Biden Shanked The Progs

So, it’s whatever your controlled disinformation source shows you: you don’t know anything about the content of those images, neither do we - but it must be a picture of The Left(tm) fomenting violence on the The White(tm)...because....

Controlled disinformation service? I live in Portland. I've seen it with my own eyes. I know very well the content of those images. This stuff has been going on in Portland for decades which is why we had the nickname of Little Beirut decades ago. I've seen it for years. The same crowd causing violence just a different cause to hide behind.

You guys just don't get it. The police might be bad but these thugs and their tactics are no better. There are ways to do things that will yield results. Us, the citizens of Portland just passed a measure that creates a civilian police oversight committee with more power than any other in the country. Those thugs have done nothing but destroy property. Us, the voters have gotten results with our votes the same way our votes removed trump from the White House. Storming police stations has accomplished nothing.
Controlled disinformation service? I live in Portland. I've seen it with my own eyes. I know very well the content of those images. This stuff has been going on in Portland for decades which is why we had the nickname of Little Beirut decades ago. I've seen it for years. The same crowd causing violence just a different cause to hide behind.

You guys just don't get it. The police might be bad but these thugs and their tactics are no better. There are ways to do things that will yield results. Us, the citizens of Portland just passed a measure that creates a civilian police oversight committee with more power than any other in the country. Those thugs have done nothing but destroy property. Us, the voters have gotten results with our votes the same way our votes removed trump from the White House. Storming police stations has accomplished nothing.
Do you think people are disagreeing with the rioters being in the wrong?

But to call them the 'left' is where the propaganda machine comes into play.

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But getting back to the topic of the thread which is Biden Shanked the Progs. This is the most Progressive administration in history filled with firsts. Women, minorities, religions. All occupying high level positions in government for the first time in history. Nobody should care if Bernie got a seat in the car. Everyone should be happy that such a diverse group of qualified people is being assembled.
Do you think people are disagreeing with the rioters being in the wrong?

But to call them the 'left' is where the propaganda machine comes into play.

I know that they are not really on the left. But that's what the rest of the country believes. And in the same way Republicans refuse to profusely denounce the extremists on the right and dissociate themselves completely from them that silence is mirrored by the Democrats. Just saying "We don't agree with the violence" isn't enough. They need to come out and say that they disavow that nonsense and the people behind it but like the Republicans they stay mainly silent out of fear of losing votes or getting primaried by some radical supported by some overnight social media star.

Both the Democrats and Republicans have their scrotums in a vice and all they care about is winning the next election.
I know that they are not really on the left. But that's what the rest of the country believes. And in the same way Republicans refuse to profusely denounce the extremists on the right and dissociate themselves completely from them that silence is mirrored by the Democrats. Just saying "We don't agree with the violence" isn't enough. They need to come out and say that they disavow that nonsense and the people behind it but like the Republicans they stay mainly silent out of fear of losing votes or getting primaried by some radical supported by some overnight social media star.

Both the Democrats and Republicans have their scrotums in a vice and all they care about is winning the next election.
I am happy to know you don't actually believe that the rioters are on the left. But you are wrong about the suggestion that the Democrats have not disavowed the violence and the people who do it.

The problem is that the Democrats do exactly what you say they should do and people still believe that they did not because that is not amplified across every forum. And it just happens to be Trump's branding that gets demanded to be talked about even if there is not any actual proof of it.

I really don't understand how much more clear Biden needs to be?
Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 3.20.06 PM.png
The posts ( here , here , here , here , here ), shared over 30,000 times show a picture of Joe Biden accompanied by the text, “Turns out, Americans don’t like violence in their streets. So after 3 months of silence and slipping poll numbers, I’m now against rioting.” Similar variations include, “Turns out people don’t like seeing their country destroyed. So, after 90 days of silence, and a dip in the polls, I’m now against rioting.”

The death of George Floyd on May 25 sparked protests across the United States and while some have been peaceful, escalated to violence (here). As of August 30, protests have continued every night in Portland, Oregon, since the end of May (here).

On August 30, Joe Biden condemned violence at protests in Portland (here) by releasing a statement on his campaign website (here), which said, “The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable […] as a country we must condemn the incitement of hate and resentment that led to this deadly clash. It is not a peaceful protest when you go out spoiling for a fight.” (More here )

On seeing the Biden campaign’s statement, Jason Miller, a senior adviser to the Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, said on Twitter, “Joe Biden has sat idly by for months, refusing to condemn violence and chaos from his allies in Democrat-run cities.” (here)

However, after George Floyd’s death, Joe Biden repeatedly condemned violent protests. In a May 31 post on his blog shortly after George Floyd’s death, he wrote, “Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.” ( here , here ).

