Did a little tie down today. Nothing major and only broke one bud site.
The Blueberry! This is the one that I broke a bud site. Tried taping it up but no luck.
Yesterday the ladies were tied down, then I went to my tent to work on the plants :laugh::19::laugh::19:.
The Blueberry yesterday afternoon.
This morning
LSD #2 yesterday afternoon.
This morning
This morning the reservoir was down 3 gallons so I added the 3 gallons back with RO, last added water 2.5 days ago. The EC was down to 0.7 so I added 20 ml each of Micro and Bloom which brought the EC back to 0.9, spot on. The pH was perfect at 6.01..
Had to retie today, every one of the ladies have added nodes and can handle another tie down.
Group shots, nice tie down, good even canopy.
All is going well.
As I am new to this grow system and loving it. Can't believe the growth now that the roots are well established. Not sure when I will go into flower, would like for them to get some height so I can put a net above them for flowering and tying them to the net
Nine days since last root pics and 32 days since transplant into the Gro & Flo buckets. Drinking well and taken up nutrients. About 2 gallons per day and EC dropping 0.1 per day. Have been adding water and nutrients every couple of days.
The reservoir was changed on 12/21/22 and will be changed this week, probably on Tuesday.
Going to do a minor trim tomorrow and Tuesday, plants very thick with lots of big fans, in prep to start flowering in a week or two.
Am very pleased with the color of the ladies and the root growth.
Will also be adding a copper screen this week to bottom of outer pots. Going to see if it will prevent the roots from plugging the drain holes.
Changed the reservoir Wednesday and everything is stable. Checking it this morning, they are drinking well, will add three gallons RO, adjust the nutrients and check the pH later today. The level of the solution is down two inches, with EC dropped to 0.7 and a pH of 5.76. Looking good and healthy, recovered from the defoliation and they have responded well.
Will tie them down again later today or tomorrow. I want to go into flower next week or the following at the latest.
Here they were tied down on Monday afternoon.
And 4 days later, today.
Second row.
And 4 days later, today.
Just a few more pics from today.
The single Blueberry.
Some of the LSD
Seeing lots of bud sites on every plant. Also from the trim on Monday I have a number of clones that will be going into the cloning machine today.
January 15th, 2023, 9AM
Reservoir Addition
6 gallons RO
30 ml Micro/Bloom
100 ml Hydroguard
EC 0.9
pH 5.97
The reservoir was down 3.5 inches today so I did the above. This is after the rez was changed on 1/11 with 30 gallons RO and the addition of nutrients, Micro/Bloom, Cal/Mag and HydroGuard.
Will be going into flower soon.
35 day since the clones were put in the ebb and flow buckets. They were retied down yesterday and have responded well. They need another round of trimming up the bottom and inside the canopy, early the next week.'
This is a low growing strain, my buddy whom I got the clones from started his into flower in mid November. He should be harvesting in a week or two. Here is EW's LSD.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
I am considering adding two more buckets to the existing 6 that are in the tent now.
In the pic below you can see there is room for the two buckets in the center of the rows. I have two unused ports on the so it should work well. That should fill the 5 X 5 tent to it's full potential. I am looking for a screen of some sort too use during flower to spread the plants.
Had not thought of that but I like the idea. Will need to see how much bigger I will need to make the reservoir, thinking I will need to go to a 45 gallon rez. Not sure how to expand the Orbit 8 port manifold to 9 buckets but will work on that.
Yes that is what i was thinking, just split one port, it really should not matter because the buckets will fill to the level I set the cutoff valves. So even if they do not get the full waterfall effect they will still fill like a regular ebb and flow.
Hey sorry did not see the question at first.
My reservoir is a 55 gallon drum that is filled to 30 gallon. When I do the new setup, I will increase the volume to 39 to 42 gallons.
January 20, 2023, a day that will live in infamy, the start of GR's LSD and Blueberry flower cycle.
Prior to pre-flower trim.
After pre-flower trim.
Not a major trim but just thinned and clone taking.
After trim
Had a little screw up! When I trimmed the above plant, my third of the day, I had removed the plant from the tent and to do that I took the Rainbird emitter out of the bucket and forgot to put it back in. At the 9 pm cycle time I went to the shop and saw water on the floor of the shop. It had been watering about 5 minutes before I got to the shop and had water in the drip tray and it had also sprayed outside the drip tray. Figure there was a 5 to 6 gallon spill, and it took about an hour to clean it up, refill the reservoir and add nutrients back and pH. Did not take much to pH, the Torus perfect XpH is doing it's job. All was well in the tent this morning.
Set the control bucket solution timer to 6 cycles per 12 hour light cycle.