Biden's Border Crisis

Do you approve of Biden's Border Policy?

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The article never said they could make calls. So once again you guys failed to prove anything in that article wasn't factual. Try again.
trivial minutia is grist for the MAGA mind. No wonder their Congress doesn't accomplish a thing. Your fascination with phones that are actually tracking devices is just one example. The unjustified impeachment hearings are another. The claim that the southern border is "open" is one more example. Right wing policies all boil down to politics by subtraction. They can't win elections. And so, they resort to threats. Hopeless incompetents.
trivial minutia is grist for the MAGA mind. No wonder their Congress doesn't accomplish a thing. Your fascination with phones that are actually tracking devices is just one example. The unjustified impeachment hearings are another. The claim that the southern border is "open" is one more example. Right wing policies all boil down to politics by subtraction. They can't win elections. And so, they resort to threats. Hopeless incompetents.
Gas stoves! Mr. Potatohead! Disney porn! Booted lesbian M&Ms! Bud Light! Grooming! Illegals importing drugs and a crime wave! Socialists around every corner! Penis-removing mills! Guys with tits ruining women’s sports! Critical younameit theory! Woke woke woke woke woke woke woke!

If that’s all one hears, it’s almost understandable that one is in a panic fear that America is going into the diaper.

It’s an invitation to check that one’s information isn’t being curated by proponents of minority rule.
Gas stoves! Mr. Potatohead! Disney porn! Booted lesbian M&Ms! Bud Light! Grooming! Illegals importing drugs and a crime wave! Socialists around every corner! Penis-removing mills! Guys with tits ruining women’s sports! Critical younameit theory! Woke woke woke woke woke woke woke!

If that’s all one hears, it’s almost understandable that one is in a panic fear that America is going into the diaper.

It’s an invitation to check that one’s information isn’t being curated by proponents of minority rule.
I had to Google "Disney Porn". Thanks for that.
I’m confused about what are the actual issues you have? Please tell me about this open border thing. Are you (US) actually allowing people to just cross the border with no checks? What laws did Biden change to allow or promote “open” borders. I am honestly interested in your actual points of contention as I’m not from, or closely follow the Southern border issue, although I do hear “open border”, even with record numbers of people caught. So confusing!
There is no open border. There are over 10K taken into custody a day. Most single men are sent back the next day. Families who apply for asylum and can get past the "credible fear" interview are given a court date, often a couple three years in the future for their case to be heard. There are over a million backlogged cases. If there is a deal done, it will be to make the "credible fear" interview a higher bar, so not as many people will be allowed to try for asylum. And maybe hire more border guards, build more beds in detention centers, etc. etc.

What actually needs doing is to hire a shit ton of new judges so this backlog can be cleared out. And maybe actually try to pass some reform. But like I said earlier, the GOP need the problem, so they are not going to allow it to be fixed.
Countries/communities/tribes have had borders/ boundaries since the beginning of humanity. Weaker countries get taken over by more powerful ones. Period. Know why? Humans are tribal creatures, and it's human nature to want to control. That will never stop. Think the Roman empire in its prime let in outside 'refugees'?? Sure they did.. to entertain everybody in the Colosseum as they get mutilated.
Countries/communities/tribes have had borders/ boundaries since the beginning of humanity. Weaker countries get taken over by more powerful ones. Period. Know why? Humans are tribal creatures, and it's human nature to want to control. That will never stop. Think the Roman empire in its prime let in outside 'refugees'?? Sure they did.. to entertain everybody in the Colosseum as they get mutilated.
Actually, what made Rome so durable was that everybody was welcome so long as they followed a few simple rules.

Bonus points for spelling the usual term for Flavian Amphitheater right.