Twistyville on fire. :o:shock::o:shock:

Not at all...sliced cheddar as side..

NO!!!! :evil::evil:

it's apple pie and vanilla ice cream. cheddar cheese? you're kidding right? :neutral:

apple pie is American and nowhere does it say "cheddar cheese".

Got to love you US folk..Imagine if Americans hadn't invented the apple... Maybe if Europeans had apples they might have tried "other"
methods then the banal a la mod.... like...I don't know CHEESE..:joint:
Damn Twisty, that looks scary. I hope everyone made it out okay.

About the Cheddar Cheese and Apple Pie thing, they were bashing me for it. But I like it too, lol. Must be us Canadians, lol. :peace:

this is you climbing the ladder to go check on your plants.....:)

this is you climbing the ladder to go check on your plants.....:)
Fuck no...I was hiding.. Thanks for concern chiceh..yeah, everyone was safe..but I lost 10 babies... at 25%, that sucks..but better plants then people or stuff...but shit.. Don't let anyone rag on you about OUR refined palates..50% of the Quebec tourists are here for our food..we're famous for it..bagels, smoked meat, poutine..all pizzas... have you ever eaten that cattle feed they sell in the US fast food joints.. they couldn't make a french fries right to save their lives..and the KFC..what the fuck do they use..? pigeons ?
We had to go to Toronto yesterday, and rather than drive home at rush hour on Friday we went downtown and hung out at "The Hot Box Cafe" , had a great organic lunch and smoked a few spliffs, drop in if you are in the city.


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We had to go to Toronto yesterday, and rather than drive home at rush hour on Friday we went downtown and hung out at "The Hot Box Cafe" , had a great organic lunch and smoked a few spliffs, drop in if you are in the city.

Morning jimmy...I got your letter yesterday.(just went to box this morning).. Just read the pamphlet,That sounds like good advice, but when I got caught years ago with a few g's..I tried that I want a lawyer shit...But it was Friday and I hosed myself & ended up strip searched by HELGA the guard.. spent the weekend in jail.... got a $100.00 fine...
0 for the pot, but $100. for not showing up at court after my lawyer said he'd handle it all...asswipe.. Boy the last time I went clubbing in TO, I went to the Gasworks...(probably gone now)..I got thrown out 3 times for walking around carrying my beer..apparently at the time you had to keep your swill on the table.. Hope they changed that law..
I was talking to m TO. peeps, and a Nov trip may be in the works...I'd like to take the train to K, and spend some hours, then head to Brampton, or Cambridge... just a matter of co-ordinating the vacation days for the working folk...:peace:
We'll talk closer to the time of your visit, The Gasworks is long gone, and that law seems to have changed too. I do have fond memorys of playing there , going out on the roof to toke between sets, looking out over Younge Street. The Hot Box doesn't serve alcohol at all, just munchies and drinks (smoothies , etc as well as coffee) and provide a safe, friendly, welcoming, place to sit, relax , and smoke your dope. It's a really cool idea, and , if you want a beer there are plenty of cool bars in the neighbourhood. And! Apple pie and sharp old cheddar, that's the way to go!! Yeah it must be a Canadian thing,,,,
Hot box cafe... they have never got my order right. Not even once. I wish I was joking, every time I get, "Dude, I totally spaced. What did you order again?"
Come on fellow Canadians, tell them warm Apple Pie with Cheddar Cheese is good. :mrgreen::peace:
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