we used to get the little glass stink bombs from a chinese import store. they are a 1 inch glass vile that you smash on the ground. smells like straight ass. inside a class room it could last for up to an hour.
Sure it just wasn't vials of fish sauce? That shit is nasty.

i dont know what it is. it didnt smell like fish. it smells like skunk spray and hobo ass. its yellow. a little thicker than water. its an all un-openable glass vile. very cool and scientific looking stuff.
it was a red and white box that said stink bomb on it, thats it. its from china. if you have swap meets or flea markets look there.
God, I felt bad, but once this homeless lady got on a bus I was riding, and I started gagging. Jesus....*shudders* disgust. I felt bad, but still...

One of the many reasons I hate public transportation
I have an intense dislike for public transportation. Every metro station I've EVER been to, the elevators REEK of piss. I stand in the middle afraid to touch anything.