Biden Shanked The Progs

since Bernie was leader of what makes it all go around- money..i reject the need to generate enthusiasm and that goes for 2020 as well.

amazing how the Dean Scream wasn't tolerated but a few short years later we had a presidential candidate grabbing pussy which was dismissed as 'boy talk'.

i no longer have hope for the future and when the time is right, i plan on assisted which is legal in colorado- my fvcking terms not theirs.
Disappointment with Sanders and the outcome of the effort, I can understand. Don’t understand the venom.

I’m still annoyed at what happened to Dean: and still disappointed at the Clintonistas for engaging in the takedown of Dean. That was ugly shit. And stupid, in my mind.

Different strokes, I guess? If I truly lost hope in the future, I’d arrange to stop waking up.
While I sympathize with you, both parties are not the same here, one is completely controlled by the most radical elements and are led by a madman at war with the constitution, the rule of law and the democratic process. The right has few just causes, the left many, income redistribution is and will be the main issue, the left is more right than the right on this. 40% of the population is living on less than 5% of the national wealth and billionaires can afford their own space programs while paying virtually no taxes. The right uses social division to mask this fact and prevent social and political change. Technology concentrates wealth, particularly communications technology, it is a historical trend that causes economic imbalance.

There are few extremists on the left according to the FBI, not so much on the right, they are butt hurt now, you will see a lot of terrorism from them in the near future. Listen to their rhetoric and lies, their motives and intentions are clear enough and we've witnessed their actions. Many right wing thugs came to Portland to destroy it, the left mostly protested and were incited by Trump, remember the goon squad of secret police and shoving people in unmarked vans?

It's been the far left that has been causing the damage. The vandalism, looting, etc... has all occurred during protests and marches where members of the extreme left decided to run amok. I'm not defending the far right but they didn't cause all the boarded up windows, looted businesses, vandalism, fire's, etc...

I hear this, been hearing it since ‘16...but I never hear or read anything from Bernie that justifies the shade. I mostly hear it from serious Hillary fans who got poisoned by the divisive shit that got passed around by the disinformation gang. Bernie has - and has had - big support in the black communities I’m connected to. Still looking for that divisiveness of Sanders I keep hearing about and not finding.

The terms “left” and “right” *only* have meaning in the context of the French Revolution...specifically, the location of the doors into and out of the National Assembly hall. Hint: nothing to do with “liberal” or “conservative” anything.

I appreciate the links, I’ll definitely check them out!

A book I recommend is sadly out of print, but can be found used and affordable: “Paris in the Terror”, Stanley Loomis; he does a great setup for the ascendency of the CPS and the Reign of Terror, and then moves into the real meat.
Without wanting to cause rancor but in the interest of debating an important subject, I'll tell you why Bernie can accurately be said to be a very divisive leader.

I wasn't a fan of Hillary. As I said, I voted for Bernie in 2016. I have to admit that his supporters were the first push toward my dislike for Bernie but dislike is too strong of a word. More accurately put, "I don't want him to be president" is where I fall in the spectrum of Bernie love and hate.

His policies were always color blind. The "raise the economy floats all boats" kind of thing. As if improving everybody's standard of living will make racism and the effects of our history of racism just go away. Reporters and analysts who are Black quoted civil rights advocates in Vermont as saying they felt invisible to Bernie. Same with women. Also, he talked about political correctness as something that (white) people are "tired of" while defining PC rhetoric in a bizarre, twisted and convenient (to him) way. At the time, I took his statements against PC rhetoric as pandering to white people who don't want to believe in such a thing as systemic racism and I still think that. He is from Vermont, a very white state, after all. It wasn't a last straw for me but close to it when he literally said and did everything to make a mockery of the Unity Tour that he co-led with Perez. He used his time during that tour to tear at Democrats, not try to mend relationships or win over voters who didn't support him in 2016. And that's the thing about him. He didn't try to build bridges, he did all he could to keep them from being repaired. He completely lost me when he disparaged Barak Obama at a town hall meeting that was intended to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King in Jackson, Mississippi in 2018.

As was said best in this article:

Sanders can’t lead the Democrats if his campaign treats them like the enemy

You said you can't find anything to read or haven't heard anything to illustrate what people mean when they say that Bernie is a divisive leader. I just gave you four references to explain why the shade Bernie gets is coming the steam that is let out from his own hot air. The strategy of his campaign was to swamp the traditional Democratic Party's base with hordes of "energized new voters". He was running for the Democratic Party's nomination by running against the party. How divisive do you need a person to be before you can see how divisive they are?

