BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
Your plants need no fertilizer or nutrients until they are 4 weeks old!
So you gave them nutes plus that soil has nutes in it....and they only look a couple weeks old...ouch!
Yeah you definitely fried them.
They will probably be stunted and grow really slowly until they get out of that soil
Yeah I heard from cruzer something about seedlings having enough nutes in them for there first 21 days so 3-4 weeks no nutes. Well hopefully they'll make it til next tuesday when I get paid and can buy some different soil.
My 1 White Rhino is actually looking really good I think, she ust started her third set of real leaves. The other however, will be lucky to survive, and the same for the Bubblicious. Really bummed about that being the only Bubble out of the whole batch of seeds though(But DrChronic said he was sending me some freebies). At least I still have 5 more WR seeds left to try again with. And I also have 8 Kahuna and 7 Mango seeds to work with too.
Thanks for the concern and advise, always appreciated.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Update and Pics:
WR1 is doing great and you can now easily see all 3 points on the second set of leaves and she is working on her third set.
WR2 no change, no pic
Bubble Girl is recovering from her nute burn and is trying to pop out that second set of real leaves.
Tried a slightly different germination method with the rest of my Kahuna seeds. I soaked them in water for 24 hours this time (they all had sunk to the bottom) and then poured them out into a coffee strainer and onto a wet paper towel that is on a small plate covered with a smaller plate. I just put them on there last night at 10:00 and I have 3 sprouting already. I'm waiting until they have longer tails this time before I put them into the soil (no jiffy or peat pots this time).
Getting anxious its warming up and the snow is almost gone outside!:mrgreen:



Too many brownies
They also look a ltitle overwatered. You should let the soil pretty dry before watering again...overwatering is one of the worst things you can do. :peace::blsmoke:

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
the plants :peace::joint:
Thanks, maybe its because of the plastic bags that I cover them with during the day that they stay more moist, haven't watered the WR but once, and the Bubble I just flushed yesterday. Without a cover over the Bubble she wilts in the sun, plus I blow up under her skirt every once in a while for C02.
I asked plants or seeds because I wasn't sure if I was keeping my germinating seeds too wet, kinda thought that I might be.


Well-Known Member
Todays update:
WR1 still looking good and I'm happy that I have at least one that is healthy and that I didn't manage to kill yet.:?
WR2 no noticable change.
Bubble Girl is not looking too good today as I left her uncovered today thinking that maybe the yellowed spots on her leaves may have been caused by moisture dripping on her leaves (been covering with a plastic bag). She did OK with it in the morning but then I left for a few hours and when I came back her leaves were limp and I gave her a small shot of water and covered her back up. I wasn't able to get a clear pic of her today, sorry
Three of the 8 Kahuna seeds had nice tails on them already last night, so they went into soil and are just breaking ground tonight. Of the remaining 5 four of them are open with tiny tails. They will be put into soil in the morning.



Well-Known Member
WR1 is still alive and healthy and I noticed what looked like little hairs on the stem (nodes?)
WR2 no change and I don't think its going to make it (never recovered from transplant shock) (no pic).
Bubble Girl doesn't look promising, still limp and discolored. I left the bag covering her today, but I'm pretty sure she is fried.
The three of the Kahuna in the cups have broken ground and are standing up nice. The three of the seeds that had nice tails on them already last night went into soil today. The remaining two are open but don't have any tails yet.



Well-Known Member
Thanks cruzer, very informative.
I probably stressed them all out enough that they were would have all been males anyway, at least that is what I can tell myself now with some basis of fact.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I bought some different soil mix today. The first six of this batch of Kahunas got planted in a mix of MG moisture control soil mixed with some cactus mix soil that I found on a shelf in the pantry. The last two I was able to plant in a new mix of Jiffy Seed Mix Soil mixed 60/40 with Perlite.
I want to get some coco coir but just couldn't wait and settled today for something else from Wally World, I hope this stuff works.
Wow, I just looked up MG moisture control soil, it's 21-7-14 !
Should I transplant the six (three have only cotyledon leaves and three haven't even broke ground yet) to the new mix or just hope I mixed enough cactus mix in the Mg to cool it down?
And if I should transplant, when?
I don't want to stress them out again this time, but I don't want to burn then either.


Too many brownies
I bought some different soil mix today. The first six of this batch of Kahunas got planted in a mix of MG moisture control soil mixed with some cactus mix soil that I found on a shelf in the pantry. The last two I was able to plant in a new mix of Jiffy Seed Mix Soil mixed 60/40 with Perlite.
I want to get some coco coir but just couldn't wait and settled today for something else from Wally World, I hope this stuff works.
Wow, I just looked up MG moisture control soil, it's 21-7-14 !
Should I transplant the six (three have only cotyledon leaves and three haven't even broke ground yet) to the new mix or just hope I mixed enough cactus mix in the Mg to cool it down?
And if I should transplant, when?
I don't want to stress them out again this time, but I don't want to burn then either.
Wow is that some hot hot soil....