At a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 2, he said, “There’s no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses […] we need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction” (here).

False. Before he spoke out against violence in Portland at the end of August, Biden had condemned violent protests soon after the death of George Floyd on May 25 and in subsequent speeches.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here .
That's the one. It's sickening. It makes my blood boil with rage. That crowd is despicable. But that is one tough Grandma that wasn't backing down from that punk She didn't deserve what they did to her. That's what it turned into in Portland. That's not a protest. That's a crowd of idiots destroying property and harassing an old lady. Calling her bitch and spitting on her.

Trump stole from kids with cancer and his charity had to be closed down; he and his children are barred for life to run or sit on a board of 501(c)(3).
But getting back to the topic of the thread which is Biden Shanked the Progs. This is the most Progressive administration in history filled with firsts. Women, minorities, religions. All occupying high level positions in government for the first time in history. Nobody should care if Bernie got a seat in the car. Everyone should be happy that such a diverse group of qualified people is being assembled.

but getting back to you..diversity is a component of progressivism- being a progressive is getting the job done and keeping your people fed, healthy and safe.

yeah, nobody has a right to that.
Former President Barack Obama suggested in a new interview that “defund the police” was little more than a “snappy slogan” that polarized many Americans and was ineffectual at producing broader reforms to the criminal justice system in the United States.

In an interview that aired Wednesday on Snapchat’s “Good Luck America,” Obama likened young activists to shoe companies marketing sneakers or musicians promoting their records, arguing that such efforts to galvanize commercial support are “no different in terms of ideas.”

“If you believe, as I do, that we should be able to reform the criminal justice system so that it’s not biased and treats everybody fairly, I guess you can use a snappy slogan, like ‘defund the police.’ But, you know, you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done,” Obama said.


i believe they are doing this in many places even on the local level.. i mean who calls to re-certify your SNAP benefits with no changes then uses the sound smack of paper against their hand (over the phone to intimidate) and say 'but everything is not the same is it?' what do you mean? 'you got $600 checks that you didn't report' me: that was part of CARES ACT and not considered income or taxable. silence.

Calls me back to let me know I have $16 monthly after I pay back money.

On Case Worker is furious because they apparently did this to another client but not everyone..wonder what the spiff is for Bogus Recovery?
But getting back to the topic of the thread which is Biden Shanked the Progs. This is the most Progressive administration in history filled with firsts. Women, minorities, religions. All occupying high level positions in government for the first time in history. Nobody should care if Bernie got a seat in the car. Everyone should be happy that such a diverse group of qualified people is being assembled.
This is the most DIVERSE administration in history, maybe, but you make it clear you don’t know what “progressive” means: I tag Teddy Roosevelt as the first true progressive in US politics; also, his cousin Franklin’s administrations were undoubtedly the most progressive in some ways (not progressive on race, gender). Most particularly you should know about Henry Wallace FDR’s vice-president for three administrations - perhaps the only real progressive to wield true influence *inside* US politics, and the one who came closest to being President.
Former President Barack Obama suggested in a new interview that “defund the police” was little more than a “snappy slogan” that polarized many Americans and was ineffectual at producing broader reforms to the criminal justice system in the United States.

In an interview that aired Wednesday on Snapchat’s “Good Luck America,” Obama likened young activists to shoe companies marketing sneakers or musicians promoting their records, arguing that such efforts to galvanize commercial support are “no different in terms of ideas.”

“If you believe, as I do, that we should be able to reform the criminal justice system so that it’s not biased and treats everybody fairly, I guess you can use a snappy slogan, like ‘defund the police.’ But, you know, you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done,” Obama said.
“Defund the Police” got a major shot of support from revelations about how city funds get used.

In my own major metro, police and prisons receive ~NINETY PERCENT of the metro budget. EVERYTHING ELSE has to fight over the scraps: schools, firefighters, parks, water treatment, municipal courts, health inspectors, infrastructure repair and maintenance (like much of urban America, our water system is more than a century old, it frequently breaks( repair crews are often tearing up streets to fix things), sewage treatment is overwhelmed, and the entire system has been buried and tied into various layers of ‘development’ that increase problems and impede repairs; the whole thing needs to be redesigned, re-engineered, dug up, and replaced...and that’s just ONE of numerous HUGE PROBLEMS. Most metros have similar lists)...and everything else that a major metro might be called upon to do, in keeping true to the mandate the constitution imposes on all government units in the several states: to promote the general welfare, not just provide for the common defense.