I think this country is not ready to enact the policies that the left side of the Democratic Party want. Bernie's "Medicare For All" so-called plan was an albatross hung around the Democratic Party's neck and the reason why we lost seats in Congress this election. That said, I support leaders who endorse those policies. I supported Elizabeth Warren because I thought she could be a great leader and I agreed with her policies. By the end of 2016, I did not think that Bernie could ever be a good president. Since that time, everything he has done confirmed that belief.
since Bernie was leader of what makes it all go around- money..i reject the need to generate enthusiasm and that goes for 2020 as well.

amazing how the Dean Scream wasn't tolerated but a few short years later we had a presidential candidate grabbing pussy which was dismissed as 'boy talk'.

i no longer have hope for the future and when the time is right, i plan on assisted which is legal in colorado- my fvcking terms not theirs.
You sound more depressed than usual :(. Is it partly due to the 50% off for seniors sale? Don’t let that get you down ... growing old is fun ....... ummm ya nope lol.
It's been the far left that has been causing the damage. The vandalism, looting, etc... has all occurred during protests and marches where members of the extreme left decided to run amok. I'm not defending the far right but they didn't cause all the boarded up windows, looted businesses, vandalism, fire's, etc...

Antifa are young white people who don't know how to civilly conduct civil disobedience. That said, Portland does have a problem with fascists who occupy positions of leadership in government and on the police force. I don't know what you expect when we see them dressed in armor and gassing people who stood against Trump's fascist goons but I saw a very scary vision of a future that makes a broken window seem mighty tame. Portland's police carried out more than 2,000 acts of violence* last summer. The answer is to re-scope the role of police in Portland. The police and their union are fighting against that with their clubs.

*Broken windows are non-violent acts.
Antifa are young white people who don't know how to civilly conduct civil disobedience. That said, Portland does have a problem with fascists who occupy positions of leadership in government and on the police force. I don't know what you expect when we see them dressed in armor and gassing people who stood against Trump's fascist goons but I saw a very scary vision of a future that makes a broken window seem mighty tame. Portland's police carried out more than 2,000 acts of violence* last summer. The answer is to re-scope the role of police in Portland. The police and their union are fighting against that with their clubs.

*Broken windows are non-violent acts.

Antifa are not even progressives. It's hard to understand what they even stand for other than chaos. They attack the police and they attack one of the most liberal mayors in America. They hijacked the BLM movement and then went on a months long campaign of vandalism and chaos. This happened 20 blocks from my house. Had I known this was going on I would have raced down there and came to the aid of this elderly woman being accosted by this antifa thug. She had come out of her residence with a fire extinguisher to put out a fire antifa had started. I'll never support a group that behaves in this manner. It's disgusting and hard to even look at these photos. They fill me with rage. One lady is even holding a BLM sign. It makes me sick.



I noticed after all the jewelry stores were looted the antifa people all had brand new helmets and other gear. Half the stores that have been looted by them are owned by minorities and recent immigrants.
Antifa are not even progressives. It's hard to understand what they even stand for other than chaos. They attack the police and they attack one of the most liberal mayors in America. They hijacked the BLM movement and then went on a months long campaign of vandalism and chaos. This happened 20 blocks from my house. Had I known this was going on I would have raced down there and came to the aid of this elderly woman being accosted by this antifa thug. She had come out of her residence with a fire extinguisher to put out a fire antifa had started. I'll never support a group that behaves in this manner. It's disgusting and hard to even look at these photos. They fill me with rage. One lady is even holding a BLM sign. It makes me sick.



I noticed after all the jewelry stores were looted the antifa people all had brand new helmets and other gear. Half the stores that have been looted by them are owned by minorities and recent immigrants.
Just saying that there is a problem with fascists on the Portland police force that Antifa is opposing. How about if we focus on stopping the Portland police from beating and killing people for no good reason?

