once. Keep up the good work, will be keeping an eye on these hopeful girls!


Well-Known Member
OK here are the pics.....
The 2 Black Rose's are not growing too fast but look healthy, although one has some weird twisty looking leaves (not a very good pic of the 2).
WR1 (the last survivor of the first batch) is looking awesome! She has some nice big leaves now and is making up for the slow start.
All of the Kahuna's are getting nice and bushy with the exception of #6, but she'll get there. I've noticed that the Kahuna's are already giving off a very pungent odor due to the skunk in there genetics (it's a 4 way cross). I just can't really smell anything much from any of the others yet though. The LR's did give off a nasty odor as they sprouted but not that I can notice anymore, yet anyway.
The 4 young White Rhino's (numbered 3-6) all kinda vary in growth with #5 being the runt and #4 doing great in her big pot.
The Lowryder's are growing much slower than I would think for something that should be finishing in another 7 weeks. I only got a pic of LR#2 today to show she is still doing good even though I accidentally damaged her stem during transplanting.

P.S. gigglepimp thanks for stopping by, I'll be keeping an eye on your grow too.



Well-Known Member
The 2 Black Rose seedlings have really got some strange twisted leaves, sorry the pics of them are a bit blurry. The second set of leaves are not coming out symetrical, but rather both to one side on BR1, frickin strange!
WR1 continues to amaze me with her new growth.
K2 is turning into a bushy monster!
WR4 loves her new big pot so much I think she is trying to grow her leaves big enough to fill it!
Still not using any nutes yet, just plain well water and the flouros 18/6.:mrgreen::peace:

