Biden is clever enough to still be running circles around the world dictators' attempts to trigger world war 3.
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You do know that the stock markets are higher than ever before, inflation is down to normal levels and yes houses are more expensive than they were, but that is because the people who own them did not lose all the money they invested into them unlike the last time the Republicans allowed our economy to melt.

As for being harder than ever to buy a home as a kid, I would point out the interest rates during Reagan's presidency.
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I would be happy to get 4 more years of Biden. Shit I would even be happy for 1 year of Biden 3 of Harris. The trick is to realize that the presidency is not anything other than a team effort, and right now the Democrats have the best team when it comes to working to help the needs of the American people along with doing our part to help the rest of the world.
Wholeheartedly agree: Biden wasn’t on my radar in any of his previous runs…I just couldn’t get a fix on him, outside of a drubbing he gave HRC in committee a long time ago.

At this point, the best presidents we’ve had in my lifetime have been Eisenhower & Joe. To tell the truth, I’d vote for him this year, even if I knew he’d pass 5 minutes after they called it for him

MAGA needs - and the American voter deserves to deliver - an utterly catastrophic defeat to GOP (in all their irradiated, self-righteous manifestations) this November…but them just LOSING will be enough for the nation to survive
I don't pretend to be a war buff, and before Trump really did not have a lot of bandwidth earmarked towards foreign affairs, but I do tend to understand trolling pretty well, and how they bait people into shit.

So I just had a random thought.

Russia is at a point that they are building weapons faster than we are thanks to Republican obstructing defense bills. We have treaties with Isreal that would mean we have to break the law for Biden to stop selling them arms (pretty sure, willing to be corrected if I am wrong).

I read a fascinating article from a couple of Russian ex-pats a while back: their basic point is that Russia isn’t building weapons fast. Between corruption, equipment rot, scarcity of parts & materials, and the general disinterest of workers, they have no hope of replacing stock. It’s why they’ve been begging the other tough guys to give him weapons, ammo, drones, & soldiers (growing # of reports re: Chinese soldiers in Belarus)

China has also backed off of Sabre-rattling around Taiwan, because China likes sure bets, and they’ve been holding back on their endless friendship w/ Moscow, too. Biden’s a wily old goat….
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To all the has-been akters, pud casters, polytishens and yewtoob "influencers": You are so desperate for attention that you can't handle life without it, so challenge Biden yourself. Don't just demand that he withdraw, that's so simple, go up against him at the convention and we'll see what you've got.
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To all the has-been akters, pud casters, polytishens and yewtoob "influencers": You are so desperate for attention that you can't handle life without it, so challenge Biden yourself. Don't just demand that he withdraw, that's so simple, go up against him at the convention and we'll see what you've got.
It’s the American Way!