I have no idea the sources of your images. They certainly have a certain appeal to emotion.
Antifa are not even progressives. It's hard to understand what they even stand for other than chaos. They attack the police and they attack one of the most liberal mayors in America. They hijacked the BLM movement and then went on a months long campaign of vandalism and chaos. This happened 20 blocks from my house. Had I known this was going on I would have raced down there and came to the aid of this elderly woman being accosted by this antifa thug. She had come out of her residence with a fire extinguisher to put out a fire antifa had started. I'll never support a group that behaves in this manner. It's disgusting and hard to even look at these photos. They fill me with rage. One lady is even holding a BLM sign. It makes me sick.



I noticed after all the jewelry stores were looted the antifa people all had brand new helmets and other gear. Half the stores that have been looted by them are owned by minorities and recent immigrants.
Why don't you post a link to the source?

I do for things I post, especially inflammatory things like this, I wasn't even aware that ANTIFA was an actual organization. These people don't seem to have much of an agenda, much less an ideology, reactionaries might be a better name for them. I mean anti fascist don't attack those carrying BLM signs, not real ones any way, their targets are usually rightwing goons, cops and secret federal goons who shove them into vans, in violation of their rights and without proper authority. You have specifically ascribed crimes to this organization, dressing in black in not a uniform as far as I can tell, it's a fashion statement. Right wing arsonists and other rightwing thugs are not mentioned, but there are videos of them causing wanton damage too. Many people are simply opportunists and are only out for what they can steal, you find them wherever there is unrest, they don't stand for left or right, only for what they can get.

I don't live there, but I watch the news and read about it too, I don't believe the people in black are part of any organized effort of any significance, they hook up online most likely. Dressing in black, like hoodies makes it hard to identify you, they use some defensive armor, but the rightwing nuts come armed, with guns, shields clubs and bear spray. The right are also in an apparent illegal alliance with the police, both groups support Trump and in doing do support an enemy of the constitution and democracy.
Without wanting to cause rancor but in the interest of debating an important subject, I'll tell you why Bernie can accurately be said to be a very divisive leader.

I wasn't a fan of Hillary. As I said, I voted for Bernie in 2016. I have to admit that his supporters were the first push toward my dislike for Bernie but dislike is too strong of a word. More accurately put, "I don't want him to be president" is where I fall in the spectrum of Bernie love and hate.

His policies were always color blind. The "raise the economy floats all boats" kind of thing. As if improving everybody's standard of living will make racism and the effects of our history of racism just go away. Reporters and analysts who are Black quoted civil rights advocates in Vermont as saying they felt invisible to Bernie. Same with women. Also, he talked about political correctness as something that (white) people are "tired of" while defining PC rhetoric in a bizarre, twisted and convenient (to him) way. At the time, I took his statements against PC rhetoric as pandering to white people who don't want to believe in such a thing as systemic racism and I still think that. He is from Vermont, a very white state, after all. It wasn't a last straw for me but close to it when he literally said and did everything to make a mockery of the Unity Tour that he co-led with Perez. He used his time during that tour to tear at Democrats, not try to mend relationships or win over voters who didn't support him in 2016. And that's the thing about him. He didn't try to build bridges, he did all he could to keep them from being repaired. He completely lost me when he disparaged Barak Obama at a town hall meeting that was intended to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King in Jackson, Mississippi in 2018.

As was said best in this article:

Sanders can’t lead the Democrats if his campaign treats them like the enemy

You said you can't find anything to read or haven't heard anything to illustrate what people mean when they say that Bernie is a divisive leader. I just gave you four references to explain why the shade Bernie gets is coming the steam that is let out from his own hot air. The strategy of his campaign was to swamp the traditional Democratic Party's base with hordes of "energized new voters". He was running for the Democratic Party's nomination by running against the party. How divisive do you need a person to be before you can see how divisive they are?

I think this country is not ready to enact the policies that the left side of the Democratic Party want. Bernie's "Medicare For All" so-called plan was an albatross hung around the Democratic Party's neck and the reason why we lost seats in Congress this election. That said, I support leaders who endorse those policies. I supported Elizabeth Warren because I thought she could be a great leader and I agreed with her policies. By the end of 2016, I did not think that Bernie could ever be a good president. Since that time, everything he has done confirmed that belief.
Thank you for the links - I’m already chasing them down! Funny thing, though...after three of them, it seems to me that the articles don’t support what *you* have to say about them, or to support in their context the expressions you make about them in the posting context. I’ve not read them carefully yet, but I will...have you? Read them carefully?
Just saying that there is a problem with fascists on the Portland police force that Antifa is opposing. How about if we focus on stopping the Portland police from beating and killing people for no good reason?

