I have an intense dislike for public transportation. Every metro station I've EVER been to, the elevators REEK of piss. I stand in the middle afraid to touch anything.

you get used to it after a while. if there is one public place that i feel comfortable farting, its on the metro train.
HAHA read the 2nd comment down funny stuff

did you see this one? i gotta get me some ass.

"this product could also be called anti search if being pulled over quickly spray onto both front floor mats and they wont search the car and then after you get let go throw your front floor matts away or put them in the trunk till you get where you are going hell if everybody kept this ready to stop from having their car searched the cops would think hey i dont wanna get asses be pulling people over for searching purposes lol"
i know its really fun over the past like 2 hours we talked about food and pizza and smoking and more smoking and stink bombs and smoking lol i think you get the point ..........