Biden's Border Crisis

Do you approve of Biden's Border Policy?

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A lot of Democrats want Open Borders. And Biden did create this mess. He reversed all Trump's policies just because they were Trump's policies, even though they were working. The illegals know it and that's why they are surging the border. It's not just people from South America coming here anymore. Now we have people from countries all over the world coming here. We are being warned that that danger of domestic terrorism is at an all time high and Biden continues with his reckless border policies. There's probably over 10 million illegal immigrants here since he took office. And millions of those were the gotaways that we know nothing about.

Here's a brief example of how Biden and Trump's policies differed. It's from a left leaning site too so you can't say it's biased towards the right.
I’m confused about what are the actual issues you have? Please tell me about this open border thing. Are you (US) actually allowing people to just cross the border with no checks? What laws did Biden change to allow or promote “open” borders. I am honestly interested in your actual points of contention as I’m not from, or closely follow the Southern border issue, although I do hear “open border”, even with record numbers of people caught. So confusing!
I’m confused about what are the actual issues you have? Please tell me about this open border thing. Are you (US) actually allowing people to just cross the border with no checks? What laws did Biden change to allow or promote “open” borders. I am honestly interested in your actual points of contention as I’m not from, or closely follow the Southern border issue, although I do hear “open border”, even with record numbers of people caught. So confusing!
The problem is Biden reversed all Trump's policies that were working and Biden isn't enforcing the immigration laws that are already on the books. The Democrats deny that they are open, but even the immigrants know it's Wide Open. And I'm sure you could easily get in if you tried to get in through the southern border. Don't forget about all the gotaways that we know nothing about. Biden wants this and so do most Democrats. Part of their thinking is that all those people should vote Democrat so they will have more voters. It's typical Democratic election interference. They say how much they want fair elections but that's a load of shit.

There are no consequences for people that try to come here illegally and they know it. Kinda like why crime has gotten so bad in Democratic cities. If they don't enforce the laws why would people stop their bad behavior. It's craziness. The Border Patrol is overwhelmed and morale is low. The Border Patrol wants to enforce the border laws but aren't able to due to President Biden.

Or take it from the Border Patrol Chief.
Giving them cell phones and free lodging in nice hotels isn't going to deter anyone. I think we should be taking care of our own homeless problems we already have here instead. Or better yet use the funds to help out our veterans. I could go on and on about the border.

That has nothing to do with the nypost post about New York spending millions on hotels for immigrants. Try again.

dude it shows republicans and what they are doing, and your here....did you even read the article??? or do you want sound?

maybe sound is better for you:

and while you at it, talk to my govonor his name is Abbott, and he's the one that sent them to NY
dude it shows republicans and what they are doing, and your here....did you even read the article??? or do you want sound?

maybe sound is better for you:

and while you at it, talk to my govonor his name is Abbott, and he's the one that sent them to NY
You're deflecting. What does that have to do with New York spending millions on hotels for immigrants? But anyways, I do like your governor.