I have no idea the sources of your images. They certainly have a certain appeal to emotion.

I'm well aware that the Portland Police have racists as do police departments all across America. But Portland has a history of hiring Black Police Chiefs that goes back decades with Charles Moose. In fact the President of the Portland Police Union is black. I also remember Mark Kruger when as a Captain on the force made a shrine to adolf hitler.

Portland is an odd city as it's one of the whitest big cities in America yet was at the forefront of the BLM movement. It's a city of contradictions. But a great city and one that will survive this recent nonsense and become even better. Most of the destruction has been confined to a few areas and downtown it's mostly confined to at most a 10 x 10 block area in the heart of the city. Unfortunately that's where a good portion of everything that draws people to the city resides. It's going to take some time after Covid to get people to return after the months of mayhem brought by antifa for people living out in the suburbs that ring Portland to return to spend their money.

It's sad to watch so many businesses closing down especially the restaurants. They might have survived Covid with delivery and outside seating but there was no possible way to overcome Covid and the nightly chaos caused by antifa. So many previous success stories have turned into failure.

Born here, live here, plan on dying here. During this last year the most destructive force has been antifa.

But getting back to the topic of this thread. Biden Shanked the Progressives. Just what is a progressive?

Some would say that a previous Oregon Governor Tom McCall was a progressive when he signed the bottle bill into law in the early seventies that put Oregon as the first state to enact a deposit on bottles and cans. Or championed the Beach Bill which gave public access to 100% of the Oregon coast.

Tom McCall was a Republican. Today he would be called a RINO by the nuts that have taken over the Republican party. But there was a time when everyone could work together, compromise, and at least get a few things done that would benefit everyone. It's past time that the Republican party takes back the reigns from the conspiracy theory Qanon crazies that have hijacked their once respectable party and replaced it with nothing but ignorance.

We need them to come back to the table to talk and work things out. But they tremble in fear because of the extremists that have attached themselves to their party.
We need them to come back to the table to talk and work things out. But they tremble in fear because of the extremists that have attached themselves to their party.
The extremists are the base of the party, anybody can be primaried by tweet, the party has been poisoned by hate and those people are not gonna go away anytime soon, they took over. Nobody rides the wild elephant until Donald is gone and who ever does will promise the base a pardon and a VP running mate job for Donald to secure the nomination, even if he is doing time in s supermax.
It's been the far left that has been causing the damage. The vandalism, looting, etc... has all occurred during protests and marches where members of the extreme left decided to run amok. I'm not defending the far right but they didn't cause all the boarded up windows, looted businesses, vandalism, fire's, etc...

Always puzzling that my friends in Portland are insistent that all the “Portland in flames” reporting is simply not true. They send hordes of photos that seem to support their position. I DO know that a high incidence of images of fire, bleeding and property damage presented in the ‘fuck the media’ media have been “imported” from conflicts in other years, in other countries.

As for the far right “not causing all the boarded up windows, looted businesses, vandalism, fire’s, etc”...I suppose you missed the photos of the white St. Paul policeman in Minneapolis, caught on video breaking windows with a pink hammer at the very start of the looting, early on the first big night of Minneapolis after George Floyd’s killing...I suppose you never saw the captures of dozens of WHITE looters pushing their piled-high shopping carts out of the stores before the sun set and the fires started. I suppose you never saw the photos of the young white man, a three-percenter, by the tattoo, setting fire to the Nashville courthouse. I suppose you didn’t see the images of the Proud Boys surrounding the Georgia Capitol building, or of Alex Jones, circling the building in his armored personnel carrier, calling through a mounted speaker for an uprising in Georgia. Not surprised, those photos and videos disappeared pretty fast, I tried to capture some...I’ll check and see what I’ve got. I’ll be willing to bet that none of that appeared on the “liberal” media - or on the alternate-reality media, either. So, whose plot is this?
I'm well aware that the Portland Police have racists as do police departments all across America. But Portland has a history of hiring Black Police Chiefs that goes back decades with Charles Moose. In fact the President of the Portland Police Union is black. I also remember Mark Kruger when as a Captain on the force made a shrine to adolf hitler.