Yes I would transplant EVERYTHING into the new soil...they probably will never grow properly in that MG soil and will look like they do now in a month...ive had it happen to me :?

The new soil should be good, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Wow is that some hot hot soil....

Yes I would transplant EVERYTHING into the new soil...they probably will never grow properly in that MG soil and will look like they do now in a month...ive had it happen to me :?

The new soil should be good, good luck!
Well as nervous as I was about stressing these little guys out, I took your advise and transplanted them all into the new mix including WR1 & 2.
My only Bubble already died and WR2 showed no signs of new growth but is still strong stemed w/ more than a single tap root. WR1 had even slowed her growth and showed a bit of curling at the ends of her leaves, I don't want to lose her.
I'm going to go ahead and start my other 5 WR seeds germinating. The 24 hour soak and 2 plate method worked great with the Kahunas so I'm going to do the same again. If all goes well I'll start the Mangos or whatever DrChronic is sending shortly after that.
Thanks for the quick response and keeping an eye on this nowstopwhining.


Too many brownies
Well as nervous as I was about stressing these little guys out, I took your advise and transplanted them all into the new mix including WR1 & 2.
My only Bubble already died and WR2 showed no signs of new growth but is still strong stemed w/ more than a single tap root. WR1 had even slowed her growth and showed a bit of curling at the ends of her leaves, I don't want to lose her.
I'm going to go ahead and start my other 5 WR seeds germinating. The 24 hour soak and 2 plate method worked great with the Kahunas so I'm going to do the same again. If all goes well I'll start the Mangos or whatever DrChronic is sending shortly after that.
Thanks for the quick response and keeping an eye on this nowstopwhining.
Sounds like a plan, your welcome man. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I just got my freebies from DrChronic today "Heaths Black Rose", package said 5 free beans but there are 6 :hump:.
Does anyone know anything about this strain ie: sativa or indica, flowering times etc?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OK I found this about this seeds on
<quote>Fresh from the Heath Robinson lab I present for your enjoyment my latest offering "Black Rose" The mother is a purple Shiva Skunk F3 (F4 if you count the first green cross) and the father is a F4 Black Russian female sex reversed, so the seeds are female. These seeds are to be given away by the Doc in packs of 5 to HG420 members with their seed orders.</quote>

Originally Posted by moggggys
nice one mate , any info on flower times , yeild , smells , size , branching ,,,, nosey arnt i !
ill have to get my grubby paws on a pack also , got to keep the heath robinson libary of strains updated dont cha know

Cheers Goku and GD

Moggs I couldn't tell you thats what folk like you are for! lol. Seriously though these are hot off the press, I havent grown any of them out I have just germ tested some of the seeds after sitting them for 24 hours in the fridge they have all popped. So they might be great or they might be crap but I have put a lot of work into both lines so I would expect them to be pretty good although you never know for sure until they are grown out.











Soooo Shiva Skunk X Black Russian, Shiva I know is mostly indica, but I can't find anything about the Black Russian.

Looks really tasty and predominately indica, mmmmm.


Well-Known Member
those black roses look awesome! hopefully you can get some of them growing good cause that looks like a fun one to grow and a great one to smoke!:hump:


Well-Known Member
those black roses look awesome! hopefully you can get some of them growing good cause that looks like a fun one to grow and a great one to smoke!:hump:
Don't they they though!
Really looking forward to these now, they are next on the list to germinate.
I just put my other 5 Wrs in jar of water to soak overnight at about 3:30 tonight, sooo when they are off and growing then the Black Rose.:hump::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well everybody is adjusting well to the new soil mix.
All 8 Kahuna seeds popped and all but 1 is above ground and looking happy.
WR1 appears to have perked up in this new soil mix.
WR2 really has no noticable change but is still alive and mostly green.
I took the 5 WR seeds out of the jar this morning and they are on a paper towel on the plates. All of them have popped and will probably have nice tails and be ready to go into the soil by morning.
I ordered some Lowryder #2 seeds from the Doc today to check out these auto flowering strains. I like the idea of having an early harvest while waiting for the rest of these beauties to mature.:mrgreen:



Too many brownies
Well everybody is adjusting well to the new soil mix.
All 8 Kahuna seeds popped and all but 1 is above ground and looking happy.
WR1 appears to have perked up in this new soil mix.
WR2 really has no noticable change but is still alive and mostly green.
I took the 5 WR seeds out of the jar this morning and they are on a paper towel on the plates. All of them have popped and will probably have nice tails and be ready to go into the soil by morning.
I ordered some Lowryder #2 seeds from the Doc today to check out these auto flowering strains. I like the idea of having an early harvest while waiting for the rest of these beauties to mature.:mrgreen:
The new seedlings look much better and im sure they will continue to do better. DONT FEED THEM :mrgreen:

good luck man