A lot of the people who got their backs up about “defund the police” had no idea that the REASON we kept handing every call to the police in spite of the history of abuse, despite the number of citizens killed by police without cause - and couldn’t afford to do anything BUT hand everything off to the effectively undisciplined police - was because we paid them so much we had nothing left.

The entire metro suffers BECAUSE law enforcement gets ALL the money...and doesn’t really ‘answer’ to anyone: not the voters, not the mayor, not the city council. They don’t even have to answer to EACH OTHER.
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Seems like a REAL Progressive would get out and actively seek work instead of sitting on her their ass and collecting unemployment.
Seems like a REAL Progressive would get out and actively seek work instead of sitting on her their ass and collecting unemployment.

judgemental. you seem like someone who needs to walk a mile in someone elses high heels before you comment.

you don't know me; i let you know what i wish you to know.
judgemental. you seem like someone who needs to walk a mile in someone elses high heels before you comment.

you don't know me; i let you know what i wish you to know.
it's not judgmental at all. there are plenty of jobs in FoCo. instead you'd rather post on RIU all day long and wait for your check.
if you can drive around northern CO with reagent, you are more than qualified for 1/2 the postings on CL.
i'm trying to give you a hand up, not a hand out. that's what a Progressive would want.
judgemental. you seem like someone who needs to walk a mile in someone elses high heels before you comment.

you don't know me; i let you know what i wish you to know.
Schuy, you are simply reinforcing the stereotype that the "Progs", as you name your political group, are just expecting free stuff. A sentiment that is also voiced in this dumbass therad of yours, which claims Biden "shanked the "Progs". As said in this article from The Intercept,

For almost every role so far, Biden has chosen someone more progressive and less entrenched in Wall Street than the same official under Obama.

Biden is rationally recognizing the trend toward a more urban and liberal Democratic Party by picking progressive leadership for his administration. But that's not enough for "The Progs", they want it all just handed to them without their earning it by competing with Republicans in contested districts AND WINNING.

When a person is having trouble making ends meet and they are capable of doing work then must they work and earn it. Sorry dear, but it's not exactly a new thing to most of us.

If your income is as low as you say it is, you are probably already getting a whopping large subsidy for heath care. Not saying you should be grateful but at least stop carping about something that you already have access to. Same goes at the national level. Biden is favoring "The Progs" because they are a growing and important faction of the Democratic Party. If they want more power, they will have to earn it.

The authoritarian and fascist Republican Party is a formidable threat to freedom in this country. Democrats won this round but the fight isn't over. Rather than biting at Democrats because we didn't just hand you and The Progs the keys to the country, how about if they go out and do something that is worth doing?
it's not judgmental at all. there are plenty of jobs in FoCo. instead you'd rather post on RIU all day long and wait for your check.
if you can drive around northern CO with reagent, you are more than qualified for 1/2 the postings on CL.
i'm trying to give you a hand up, not a hand out. that's what a Progressive would want.

all day long? why would you track my activity? is there something about me you feel you need to keep tabs on? if so, enlighten the members..
some folks are feeling a little left out:

  • NAACP CEO Derrick Johnson told NBC News his organization hasn't met with Biden or held conversations about key appointments and Georgia.
  • "Civil rights leaders in this country should be on par if not more than other constituency groups he has met with," Johnson said.
  • Moreover, Biden's transition team doesn't include anyone from the legacy civil rights groups, according to Marc Morial, head of the National Urban League.
  • Instead, they have reached out on their own in efforts to ensure their voices are heard.

so disappointing.
some folks are feeling a little left out:

  • NAACP CEO Derrick Johnson told NBC News his organization hasn't met with Biden or held conversations about key appointments and Georgia.
  • "Civil rights leaders in this country should be on par if not more than other constituency groups he has met with," Johnson said.
  • Moreover, Biden's transition team doesn't include anyone from the legacy civil rights groups, according to Marc Morial, head of the National Urban League.
  • Instead, they have reached out on their own in efforts to ensure their voices are heard.

so disappointing.
Why do you think it is 'so disappointing'?