Portland is an odd city as it's one of the whitest big cities in America yet was at the forefront of the BLM movement. It's a city of contradictions. But a great city and one that will survive this recent nonsense and become even better. Most of the destruction has been confined to a few areas and downtown it's mostly confined to at most a 10 x 10 block area in the heart of the city. Unfortunately that's where a good portion of everything that draws people to the city resides. It's going to take some time after Covid to get people to return after the months of mayhem brought by antifa for people living out in the suburbs that ring Portland to return to spend their money.

It's sad to watch so many businesses closing down especially the restaurants. They might have survived Covid with delivery and outside seating but there was no possible way to overcome Covid and the nightly chaos caused by antifa. So many previous success stories have turned into failure.

Born here, live here, plan on dying here. During this last year the most destructive force has been antifa.

But getting back to the topic of this thread. Biden Shanked the Progressives. Just what is a progressive?

Some would say that a previous Oregon Governor Tom McCall was a progressive when he signed the bottle bill into law in the early seventies that put Oregon as the first state to enact a deposit on bottles and cans. Or championed the Beach Bill which gave public access to 100% of the Oregon coast.

Tom McCall was a Republican. Today he would be called a RINO by the nuts that have taken over the Republican party. But there was a time when everyone could work together, compromise, and at least get a few things done that would benefit everyone. It's past time that the Republican party takes back the reigns from the conspiracy theory Qanon crazies that have hijacked their once respectable party and replaced it with nothing but ignorance.

We need them to come back to the table to talk and work things out. But they tremble in fear because of the extremists that have attached themselves to their party.

You started hijacking this thread by calling out Antifa as if THEY are the worst problem in Portland. I'm just saying that Portland has a problem with fascists on its police department. Not simply racists but fascists who have shown singular violence toward minorities in Portland and and celebrate violence. Don't deflect to "other cities". We are talking about Portland and perhaps townships nearby.

Antifa exists because people in Portland oppose the fascist element on the Portland police department. More than 2000 times during this summer, Portland Police used violent force against Black Lives Matters protesters and Antifa. That's an order of magnitude worse than some broken windows. It's time that we stop looking the other way when police kill or beat the people they are supposed to protect. So how about we take serious look at how to stop that?

I'm all for talking things out. I simply want the talk to focus on the cause of Antifa's protests, which is fascist control of Portland's police department. I'd be willing to say that most police in Portland want that kind of thing out of their union too. I'm all for funding the police appropriately. Even the police say they are asked to do too much. So, let's re-scope their jobs and offload some of their work to people who are better trained to deal with it.
It's been the far left that has been causing the damage. The vandalism, looting, etc... has all occurred during protests and marches where members of the extreme left decided to run amok. I'm not defending the far right but they didn't cause all the boarded up windows, looted businesses, vandalism, fire's, etc...

Maybe not 'all', but I would argue that there is a lot of evidence that the racist white people are the ones that started the majority of the damage in the minority cities that Trump jumped on to create more violence.
how do you know it was far left?

Well just by looking at the man that's intimidating that elderly woman's skin it's obvious that he isn't a proud boy. That was an incident at the Pembura Kelley building at 47th and Burnside where the Portland Police and Multnomah County Sheriffs office share a space. This was a group of the "Defund Police" crowd trying to set the building on fire. It's in the middle of a residential area. I know for a fact that these thugs are not right wingers. They're the same people that were vandalizing and causing mayhem for months. If they're not the left then who are they and why are there no loud voices on the left condemning their behaviour? A whisper here and there is all that's been heard.

I'm sure glad that it's gotten cold as they don't have the fortitude to continue with their nonsense any longer.
Well just by looking at the man that's intimidating that elderly woman's skin it's obvious that he isn't a proud boy. That was an incident at the Pembura Kelley building at 47th and Burnside where the Portland Police and Multnomah County Sheriffs office share a space. This was a group of the "Defund Police" crowd trying to set the building on fire. It's in the middle of a residential area. I know for a fact that these thugs are not right wingers. They're the same people that were vandalizing and causing mayhem for months. If they're not the left then who are they and why are there no loud voices on the left condemning their behaviour? A whisper here and there is all that's been heard.

I'm sure glad that it's gotten cold as they don't have the fortitude to continue with their nonsense any longer.
You are wrong to think that there is not strong condemnation of the violence from the left. Want to guess how many millions Biden paid to run the ads doing just that?

The right wing sound machine pushing the narrative shouldn't trick you into thinking otherwise.

Also how do you know these people are 'left' is a very important point. Just because one side has branded themselves as 'the right', doesn't mean everyone else is 'the left'.

And if they are saying 'defund the police' I would suggest they are likely just more online radicalized people.
Well just by looking at the man that's intimidating that elderly woman's skin it's obvious that he isn't a proud boy. That was an incident at the Pembura Kelley building at 47th and Burnside where the Portland Police and Multnomah County Sheriffs office share a space. This was a group of the "Defund Police" crowd trying to set the building on fire. It's in the middle of a residential area. I know for a fact that these thugs are not right wingers. They're the same people that were vandalizing and causing mayhem for months. If they're not the left then who are they and why are there no loud voices on the left condemning their behaviour? A whisper here and there is all that's been heard.

I'm sure glad that it's gotten cold as they don't have the fortitude to continue with their nonsense any longer.
Since the police took sides and decided illegally in support of one side, their narrative of the situation must by extension be corrupt too. Who's commission would you trust to get to the bottom of what happened and who was responsible, Trump's or Biden's? There's your answer, Biden's appointees will follow legal procedures and let the chips fall where they may. Trump has been fabricating the false narrative you are promulgating and that makes me suspicious of your motives and perceptions of the situation. The media doesn't seem to think these people are too much of an issue, blacks burned out city centers in the 60's protesting injustice and systemic racism, were they wrong to burn down their ghettos?

I never saw any of these supposed ANTIFA types carrying a gun, but almost all the right wingnuts are armed to the teeth, these betray the intentions of each side. They also indicate who is right and who is wrong, as John Lewis said, there's good trouble and this was it.
The material conditions surrounding modern history’s development have thrust upon humanity immense challenges that demanded bold, revolutionary solutions. In the aftermath of feudalism, the Industrial Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars, the working class was subjugated to the evils of capitalist exploitation, provoking a new economic model that could eradicate these horrors and inaugurate a world free of exploitation.

Today, humanity has revisited these challenges, using them as a case study to solve the growing crises within the capitalist system.
We’ve had enough of the mindless corporate mis-representatives plaguing our countries–so much that we’re seeing red. It’s time for solutions, comrades; real ones for the people, and there’s evidence that the movement’s growing.

A 2014 YouGov poll determined that 56% of Britons preferred greater income equality than greater wealth.

Another poll (2015) by the Legatum Institute proved that 55% of Britons believe that capitalism directly contributes to inequality. The numbers don’t lie, people, and your numbers are unstoppable.

When Nothing Goes Right; Go Left. we call it Birth Freedom Benefits which every child receives at birth; once you are of majority (at 18 you can go online and fill out the 'Unsubscribe' to the $1k monthly SNAP $400 monthly and Americare (Medicare for all that Schuylaar renamed).

the beauty? you can check one box, all boxes or none of the boxes..your choice- you're 18.

so to recap; at birth your family has been chosen to receive money for you to be housed, fed, clothed and health..then at 18 they check back to see if any of your choices have changed.

i'm totally getting this t-shirt.
Last edited:
Since the police took sides and decided illegally in support of one side, their narrative of the situation must by extension be corrupt too. Who's commission would you trust to get to the bottom of what happened and who was responsible, Trump's or Biden's? There's your answer, Biden's appointees will follow legal procedures and let the chips fall where they may. Trump has been fabricating the false narrative you are promulgating and that makes me suspicious of your motives and perceptions of the situation. The media doesn't seem to think these people are too much of an issue, blacks burned out city centers in the 60's protesting injustice and systemic racism, were they wrong to burn down their ghettos?

I never saw any of these supposed ANTIFA types carrying a gun, but almost all the right wingnuts are armed to the teeth, these betray the intentions of each side. They also indicate who is right and who is wrong, as John Lewis said, there's good trouble and this was it.

Oh they carry guns. They just don't make a big deal out of it.

Michael Reinoehl, 48, a self-described antifa supporter, was filmed shooting the man during last weekend's tension, and admitted to it before his death.

Aaron Danielson, an American supporter of the far-right group Patriot Prayer, was shot dead after participating in "Trump 2020 Cruise Rally"

Regardless of all that, I don't think the real Progressives on the left condone that behaviour or want to be associated with the antifa crowd. Unfortunately that's who most people across the country associate antifa with. And one of the reasons the Democrats lost House seats last election. The Defund the Police message is not something most people agree with including Democrats.